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PlanLab PlanLabX3 is an enterprise platform designed with all advisers and all clients in mind. The platform is designed to leverage technology in order.

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Presentation on theme: "PlanLab PlanLabX3 is an enterprise platform designed with all advisers and all clients in mind. The platform is designed to leverage technology in order."— Presentation transcript:

1 PlanLab PlanLabX3 is an enterprise platform designed with all advisers and all clients in mind. The platform is designed to leverage technology in order to streamline the financial sales process and make it easier for advisers and enterprises to do business day to day. When considering PlanLabX3, we want you to think beyond what traditional financial planning software offers- basic functionality like retirement planning, survivor needs, and education funding. We want you to think about your advisers. How do they do business every day? Where do they spend the bulk of their time? Is it in front of clients or in front of the computer? Are they meeting new prospects and moving the sales process forward or are they calling the support line for their financial planning software? We also want you to think about your enterprise. Where does your staff spend most of their time? Does advanced markets spend more time running plans or gathering and re-entering client information? Does marketing spend more time analysing data or gathering it? PlanLab was designed to bring efficiencies to both these areas. Firstly, PlanLab streamlines the financial sales process for advisers. PlanLab offers one platform to serve the needs of any client and for any adviser- whether they perform single-need transactional sales, multiple product sales, comprehensive planning, or fee-based planning. Our demonstration today will show you how we provide one common platform for all advisors and one common platform for all clients powered by one common calculation engine, PlanLabX3. BMC Profiles Ltd. & Impact Technologies Group, Inc. | May, 2005

2 One Tool For All Clients
At a high level, we present the financial marketplace broken down into 3 distinctive phases, the Emerging Market, the Emerging Affluent/Middle Market, and the Affluent/High Net Worth Market. Every enterprise today, whether you’re a bank, insurance carrier or brokerage house, are racing to capture the trusted advisor relationship with the markets they target. Doing so would enrich client relationships and create a continuous loop of buying affinities. In each phase of the financial marketplace, consumers will have different needs. Consumers in the Emerging Market have limited dollars to spend, often only purchasing protection products. Most consumers today however are found in the Emerging Affluent/Middle Market, in the accumulation phase of their life. These consumers have dollars to spend for most financial products manufactured and offered today. A much smaller population, but very profitable in return is the Affluent/High Net Worth Market. These consumers have unlimited dollars to spend but often, very sophisticated needs. By contrast, the number of advisors servicing this market are small when compared to the Emerging Affluent, Middle Market. Today, companies spend a lot of money to load tools in the advisors tool belt in order to sell and service all of these markets. However, advisors typically end up using only one or two tools in their tool belt for many reasons. PlanLab was designed to focus primarily on the needs in the Emerging Market and Emerging Affluent, Middle Market but still maintain the flexibility to address the needs of the Affluent, High Net Worth Market. PlanLab and PlanLab Office System can become your advisors’ everyday sales platform, flexible enough to o address the needs of your entire client base.

3 One Tool for All Advisors
As this is one tool for all clients, it also must be one tool for all advisers- a tool that any advisor can use in their everyday practice. That is why PlanLab is uniquely built to support a full range of adviser presentation styles. From quick transactional sales to comprehensive fee-based financial planning, PlanLab always delivers the same accuracy and sophistication in its calculations, but the presentations change in order to suit the adviser’s presentation styles. Regardless of how an adviser sells, Impact recognises that following the financial sales process, from Profiling to Planning to Implementing to Monitoring, provides greater benefits to the client, increased sales opportunities for the adviser, and more long-term business for the enterprise. The goal of PlanLab is not to skip over some of the steps in the process, but instead leverage technology to streamline the process and automate the most time consuming parts.

