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Education Equity Research Initiative: Focus on Equity to Inform Internal Evaluations lessons from Jordan Amy Mulcahy-Dunn, Chris Cummiskey, Simon King,

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Presentation on theme: "Education Equity Research Initiative: Focus on Equity to Inform Internal Evaluations lessons from Jordan Amy Mulcahy-Dunn, Chris Cummiskey, Simon King,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Education Equity Research Initiative: Focus on Equity to Inform Internal Evaluations lessons from Jordan Amy Mulcahy-Dunn, Chris Cummiskey, Simon King, Lee Nordstrum, Sarrynna Sou RTI International

2 Jordan - EdData Pilot Reading Program
Basic reading and mathematics skills of 2nd and 3rd grade students were assessed using EGRA/EGMA in 156 schools and 2976 students throughout the country 2012/2013 A pilot program developed to address deficiencies in reading and mathematics identified in assessment is launched 2013/2014 pilot implemented in 40 randomly selected primary schools 2014 Endline-assessment conducted in 40 treatment schools and 116 control schools and 2935 students

3 Findings – EGRA by Equity Dimensions

4 Within School Distribution of Non-Readers 2012

5 Shifts in Students by Reader Category and Q1 and Q4 SES quartile
The lowest quartile saw the largest shift in readers across reader categories when compared to the shifts in the other wealth quartiles (43% vs 31%, 10%, 30% respectively for Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4). By Far, the largest single category shift was seen in the reduction in non-readers (27.1% to 5.7%) in Q1. Q4 saw the second largest category shift was in the increase in readers ( 13.8 to 28.9).

6 Students by Reader Category and Gender
Treatment 2014

7 Strong Performing Schools Were More Likely to Have Teachers Who…
received specific pre-service training in how to teach reading use homework and worksheets as one of their student assessment methods, responded constructively when students were unable to answer a question correctly, and were satisfied with parental involvement, and

8 Strong Performing Schools Were More Likely to…
have been supported by the Ministry of Education (MOE) in receiving more frequent education supervisor visits (every 2 to 3 months during the year), have a head teachers who orally evaluated students themselves, likely indicating closer Head Teacher involvement in classroom activities.

9 Stronger Performing Students Were More Likely to…
have attended preschool or kindergarten have books at home to read read at home not have repeated a grade not be overaged

10 Comparing these characteristics to sub populations identified as being disadvantaged can indicate program modifications needed to help address disparities in performance and increase overall program effectiveness

11 Characteristics Associated with Stronger Student Performance
Low SES School Received specific pre-service training in how to teach reading _ * Use homework and worksheets as one of their student assessment methods, _ *HW Respond constructively when students were unable to answer a question correctly _* Are satisfied with parental involvement Receive frequent education supervisor visits (every 2 to 3 months during the year + Head Teachers orally evaluates students +*

12 Characteristics Associated with Stronger Student Performance
Low SES School Received specific pre-service training in how to teach reading _ * Use homework and worksheets as one of their student assessment methods, _ *HW Respond constructively when students were unable to answer a question correctly _* Are satisfied with parental involvement Receive frequent education supervisor visits (every 2 to 3 months during the year + Head Teachers orally evaluates students +* Targeted teacher training and support in low SES schools that provides additional focus on these areas of weakness Institute community engagement activities to encourage and support greater parental engagement particularly in low SES schools

13 Characteristics Associated with Stronger Student Performance
Low SES School Attended preschool or kindergarten _ * Rave books at home to read Read at home _* Repeater +* Overage

14 Characteristics Associated with Stronger Student Performance
Low SES School Girl School Attended preschool or kindergarten _ * Have books at home to read Read at home _* Repeater +* Overage Introduce concentrated school entry program for first grade students who did not attend kindergarten Institute a book lending system to allow children to bring books home Create a incentive system/competition to encourage reading at home Prioritize support of remedial education programs in schools with higher concentrations of repeaters/overage children

15 Conclusions Equity analysis allows program designers and implementers to identify disparities in student performance at baseline This identification permits the targeted support to disadvantaged populations and schools Identifying characteristics associated with greater student performance that correlate with equity dimensions permits the identification of interventions needed to address barriers to equity


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