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Edge Soccer Academy Pre-Season Meeting

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1 Edge Soccer Academy Pre-Season Meeting
Helping TEAMs Form a successful season

2 Documents to Be Collected From Parents
A signed Player Parent Contract EDGE PLAYER PARENT INFO FROM Please check to make sure jersey info is in and address is legible. Parents of players who are new to Edge should also bring: 1.A copy of their son/daughter birth certificate 2.A recent head shot photo of their son/daughter 3.A completed and signed US Club Medical Waiver  Team Payment

3 Documents to be Collected from Staff
Edge Coach Contract Edge Manager Contract EDGE COACH MANAGER INFO FORM

4 Coach Expectations of Player and Parents
Let your coach present / edit this slide Ideas Team philosophy- hopefully centered around development/education Player expectations: Attendance to everything? Punishment if poor attendance? Requirements to practice/play? Shin guards? Must attend practices to play? Injuries MUST be reported. Failure to report=??? Team Rules: Social media, bullying, taking care of equipment, dress code for travel/practice/games, alcohol/tobacco/parties etc. Parent communication with coach (24 hour rule? Players only?) Commitment expectations and repercussions Do players have to attend all sessions and be on time? Increasing one variable sometimes decreases another

5 Manager Expectations of Parents
Let your manager present / edit this slide Expectations/Ideas Parents will check and respond to s within a week Parents will pay fees by listed due date unless otherwise stated Parents will support coach and manager in decisions Parents are committed for the FULL season and will attend all games Early withdrawal refund policy? Parents will adhere to Parent/Player contract including referee policy Parents are required attend pre-season club meeting Other Team refund policy in general Volunteer hours to help with ??? Increasing one variable sometimes decreases another

6 Parent Expectations of Club and Team
The club and team commit to providing… Written player assessment (spring only) Free clinic(s): At least one per season Coaching oversight, written feedback for coaches The option to play and compete in weekly, local, small sided games Free parent, coach, and player educational lectures: College Recruiting Process Nurtition and Recovery for Youth Athletes Motor Control and Neuroplastisity Basics of Exercise Science and Injury Prevention Equal play time and a variety of positions for players age 12 and under Coaches should promote values stated in Edge Player Development Model (see next slide).

7 Parent Expectations of Club and Team

8 Club Expectations of Parents
Club director needs to be informed by parents if… A coach or manager fails to fulfill club expectations Please with concerns.

9 Season Outlook Managers edit this slide to include
Season Length/Training time/day/location Weekend game schedule This might be a good time to collect information on when players are available. Many teams sign up for a tournament, only to later find out that players cannot attend due to a conflict. The team then ends up having to withdrawal from the competition late which damages the relationship we have with other clubs. Small-sided game schedule

10 Financial Summary Edge Club Fee: $110.00/player Tournament Fee: $
Field Use Fee:$ Uniform Fee:$ Miscellaneous Fee:$ TOTAL FEE/PLAYER: $

11 Other Questions/Comments from parents?

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