4 Streamlining the Process
The whole goal for an adviser is to quickly turn raw client data into a professional printed presentation ready to be shown to a client. This process, which can take days, weeks or even months to complete depending on the complexity of the case, can now be completed in a matter of minutes with PlanLab. The system comes in an easy-to-use, web-based package that requires little or no training to get started and its intuitive features make it easy to collect and analyse client data, motivate clients to action, and monitor their progress. PlanLab makes it easier for advisers to do business day to day.

5 Solve Key Business Challenges
Increase the time advisers spend with clients In addition to making it easy for advisors to do business, one common platform can bring value to various parts of the enterprise. In addition to cost sharing, common training and supporting resources and consistency of calculations and advice between the middle market/affluent/fee based channels, PlanLab can help solve other key business challenges from an enterprise perspective. Increase the time advisors spend with clients: Remove manual processes that consume valuable “client facing” and sales time. These include putting client information into multiple software programs, training on multiple software programs, maintaining records of presentations made to clients, maintaining files of client fact finders filled out, risk assessments filled out, forms/papers received from client, gathering up all client information, making copies and sending to other members of the sales team, who may then have to re-enter all the client data again into the software. Grow “Trusted Advisor” relationships: Automate the planning process to address the needs of the client, not the capabilities of the advisor. Position yourself as an advisor concerned with all areas of the client’s financial life. Address multiple financial needs with your clients- talk about areas other advisors are not. This holds you out as the person the client will come to when they have any question regarding their finances. Provide a systematic approach to planning: Apply the firm’s “best practices” and the advisor’s “financial know-how” to create consistent planning advice across the enterprise. Enterprises can make sure that advisors are talking about all the different financial areas the firm can service. Make sure needs are not overlooked. Make sure clients are receiving the level of service they deserve. Effectively use other members of your sales team: Support collaboration between advisors and planning specialists. So much time is wasted with gathering up client information and getting into a format that your sales team can use, that they lose time they could be spending working on the case. Integrate and streamline systems: Integrate PlanLab with your existing systems such as CRM and financial products, and analyze results through enterprise management reports. Give your advisors the tools to enter in client information, analyze needs, and make recommendations all on one platform. Give them one place to go to support their entire sales process! PlanLab can add value to the entire enterprise in many ways like usage reports for marketing and sales management, automatic presentation archiving for compliance and what-if scenario planning for advanced planning departments, but at this point it may be helpful to walk through the software from an advisor’s perspective to get an idea of what PlanLab has to offer…

6 Solve Key Business Challenges
Increase the time advisers spend with clients Grow “Trusted Adviser” relationships In addition to making it easy for advisors to do business, one common platform can bring value to various parts of the enterprise. In addition to cost sharing, common training and supporting resources and consistency of calculations and advice between the middle market/affluent/fee based channels, PlanLab can help solve other key business challenges from an enterprise perspective. Increase the time advisors spend with clients: Remove manual processes that consume valuable “client facing” and sales time. These include putting client information into multiple software programs, training on multiple software programs, maintaining records of presentations made to clients, maintaining files of client fact finders filled out, risk assessments filled out, forms/papers received from client, gathering up all client information, making copies and sending to other members of the sales team, who may then have to re-enter all the client data again into the software. Grow “Trusted Adviser” relationships: Automate the planning process to address the needs of the client, not the capabilities of the advisor. Position yourself as an adviser concerned with all areas of the client’s financial life. Address multiple financial needs with your clients- talk about areas other advisers are not. This holds you out as the person the client will come to when they have any question regarding their finances. Provide a systematic approach to planning: Apply the firm’s “best practices” and the adviser’s “financial know-how” to create consistent planning advice across the enterprise. Enterprises can make sure that advisers are talking about all the different financial areas the firm can service. Make sure needs are not overlooked. Make sure clients are receiving the level of service they deserve. Effectively use other members of your sales team: Support collaboration between advisors and planning specialists. So much time is wasted with gathering up client information and getting into a format that your sales team can use, that they lose time they could be spending working on the case. Integrate and streamline systems: Integrate PlanLab with your existing systems such as CRM and financial products, and analyse results through enterprise management reports. Give your advisors the tools to enter in client information, analyse needs, and make recommendations all on one platform. Give them one place to go to support their entire sales process! PlanLab can add value to the entire enterprise in many ways like usage reports for marketing and sales management, automatic presentation archiving for compliance and what-if scenario planning for advanced planning departments, but at this point it may be helpful to walk through the software from an advisor’s perspective to get an idea of what PlanLab has to offer…

