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The Ottoman Empire Ch. 2 Sec 1.

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1 The Ottoman Empire Ch. 2 Sec 1

2 UEQ and LEQ UEQ: How was absolutism expressed in different areas around the world? LEQ: How did Suleiman I contribute to the success of the Ottoman Empire?

3 Vocabulary Ghazis Ottomans Sultan Suleiman I Mehmed II Osman

4 Warm Up Turn to page 72 in your textbook.
Read over the information on page 72, study the picture in the center, while paying attention to the four explanations given about the picture. Answer the two blue questions at the bottom of the page, turn in for a classwork grade. (10 points)

5 Map Activity Using the new Asia map that I have handed out to you, grab one colored pencil, turn to page 71 in your textbook, and color in the Ottoman Empire on the map. Make sure to label the Empire in the map legend.

6 The Ottoman Empire Map

7 The Turks Turks: People of the Middle East. (ex: Iraq, Iran)
From Mongolia, many live in the country of Turkey. In 1300, thousands of Turks moved into the land of the Middle East from Eastern countries. This land would later become a powerful empire.

8 The Ottoman Empire Today

9 Rulers of the Ottoman Empire
Name of Leader How was he successful? Using pages in your textbook, find and name all of the Ottoman Empire’s rulers. Write down one fact that made each of them successful. Name of Leader How was he successful?

10 Ottoman Leaders How was he successful? How was he successful? Osman
Orkhan I Mehmed II Selim the Grim How was he successful? Suleiman the Lawgiver Timur the Lame

11 The first Turkish country
Many Turks became Ghazis in the 1300’s Ghazis are warriors for Islam Most successful warrior and leader was Osman Became first leader Followers were called Ottomans Osman creates a small state that grows from buying land and taking over other countries.

12 Ghazis and the Taliban Is there a connection between them?
Are they the same? Life inside the Taliban

13 Second Ottoman Ruler Orkhan I, the son of Osman becomes ruler after his fathers death. Declares himself sultan Sultan means “overlord” or “one with power” Orkhan I helps increase the power of the new Ottoman Empire. Conquered People Ottomans treated the people they conquered fairly, sometimes improving the lives of the poor.

14 Orkhan I versus Louis xiv
How did they treat their people differently? Why do you think both rulers treated their citizens so differently? Can Orkhan I be considered an absolute ruler?

15 Ottoman Empire Grows Mehmed II Third ruler of the Ottoman Empire
Takes over in 1451 and by 1453, captures the large city of Constantinople. Allowed Jews, Muslims, Christians, Turks, and non-Turks to live and work together. These different religious and social groups rebuilt Constantinople and renamed in Istanbul.

16 Istanbul Today Istanbul

17 Ottoman Empire Grows Continued…
Mehmed II’s grandson, Selim the Grim, became the fourth ruler of the Ottoman Empire in 1512. Great Ruler and Great Military Leader Helped capture land in North Africa, Egypt, and parts of present day Israel.

18 Final ottoman Ruler Suleiman the Lawgiver

19 Suleiman I Became ruler of the Ottoman Empire in 1520.
Was ruler for 46 years. Very smart military leader. Helped capture new land in Hungary, Austria, and other parts of Europe. Historical Fact: The Ottoman Empire took over land in Europe because Europe was finally getting over the bubonic plague, a virus which had killed millions of Europeans.

20 The bubonic Plague Disease spread by fleas and lice.
Fleas and lice bit rats and small animals that were infected, if the fleas and lice got on humans the humans can become infected. History of the Bubonic Plague

21 Bubonic Plague map

22 Life in the ottoman Empire
Suleiman I created a country that brought different people together. Created laws that dealt with crimes. Lowered taxes and made it easy for people to pay. Devshirme System Boys from conquered groups were put into the Ottoman army. 30,000 of these soldiers became elite soldiers called janissaries

23 Devshirme System today
Devshirme System in North Korea North Korean Military Parade

24 Suleiman rules the ottoman empire
Suleiman I used Islamic law Allowed different religions to be practiced Kept religious problems and fights down Suleiman studied art, music, poetry, and other ideas from other countries. Ideas from other countries were used along with Ottoman ideas.

25 Ottoman Art

26 The ottoman empire loses power
Suleiman I killed one son, sent another away, and let his weakest son become ruler. Every new ruler after Suleiman I had their brother killed. Ottoman Empire rulers would have their sons put into prison. Because rulers after Suleiman I were weak, the Ottoman Empire fell apart.

27 Ottoman Empire Webquest and photostory

28 Answer the LEq “How did Suleiman I help the Ottoman Empire grow into a powerful country?” Use examples about him from your notes.

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