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The Personal Statement:

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1 The Personal Statement:

2 Where will I see the personal statement?
Personal statement letters or essays will appear throughout your adult life. College Applications Specialty Schools Job Applications Job Interviews

3 What do they want to know, and why?
Your personal statement is your chance to tell us who you are and what’s important to you. Think of it as your opportunity to introduce yourself to the admissions and scholarship officers reading your application. Be open, be honest, be real. What you tell us in your personal statement gives readers the context to better understand the rest of the information you’ve provided in your application.

4 The Personal Statement is NOT…
A critique or judgment of your writing ability. - Readers are not hoping to find a perfect 5 paragraph essay, but rather a glimpse of the individual behind the grades and test scores.

5 In light of the purpose of the personal statement two essential questions emerge:
1. Why might knowing about my family, community, and school be important to the college admission counselor? 2. How can I make my personal statement standout from the tens of thousands of other personal statements submitted?

6 Brainstorm Joyful Optimistic Handsome Nice Get to know yourself.
Create a bumper sticker using your name as an acronym for character traits that describe you. Example: Joyful Optimistic Handsome Nice Remember! Your bumper sticker should be a marketable item, include color and visuals.

7 Quick Write What is it like growing up in my family?

8 Quick Write What is it like growing up in my school and community?

9 Quick Write What are my dreams and aspirations?

10 Quick Write What are my personal strengths and weaknesses?

11 Find a common thread or theme
Now that you have various viewpoints and angles at which to see yourself re-read your quick writes, with a highlighter in hand, and underline any reoccurring subjects or themes that pop up in your writing. Also, underline any statements that particularly describe you or the way that you view life. Now you have found what truly motivates you or sets you apart from other applicants. Use this to focus your statement and truly set yourself apart from the crowd. If you get stuck… use this “I am a person who…”

12 Gallery Walk 1. We will conduct two Gallery Walk sessions
2. Count off by twos. 3. The ones will stand by their poster 4. The twos will choose one poster by which to begin their walk. 5. The twos will ask questions of the artist/writer. 6. The ones will answer the questions. 7. Then we will switch roles.

13 Gallery Walk Questions
1. How has growing up in your family helped shape your dreams and aspirations? 2. How has growing up in your community helped shape your dreams and aspirations? 3. How has attending your school helped shape your dreams and aspirations? 4. How do your strengths and weaknesses relate to the person you are?

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