7 Solve Key Business Challenges
Increase the time advisers spend with clients Grow “Trusted Adviser” relationships Provide a systematic approach to planning In addition to making it easy for advisors to do business, one common platform can bring value to various parts of the enterprise. In addition to cost sharing, common training and supporting resources and consistency of calculations and advice between the middle market/affluent/fee based channels, PlanLab can help solve other key business challenges from an enterprise perspective. Increase the time advisors spend with clients: Remove manual processes that consume valuable “client facing” and sales time. These include putting client information into multiple software programs, training on multiple software programs, maintaining records of presentations made to clients, maintaining files of client fact finders filled out, risk assessments filled out, forms/papers received from client, gathering up all client information, making copies and sending to other members of the sales team, who may then have to re-enter all the client data again into the software. Grow “Trusted Advisor” relationships: Automate the planning process to address the needs of the client, not the capabilities of the advisor. Position yourself as an advisor concerned with all areas of the client’s financial life. Address multiple financial needs with your clients- talk about areas other advisors are not. This holds you out as the person the client will come to when they have any question regarding their finances. Provide a systematic approach to planning: Apply the firm’s “best practices” and the advisor’s “financial know-how” to create consistent planning advice across the enterprise. Enterprises can make sure that advisors are talking about all the different financial areas the firm can service. Make sure needs are not overlooked. Make sure clients are receiving the level of service they deserve. Effectively use other members of your sales team: Support collaboration between advisors and planning specialists. So much time is wasted with gathering up client information and getting into a format that your sales team can use, that they lose time they could be spending working on the case. Integrate and streamline systems: Integrate PlanLab with your existing systems such as CRM and financial products, and analyze results through enterprise management reports. Give your advisors the tools to enter in client information, analyze needs, and make recommendations all on one platform. Give them one place to go to support their entire sales process! PlanLab can add value to the entire enterprise in many ways like usage reports for marketing and sales management, automatic presentation archiving for compliance and what-if scenario planning for advanced planning departments, but at this point it may be helpful to walk through the software from an advisor’s perspective to get an idea of what PlanLab has to offer…

8 Solve Key Business Challenges
Increase the time advisers spend with clients Grow “Trusted Adviser” relationships Provide a systematic approach to planning Effectively use other members of your sales team In addition to making it easy for advisors to do business, one common platform can bring value to various parts of the enterprise. In addition to cost sharing, common training and supporting resources and consistency of calculations and advice between the middle market/affluent/fee based channels, PlanLab can help solve other key business challenges from an enterprise perspective. Increase the time advisors spend with clients: Remove manual processes that consume valuable “client facing” and sales time. These include putting client information into multiple software programs, training on multiple software programs, maintaining records of presentations made to clients, maintaining files of client fact finders filled out, risk assessments filled out, forms/papers received from client, gathering up all client information, making copies and sending to other members of the sales team, who may then have to re-enter all the client data again into the software. Grow “Trusted Advisor” relationships: Automate the planning process to address the needs of the client, not the capabilities of the advisor. Position yourself as an advisor concerned with all areas of the client’s financial life. Address multiple financial needs with your clients- talk about areas other advisors are not. This holds you out as the person the client will come to when they have any question regarding their finances. Provide a systematic approach to planning: Apply the firm’s “best practices” and the advisor’s “financial know-how” to create consistent planning advice across the enterprise. Enterprises can make sure that advisors are talking about all the different financial areas the firm can service. Make sure needs are not overlooked. Make sure clients are receiving the level of service they deserve. Effectively use other members of your sales team: Support collaboration between advisors and planning specialists. So much time is wasted with gathering up client information and getting into a format that your sales team can use, that they lose time they could be spending working on the case. Integrate and streamline systems: Integrate PlanLab with your existing systems such as CRM and financial products, and analyze results through enterprise management reports. Give your advisors the tools to enter in client information, analyze needs, and make recommendations all on one platform. Give them one place to go to support their entire sales process! PlanLab can add value to the entire enterprise in many ways like usage reports for marketing and sales management, automatic presentation archiving for compliance and what-if scenario planning for advanced planning departments, but at this point it may be helpful to walk through the software from an advisor’s perspective to get an idea of what PlanLab has to offer…

