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Tiered Monitoring – ESEA Compliance
Tiered Monitoring – ESEA Compliance
For the School year, Cohort 1 will be required to submit the Self-Monitoring Checklists and required documents. However, every school should be in compliance with ESEA every year. I would not anticipate that the checklists will be available on the web applications page until late September or early October. The due dates listed below were for ESEA Compliance – Self-Monitoring Checklists for the school year: October Cycle – October 15 December Cycle – December 15 February Cycle – February 15 April Cycle – April 15 Migrant and ELL – Self-Monitoring Checklist – December 31
Change Year
General Notes The Self-Monitoring Checklists are developed to collect information and documentation for the current school year. Items regarding Nonpublic Services and Neglected and Delinquent Institutions are not applicable to the charter schools. The public school district is responsible for all applicable services to these schools/institutions.
Sample Questions
General Notes For each question, the LEA has the option of marking the item with a Y= is compliant; N= is not compliant; NA= Not applicable; or DR = District/LEA Resolving. There are very few instances in which you would mark the item as Not Applicable except for questions regarding Nonpublic or Neglected and Delinquent Institutions. If your LEA is out of compliance with a section, you have two options, mark either “N” or “DR.” I would advise using the DR and attaching your plan of action to correct the item where you are non-compliant. If you answer N as not compliant, DESE will automatically send you a corrective action plan which will require you to submit a plan of action.
General Notes The checkboxes show items you could use to document compliance. Some of the checkboxes indicate that the item is required, other checkboxes are optional. If you mark a checkbox, you should attach the documentation, unless it specifically states that you do not need to upload or submit. The LEA Comment gives space for the LEA to provide a clarification note to DESE.
General Notes Every time the checklist asks for documentation of a meeting, you should provide a copy of the meeting agenda, minutes and sign-in sheets. The sign-in sheets should show the name and “title” (i.e., parent, teacher, counselor, etc.) of the person attending. If you have invitations, s, or other forms of notification of the meeting, that should also be included as part of your documentation.
General Notes Each submission usually has at least two sections -- General Provisions and Title I.A. I used last year’s checklists as a guide to provide information for the school year.
General Provisions – Items Covered
ESSA Complaint Procedures - October McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Program – October, February Migrant Education - October English Learners - October Nonpublic – October, December, April -- not applicable to charter schools
General Provisions-October
ESSA Complaint Procedures for Federal Programs – must be distributed to every parent. (Revised April 2017)
General Provisions-October
McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Program Questions on student enrollment form Meetings/communication with community social and welfare agencies, shelters, churches, etc. Board adopted policies and procedures – no barriers to enrollment, attendance and success of students Board approved process for the resolution of disagreements about eligibility and placement and an appeal process Board approved Homeless Coordinator, job description of duties, staff trainings, communications, notifying other school personnel of the duties of the coordinator Public notice of educational rights are posted
General Provisions - February
McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Program – Documentation of services to homeless children. Since every LEA is required to set-aside funds for services to homeless students (Step 3 of Title I BOA), list the services you have provided for homeless children and youth. Examples could include transportation, clothing, personal items, school supplies, liaison with social services, etc.
General Provisions - October
Migrant Education Program – Every LEA must have a written Migrant procedure in place. It does not need Board Approval. The Migrant education procedure must address: screening and identification of migrant students, notification of the State Migrant and English Learner (MELL) Director of the presence of potentially eligible students, completion of family interview forms, etc. There must be a separate survey form or question on the student enrollment form regarding Migrant. If the school identifies a potentially eligible Migrant student, the State Migrant office is responsible for completion of the Certificate of Eligibility for that student. Charter school staff do not have the training to complete this task.
General Provisions-October
English Learners Questions on student enrollment form or language survey to identify students whose first language, home language, or both, is other than English. Board adopted policy concerning the education of EL students that address student identification, language assessment, EL coordinator and EL services. Board appointed English Language Coordinator. If school has more than 19 EL students, a full-time , qualified ESOL endorsed teacher must be hired with local funds to serve those students.
