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PURE Briefing Open Access In PURE

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1 PURE Briefing Open Access In PURE

2 Agenda New Open Access policy at Aarhus University Introduction
Nice to know before making an Open Access registration How to handle OA I PURE 3 step guide Especially about the OA barometer Especially about OA when you get funding Questions

3 introduction NEW Open Access policy for Aarhus Universitet (2016ff.)
to make AU research more visible All researchers have to ensure Open Access registration in PURE for peer-review articles It is expected that the articles are made public available * if allowed by the publisher Both gold and green OA is possible AU recommends green OA read more

4 The national OA strategy
Danish national strategy on OA in 2014 Goal is to achieve from 2022 and onwards unimpeded, digital access for all to 100 per cent of all Danish peer-reviewed scientific articles from Danish research institutions published from 2021 and onwards. better use of possibilities for publishing green OA – 80% af forlag allows this – AU low use The strategy recommends green Open Access - Types of publications in scope Scientific articles and conference articles in proceedings with an ISSN.  Results are presented annualy in Danish Open Access barometer -

5 Nice to know before OA registration
Green OA – parallelpublishing/selfarchiving researcher oploads an fulltextversion of an publication in PURE, and there is then access for all in some cases after an embargo period register DOI+opload fil or link to publication in a public repository Golden OA- OA publishing researcher links to a fulltextversion of an publikation i PURE, and access is provided via publisher website, most often you pay an APC (article processing fee) – Register DOI

6 STEP 1 GET the postprint What defines a postprint
peer-review article with author corrections without publishers logo og layout content identical with publishers version Latest version researcher submitted before arcticle is accepted for publication In doubt ask the publisher

7 STEP 1 Check what publisher allows
Read contract (CTA) Check journals standard rights for OA

8 STEP 2 aCCESS to Publication
Grøn OA – remember both DOI og and to opload file (postprint) ok direct link to file in repository Gylden OA – sufficient to register DOI

9 STEP 2 possible to use a coversheet
Add coversheet if you want for securing citation of publishers version

10 STEP 3 info version and public ACCESS
2.Access should be open or under embargo to be OA i PURE 1. Document version should be accepteret manuscript=postprint or publishers version if allowed

11 STEP 3 ADD embargo info embargodate should be added if necessary ie. when published online PURE secures automatic OA when embargo expires allowed embargo period For Danish funds and horizon 12 mdr. samf /hum/SSH 6 mdr.sund/nat/STEM

12 Especially about the OA Barometer
OA barometer - an annual national measure af OA Attached to the national OA strategy deadline – 1. januar (2 years delay) ie 2016 publikationer should be OA in PURE ect.. What is included  1.  Articles from fully golden Open Access journals visible in DOAJ and the  BFI list  (golden OA) 2.  Postprints or a direct link to a fulltext file (green OA)      In PURE or in a recognized repository

13 OA Barometer II Links from PURE should be - to recognized repositories
-a direct link

14 Especially about external funding
In general Remember to add correct embargo for green OA publications in PURE allowed embargo varies from 6-12 mrd. Danish fonds Horizon 2020 Write project title and number in PURE Although gold open access already ensures access via the publisher, the beneficiaries must nevertheless also provide open access via a repository (see below) in order to ensure the long-term preservation and availability of the publication. . 

15 Links to registration in PURE
OA registration in PURE Especially for BSS registration for BSS

16 The result

17 Research gets more visible with OA

18 ASK AU Library questions related to OA i PURE
– ask your validator or pure support Se en liste over lokale kontaktpersoner  other questions about OA – ask your kontact librarian or write an to


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