9 Solve Key Business Challenges
Increase the time advisers spend with clients Grow “Trusted Adviser” relationships Provide a systematic approach to planning Effectively use other members of your sales team Integrate and streamline systems In addition to making it easy for advisors to do business, one common platform can bring value to various parts of the enterprise. In addition to cost sharing, common training and supporting resources and consistency of calculations and advice between the middle market/affluent/fee based channels, PlanLab can help solve other key business challenges from an enterprise perspective. Increase the time advisors spend with clients: Remove manual processes that consume valuable “client facing” and sales time. These include putting client information into multiple software programs, training on multiple software programs, maintaining records of presentations made to clients, maintaining files of client fact finders filled out, risk assessments filled out, forms/papers received from client, gathering up all client information, making copies and sending to other members of the sales team, who may then have to re-enter all the client data again into the software. Grow “Trusted Advisor” relationships: Automate the planning process to address the needs of the client, not the capabilities of the advisor. Position yourself as an advisor concerned with all areas of the client’s financial life. Address multiple financial needs with your clients- talk about areas other advisors are not. This holds you out as the person the client will come to when they have any question regarding their finances. Provide a systematic approach to planning: Apply the firm’s “best practices” and the advisor’s “financial know-how” to create consistent planning advice across the enterprise. Enterprises can make sure that advisors are talking about all the different financial areas the firm can service. Make sure needs are not overlooked. Make sure clients are receiving the level of service they deserve. Effectively use other members of your sales team: Support collaboration between advisors and planning specialists. So much time is wasted with gathering up client information and getting into a format that your sales team can use, that they lose time they could be spending working on the case. Integrate and streamline systems: Integrate PlanLab with your existing systems such as CRM and financial products, and analyze results through enterprise management reports. Give your advisors the tools to enter in client information, analyze needs, and make recommendations all on one platform. Give them one place to go to support their entire sales process! PlanLab can add value to the entire enterprise in many ways like usage reports for marketing and sales management, automatic presentation archiving for compliance and what-if scenario planning for advanced planning departments, but at this point it may be helpful to walk through the software from an advisor’s perspective to get an idea of what PlanLab has to offer…

10 Why online? Team collaboration in “real-time”
In addition to making it easy for advisors to do business, one common platform can bring value to various parts of the enterprise. In addition to cost sharing, common training and supporting resources and consistency of calculations and advice between the middle market/affluent/fee based channels, PlanLab can help solve other key business challenges from an enterprise perspective. Increase the time advisors spend with clients: Remove manual processes that consume valuable “client facing” and sales time. These include putting client information into multiple software programs, training on multiple software programs, maintaining records of presentations made to clients, maintaining files of client fact finders filled out, risk assessments filled out, forms/papers received from client, gathering up all client information, making copies and sending to other members of the sales team, who may then have to re-enter all the client data again into the software. Grow “Trusted Advisor” relationships: Automate the planning process to address the needs of the client, not the capabilities of the advisor. Position yourself as an advisor concerned with all areas of the client’s financial life. Address multiple financial needs with your clients- talk about areas other advisors are not. This holds you out as the person the client will come to when they have any question regarding their finances. Provide a systematic approach to planning: Apply the firm’s “best practices” and the advisor’s “financial know-how” to create consistent planning advice across the enterprise. Enterprises can make sure that advisors are talking about all the different financial areas the firm can service. Make sure needs are not overlooked. Make sure clients are receiving the level of service they deserve. Effectively use other members of your sales team: Support collaboration between advisors and planning specialists. So much time is wasted with gathering up client information and getting into a format that your sales team can use, that they lose time they could be spending working on the case. Integrate and streamline systems: Integrate PlanLab with your existing systems such as CRM and financial products, and analyze results through enterprise management reports. Give your advisors the tools to enter in client information, analyze needs, and make recommendations all on one platform. Give them one place to go to support their entire sales process! PlanLab can add value to the entire enterprise in many ways like usage reports for marketing and sales management, automatic presentation archiving for compliance and what-if scenario planning for advanced planning departments, but at this point it may be helpful to walk through the software from an advisor’s perspective to get an idea of what PlanLab has to offer…

