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Minneapolis Promise Zone

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1 Minneapolis Promise Zone
President Obama vowed to direct federal efforts towards combatting poverty by announcing a federal Promise Zone Program. Under this program, 10-year Promise Zone Designations would be awarded to 22 communities nationwide that could develop innovative approaches and aligned programming to revitalize impoverished areas. The federal government partner with local leaders to increase economic activity, improve educational opportunities, and leverage private investment. Benefits of being a Promise Zone: Five AmeriCorps VISTA volunteers Federal assistance to implement strategic goals Receiving preference points on select federal grants, for the City of Minneapolis and partner organizations The Minneapolis Promise Zone is always looking for stakeholders and partners to collaborate with the AmeriCorps VISTAs. For more information, visit our Call to Action page. News and Events Open Streets Open House For all updates on the Minneapolis Promise Zone, sign up to receive more information. Minneapolis Promise Zone Goals Reduce racial inequities Increase community health and safety Improve Cradle-to-Career outcomes for students Build a more inclusive economy Create jobs Promote stable housing Boundaries Penn to Mississippi Basset Creek to 44th

2 Call to Action Call to Action Minneapolis Promise Zone Benefits
Preference points on select federal grants Example Nine AmeriCorps VISTA volunteers Federal technical assistance to implement strategic goals Ways to Get Involved Looking for stakeholders and community members who work in and with North Minneapolis to collaborate in working group meetings Working Group Contacts Goal Sub-goal Working Group Lead Coordinator Reduce racial inequities in public services and institutions that contribute to the ongoing economic exclusion of the Minneapolis Promise Zone and meaningfully engage residents in the decisions affecting their community Reduce racial disparities by using racial equity assessments and other equity tools within Minneapolis. The twin Cities has some of the country’s greatest racial disparities on several socioeconomic measures Use creative place making and other proven strategies to strengthen resident engagement in the Minneapolis Promise Zone Racial equity Helina Haile Reduce serious and violent crime by curtailing gun violence, strengthening community law-enforcement relationships, and addressing youth violence and domestic violence. Improve public safety by reducing gun violence and build public trust by strengthening community-law enforcement relationships. Reduce youth violence by implementing Minneapolis Promise Zone-tailored approaches consistent with the Youth Violence Prevention Blueprint and other emerging plans. Increase community-specific, data-driven approaches to preventing and reducing domestic violence. Community health and safety Izak Gallini-Matyas Improve cradle-career outcomes for Minneapolis Promise Zone students, thereby reducing the racial achievement gap. Ensure children are Kindergarten-ready by engaging families of the youngest Minneapolis Promise Zone residents to build a foundation for successful educational pathways at home, and by increasing access to high-quality early childhood programs. Meet K-8 math and reading benchmarks for children living in the Minneapolis Promise Zone by enhancing family and community supports. Improve high school graduation rates so Minneapolis Promise Zone youth are college/career ready and are completing secondary schooling at rates equal to their peers citywide. Education Hannah Walker Build a more inclusive economy in the Minneapolis Promise Zone, ensuring dollars are reinvested in the community and that goods, arts, and services are available to Minneapolis Promise Zone residents and visitors. Support the Minneapolis Promise Zone as a destination for business growth. Attract people and businesses by promoting Minneapolis Promise Zones assets, capitalizing on emerging transit nodes and utilizing creative placemaking. Expand sector strategies and work supports to link Minneapolis Promise Zone residents to job opportunities and growth industries in and near MPZ. Economic Development Jamez &……. Angie Earley Create jobs through the promotion of transit oriented development opportunities; incenting growth among businesses in proximity to the MPZ; and creating youth employment opportunities that can meaningfully contribute to household income. Promote transit-oriented development to boost job growth in the MPZ. Support expansion and growth of businesses in and around the MPZ to grow employment opportunities accessible to MPZ residents. Promote and expand youth employment through existing public and private internships, career readiness programs, and year-round job opportunities. Promote stable housing for all residents in MPZ by increasing availability, affordability, and quality of housing stock while coordinating support services. Preserve and revitalize housing stock and livability to address poor housing conditions, abandoned properties, and an over-concentration of problem properties in MPZ. Enhance successful housing (homeownership, long-term tenancy) suitable for all families, situations and needs through coordinated housing support services. CPED is overseeing the completion of Heritage Park, supports Green Homes North, markets city-owned vacant land for strategic infill development, and supports the development of mixed-income rental housing projects. Housing Dan Murphy

3 Goals Goals

4 Leaders & Partners

5 Grants & Preference Points Application

6 News & Events

7 Staff Angie Earley Izak Gallini-Matyas Helina Haile
Christina Manancero Villagran Mariah Mendoza Dan Murphy Sharin Tellez Hannah Walker Tina Weitzel Julianne Leerson Jake Akervik Staff

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