Title I. A – Items Covered
Annual Title I.A Meeting – October Parent and Family Engagement and Notifications – October, December, February Title I.A LEA Plan and Schoolwide Plan(s) – December Breakdown of Allocations – December Neglected Institutions –December – not applicable to charter schools Paraprofessionals – December Coordination and Integration – February Preschool Education Program – February Targeted Assistance Schools – February Annual Evaluation Process - April
Title I.A -October Annual Title I Meeting – Documentation of the annual meeting for each Title I school where parents are informed of the school’s participation in Title I, the requirements of Title I, and the parent’s right to be involved. Agenda, minutes, sign-in sheets are required documentation. This meeting should take place at the beginning of school year. LEA Parent and Family Engagement Policy – Documentation that the board approved parent and family engagement policy has been reviewed with input from parents and distributed to all parents. Must include the items in Section 1116(a) (2)-Written Policy of the ESSA law. Agenda, minutes, sign-in sheets are required documentation. Must document how it has been distributed to all parents.
Title I.A -October LEA Parent and Family Engagement Policy must include a statement similar to the following: (D) conduct, with the meaningful involvement of parents and family members, an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the parent and family engagement policy in improving the academic quality of all schools served under this part, including identifying— (i) barriers to greater participation by parents in activities authorized by this section (with particular attention to parents who are economically disadvantaged, are disabled, have limited English proficiency, have limited literacy, or are of any racial or ethnic minority background); (ii) the needs of parents and family members to assist with the learning of their children, including engaging with school personnel and teachers; and (iii) strategies to support successful school and family interactions. . .
Title I.A -December School Parent and Community Engagement Policy– Documentation that each Title I-served school has jointly developed and reviewed with parents a Parent and Community Engagement Policy. The LEA may choose to consolidate the plans for all schools into one overall policy. Must include the School Parent Compact. Must meet all the requirements of Section 1116(b) through (h). Must document with meeting agendas, sign-in sheets, minutes of meetings and copies of correspondence with parents regarding the review and development of the plan and the School Parent Compact. Must document how this is distributed to parents.
Title I.A -December Parents’ Right to Know – Every parent must be notified annually of their right to request information regarding professional qualifications of teachers. How did you distribute? Parent Notification – Must provide to each individual parent of a student that has been assigned, or taught for 4 or more consecutive weeks by, a teacher who does not meet applicable State certification or licensure requirements at the grade level and subject area in which the teacher has been assigned.
Title I.A - February Effectiveness of Parental Involvement - The Parent Involvement Policy includes the requirement to conduct, with the meaningful involvement of parents and family members, an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the parent and family engagement policy in improving the academic quality of all Title I schools. Section 1116(2)(D).
Title I.A -December In the past, the December cycle collected the planning documentation. Since the Title I.A LEA plan and the Schoolwide plans are not being submitted for the school year, I am not sure what DESE will require for this year. Even though you do not submit plans this year, your school should conduct the needs assessment to plan for the school year. I would suggest keeping documentation of these meetings. Title I.A Breakdown of Allocation (BOA) - documentation of the numbers used on Step 1 of the BOA. Did you use the February Cycle of Core Data Screens 15 and 16? Did you use substantial increase data submitted by your sponsor?
Title I.A -December Paraprofessionals – Documentation that all instructional paraprofessionals have a minimum of 60 semester hours of college credit with a certified transcript on file, or has taken and passed the ParaPro Assessment or Paraprofessional Assessment. Documentation that the instructional paraprofessional are under the direct supervision of an appropriately certified teacher. Coordination and Integration – Provide documentation that Title I services are coordinated and integrated with other educational services, such as services for English Learners, children with disabilities, migratory children and homeless children and youths, in order to increase program effectiveness, eliminate duplication, and reduce fragmentation of the instructional program.
Title I.A - February Preschool Education Program – Indicate curriculum model and provide evidence of teacher training, if school offers this program. Targeted Assistance Schools – Services provided only to and for identified students. Students identified through multiple criteria. Annual Evaluation – I am checking with DESE on this question.
Title II.A – Items Covered
Needs Assessment – February District Professional Development Plan Waiting for guidance from DESE. Will this be required for schools that transfer funds or use the schoolwide pool option?
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