11 Why online? Team collaboration in “real-time”
No more CD updates to go missing, or go wrong! In addition to making it easy for advisors to do business, one common platform can bring value to various parts of the enterprise. In addition to cost sharing, common training and supporting resources and consistency of calculations and advice between the middle market/affluent/fee based channels, PlanLab can help solve other key business challenges from an enterprise perspective. Increase the time advisors spend with clients: Remove manual processes that consume valuable “client facing” and sales time. These include putting client information into multiple software programs, training on multiple software programs, maintaining records of presentations made to clients, maintaining files of client fact finders filled out, risk assessments filled out, forms/papers received from client, gathering up all client information, making copies and sending to other members of the sales team, who may then have to re-enter all the client data again into the software. Grow “Trusted Advisor” relationships: Automate the planning process to address the needs of the client, not the capabilities of the advisor. Position yourself as an advisor concerned with all areas of the client’s financial life. Address multiple financial needs with your clients- talk about areas other advisors are not. This holds you out as the person the client will come to when they have any question regarding their finances. Provide a systematic approach to planning: Apply the firm’s “best practices” and the advisor’s “financial know-how” to create consistent planning advice across the enterprise. Enterprises can make sure that advisors are talking about all the different financial areas the firm can service. Make sure needs are not overlooked. Make sure clients are receiving the level of service they deserve. Effectively use other members of your sales team: Support collaboration between advisors and planning specialists. So much time is wasted with gathering up client information and getting into a format that your sales team can use, that they lose time they could be spending working on the case. Integrate and streamline systems: Integrate PlanLab with your existing systems such as CRM and financial products, and analyze results through enterprise management reports. Give your advisors the tools to enter in client information, analyze needs, and make recommendations all on one platform. Give them one place to go to support their entire sales process! PlanLab can add value to the entire enterprise in many ways like usage reports for marketing and sales management, automatic presentation archiving for compliance and what-if scenario planning for advanced planning departments, but at this point it may be helpful to walk through the software from an advisor’s perspective to get an idea of what PlanLab has to offer…

12 Why online? Team collaboration in “real-time”
No more CD updates to go missing, or go wrong! Updates, enhancements quicker to deploy In addition to making it easy for advisors to do business, one common platform can bring value to various parts of the enterprise. In addition to cost sharing, common training and supporting resources and consistency of calculations and advice between the middle market/affluent/fee based channels, PlanLab can help solve other key business challenges from an enterprise perspective. Increase the time advisors spend with clients: Remove manual processes that consume valuable “client facing” and sales time. These include putting client information into multiple software programs, training on multiple software programs, maintaining records of presentations made to clients, maintaining files of client fact finders filled out, risk assessments filled out, forms/papers received from client, gathering up all client information, making copies and sending to other members of the sales team, who may then have to re-enter all the client data again into the software. Grow “Trusted Advisor” relationships: Automate the planning process to address the needs of the client, not the capabilities of the advisor. Position yourself as an advisor concerned with all areas of the client’s financial life. Address multiple financial needs with your clients- talk about areas other advisors are not. This holds you out as the person the client will come to when they have any question regarding their finances. Provide a systematic approach to planning: Apply the firm’s “best practices” and the advisor’s “financial know-how” to create consistent planning advice across the enterprise. Enterprises can make sure that advisors are talking about all the different financial areas the firm can service. Make sure needs are not overlooked. Make sure clients are receiving the level of service they deserve. Effectively use other members of your sales team: Support collaboration between advisors and planning specialists. So much time is wasted with gathering up client information and getting into a format that your sales team can use, that they lose time they could be spending working on the case. Integrate and streamline systems: Integrate PlanLab with your existing systems such as CRM and financial products, and analyze results through enterprise management reports. Give your advisors the tools to enter in client information, analyze needs, and make recommendations all on one platform. Give them one place to go to support their entire sales process! PlanLab can add value to the entire enterprise in many ways like usage reports for marketing and sales management, automatic presentation archiving for compliance and what-if scenario planning for advanced planning departments, but at this point it may be helpful to walk through the software from an advisor’s perspective to get an idea of what PlanLab has to offer…

13 Why online? Team collaboration in “real-time”
No more CD updates to go missing, or go wrong! Updates, enhancements quicker to deploy Speedy identification of training needs In addition to making it easy for advisors to do business, one common platform can bring value to various parts of the enterprise. In addition to cost sharing, common training and supporting resources and consistency of calculations and advice between the middle market/affluent/fee based channels, PlanLab can help solve other key business challenges from an enterprise perspective. Increase the time advisors spend with clients: Remove manual processes that consume valuable “client facing” and sales time. These include putting client information into multiple software programs, training on multiple software programs, maintaining records of presentations made to clients, maintaining files of client fact finders filled out, risk assessments filled out, forms/papers received from client, gathering up all client information, making copies and sending to other members of the sales team, who may then have to re-enter all the client data again into the software. Grow “Trusted Advisor” relationships: Automate the planning process to address the needs of the client, not the capabilities of the advisor. Position yourself as an advisor concerned with all areas of the client’s financial life. Address multiple financial needs with your clients- talk about areas other advisors are not. This holds you out as the person the client will come to when they have any question regarding their finances. Provide a systematic approach to planning: Apply the firm’s “best practices” and the advisor’s “financial know-how” to create consistent planning advice across the enterprise. Enterprises can make sure that advisors are talking about all the different financial areas the firm can service. Make sure needs are not overlooked. Make sure clients are receiving the level of service they deserve. Effectively use other members of your sales team: Support collaboration between advisors and planning specialists. So much time is wasted with gathering up client information and getting into a format that your sales team can use, that they lose time they could be spending working on the case. Integrate and streamline systems: Integrate PlanLab with your existing systems such as CRM and financial products, and analyze results through enterprise management reports. Give your advisors the tools to enter in client information, analyze needs, and make recommendations all on one platform. Give them one place to go to support their entire sales process! PlanLab can add value to the entire enterprise in many ways like usage reports for marketing and sales management, automatic presentation archiving for compliance and what-if scenario planning for advanced planning departments, but at this point it may be helpful to walk through the software from an advisor’s perspective to get an idea of what PlanLab has to offer…

14 Why online? Team collaboration in “real-time”
No more CD updates to go missing, or go wrong! Updates, enhancements quicker to deploy Speedy identification of training needs Access anywhere, anytime In addition to making it easy for advisors to do business, one common platform can bring value to various parts of the enterprise. In addition to cost sharing, common training and supporting resources and consistency of calculations and advice between the middle market/affluent/fee based channels, PlanLab can help solve other key business challenges from an enterprise perspective. Increase the time advisors spend with clients: Remove manual processes that consume valuable “client facing” and sales time. These include putting client information into multiple software programs, training on multiple software programs, maintaining records of presentations made to clients, maintaining files of client fact finders filled out, risk assessments filled out, forms/papers received from client, gathering up all client information, making copies and sending to other members of the sales team, who may then have to re-enter all the client data again into the software. Grow “Trusted Advisor” relationships: Automate the planning process to address the needs of the client, not the capabilities of the advisor. Position yourself as an advisor concerned with all areas of the client’s financial life. Address multiple financial needs with your clients- talk about areas other advisors are not. This holds you out as the person the client will come to when they have any question regarding their finances. Provide a systematic approach to planning: Apply the firm’s “best practices” and the advisor’s “financial know-how” to create consistent planning advice across the enterprise. Enterprises can make sure that advisors are talking about all the different financial areas the firm can service. Make sure needs are not overlooked. Make sure clients are receiving the level of service they deserve. Effectively use other members of your sales team: Support collaboration between advisors and planning specialists. So much time is wasted with gathering up client information and getting into a format that your sales team can use, that they lose time they could be spending working on the case. Integrate and streamline systems: Integrate PlanLab with your existing systems such as CRM and financial products, and analyze results through enterprise management reports. Give your advisors the tools to enter in client information, analyze needs, and make recommendations all on one platform. Give them one place to go to support their entire sales process! PlanLab can add value to the entire enterprise in many ways like usage reports for marketing and sales management, automatic presentation archiving for compliance and what-if scenario planning for advanced planning departments, but at this point it may be helpful to walk through the software from an advisor’s perspective to get an idea of what PlanLab has to offer…

15 Why online? Team collaboration in “real-time”
No more CD updates to go missing, or go wrong! Updates, enhancements quicker to deploy Speedy identification of training needs Access anywhere, anytime Single common development platform In addition to making it easy for advisors to do business, one common platform can bring value to various parts of the enterprise. In addition to cost sharing, common training and supporting resources and consistency of calculations and advice between the middle market/affluent/fee based channels, PlanLab can help solve other key business challenges from an enterprise perspective. Increase the time advisors spend with clients: Remove manual processes that consume valuable “client facing” and sales time. These include putting client information into multiple software programs, training on multiple software programs, maintaining records of presentations made to clients, maintaining files of client fact finders filled out, risk assessments filled out, forms/papers received from client, gathering up all client information, making copies and sending to other members of the sales team, who may then have to re-enter all the client data again into the software. Grow “Trusted Advisor” relationships: Automate the planning process to address the needs of the client, not the capabilities of the advisor. Position yourself as an advisor concerned with all areas of the client’s financial life. Address multiple financial needs with your clients- talk about areas other advisors are not. This holds you out as the person the client will come to when they have any question regarding their finances. Provide a systematic approach to planning: Apply the firm’s “best practices” and the advisor’s “financial know-how” to create consistent planning advice across the enterprise. Enterprises can make sure that advisors are talking about all the different financial areas the firm can service. Make sure needs are not overlooked. Make sure clients are receiving the level of service they deserve. Effectively use other members of your sales team: Support collaboration between advisors and planning specialists. So much time is wasted with gathering up client information and getting into a format that your sales team can use, that they lose time they could be spending working on the case. Integrate and streamline systems: Integrate PlanLab with your existing systems such as CRM and financial products, and analyze results through enterprise management reports. Give your advisors the tools to enter in client information, analyze needs, and make recommendations all on one platform. Give them one place to go to support their entire sales process! PlanLab can add value to the entire enterprise in many ways like usage reports for marketing and sales management, automatic presentation archiving for compliance and what-if scenario planning for advanced planning departments, but at this point it may be helpful to walk through the software from an advisor’s perspective to get an idea of what PlanLab has to offer…

16 Why online? Team collaboration in “real-time”
No more CD updates to go missing, or go wrong! Updates, enhancements quicker to deploy Speedy identification of training needs Access anywhere, anytime Single common development platform Management information “as it happens” In addition to making it easy for advisors to do business, one common platform can bring value to various parts of the enterprise. In addition to cost sharing, common training and supporting resources and consistency of calculations and advice between the middle market/affluent/fee based channels, PlanLab can help solve other key business challenges from an enterprise perspective. Increase the time advisors spend with clients: Remove manual processes that consume valuable “client facing” and sales time. These include putting client information into multiple software programs, training on multiple software programs, maintaining records of presentations made to clients, maintaining files of client fact finders filled out, risk assessments filled out, forms/papers received from client, gathering up all client information, making copies and sending to other members of the sales team, who may then have to re-enter all the client data again into the software. Grow “Trusted Advisor” relationships: Automate the planning process to address the needs of the client, not the capabilities of the advisor. Position yourself as an advisor concerned with all areas of the client’s financial life. Address multiple financial needs with your clients- talk about areas other advisors are not. This holds you out as the person the client will come to when they have any question regarding their finances. Provide a systematic approach to planning: Apply the firm’s “best practices” and the advisor’s “financial know-how” to create consistent planning advice across the enterprise. Enterprises can make sure that advisors are talking about all the different financial areas the firm can service. Make sure needs are not overlooked. Make sure clients are receiving the level of service they deserve. Effectively use other members of your sales team: Support collaboration between advisors and planning specialists. So much time is wasted with gathering up client information and getting into a format that your sales team can use, that they lose time they could be spending working on the case. Integrate and streamline systems: Integrate PlanLab with your existing systems such as CRM and financial products, and analyze results through enterprise management reports. Give your advisors the tools to enter in client information, analyze needs, and make recommendations all on one platform. Give them one place to go to support their entire sales process! PlanLab can add value to the entire enterprise in many ways like usage reports for marketing and sales management, automatic presentation archiving for compliance and what-if scenario planning for advanced planning departments, but at this point it may be helpful to walk through the software from an advisor’s perspective to get an idea of what PlanLab has to offer…

17 Case Study – Solution Effectiveness
Business Problem A major bank wanted to move their advisers from transactional single product sales to consultative-based multiple product sales. They wanted to implement a process where their professionals present consistent planning analyses regardless of which bank representative a client met. Solution PlanLab implementation. Nov ’02 YTD Nov ’03 YTD 1Q ’04 YTD Total Plans Created 1769 2081 2349 Avg. Plans per Adviser per Year 8 10 47 Adviser Penetration 79% 99% Close Ratio per Plan 40% 47% 62%

18 Case Study – Solution Effectiveness
Benefits Implementation of PlanLab allowed the bank to deliver consistent financial plans and consistent planning advice across the firm. PlanLab’s ability to designate user roles and then limit functionality per role allowed the bank to let advisers with more experience address more advanced needs with their clients while still making the system available to less experienced advisers. (Nov. ’03 YTD) Transactional Sales Financial Plans Assets Gathered per Close $19,000 $96,000 Revenue per Close $817 $3,100 Reasons Cited Trusted Adviser Discovery of New Assets Discovery of New Needs

19 Case Study – Speed to Market
Business Problem MetLife needed a custom solution from the ground up in just 3 weeks. This included design, coding, testing and deployment of the solution. Not having the solution when needed would have cost MetLife customers and revenues. Solution Impact deployed the solution when needed by utilizing its existing framework and architecture built on the Microsoft platform. The solution not only met MetLife’s immediate need but can be leveraged in the future on other initiatives. Benefits Greater service efficiency Higher customer satisfaction Increased customer retention Lower training costs Opportunity to drive new revenues “Being able to effectively react to an immediate business need for a target market segment is priceless. Especially when the real cost is small, the opportunity is large, and the reusability factor is high. Impact and their use of Microsoft’s platform made it a no brainer.” --Dan Weinberger Assistant Vice President, Individual Business Sales Tools and Marketing Communications, MetLife Group, Inc.

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