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Mrs. Gonzalez Social Studies 7

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1 Mrs. Gonzalez Social Studies 7
Welcome! Mrs. Gonzalez Social Studies 7 Contact Info: (909) x43505

2 About Me Graduated from SDSU
Degree in Social Science Master’s Degree and Teaching Credential from National University Master’s in Teacher Leadership Single Subject Credential in Social Science 7th year in the classroom

3 My Family I am Married (20 years) I have 3 Children - All Boys =)
Meet my husband at age 14 I have 3 Children - All Boys =) 2 Attend High School REV and RHS Oldest Attends Cal State San Bernardino Graduated from Redlands High School

4 My Educational Philosophy
I Believe… All students have the potential to learn Differentiation is important All students should learn in a positive and nurturing environment RESPECT Working together can strengthen student success. Communication is key

5 Curriculum students learn about changes that occurred in Europe, Africa, and Asia during medieval and early modern times. First Semester Second Semester Rome ● Middle Ages Islam ● Renaissance & Reformation Africa ● Scientific Revolution & Age of Exploration China & Japan ● Enlightenment Thinkers, Mayas, Aztecs, & Incas

6 Rotating Schedule Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 6 5 4 3 2

7 School Expectations Moore’s Motto
Effort, Kindness, and Respect Moore is also part of the Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) Program.

8 During Direct Instruction
Entering the Room During Direct Instruction During Group Work Independent Classwork Effort -Enter the room quietly - Go Immediately to your seat - Get your materials out -Face forward and pay attention to the teacher -Appropriative participation -Ask/Answer questions related to the lesson -Participate with your group to complete the assigned work - Take your responsibility for your role in your group -Stay on task(concentrate) -Follow directions -Work to the best of your ability Kindness - Wait patiently to enter the room -Allow others to pass - Be supportive of your classmates -Positive comments only -Share supplies -Positive collaboration -Be supportive and listen to your classmates -Encourage your classmates to do their best work -Choose a quiet activity if you finish early Be Respectful -Keep hands and feet to yourself -Voice volume to a minimum. -Follow all adult directions immediately. -Sit quietly -RAISE YOUR HAND! -Treat all books, classroom materials, and other peoples personal property with respect. -Work quietly -Keep hands and feet to yourself (Stay seated!) - Raise your hand if you have any questions or comments

9 Locker Rooms Outdoor Areas Hallways Restrooms Effort -Be prepared and have supplies. -Get ready quickly and be self-sufficient. -Ask for help only when needed. -Practice positive participation. -Follow rules and be accountable for your actions. -Demonstrate personal responsibility. -Focus and use self-control while moving around campus. -Get to class on time. -Take care of “business” quickly. -Get back to class in a timely manner. Kindness - Treat others the way you want to be treated. -Include everyone enthusiastically. -Encourage and accept personal differences. - Be supportive of your peers. -Be positive and avoid “drama.” -Sharing is caring (share a seat at lunch; meet a new person, etc.) -Honor others by helping in times of need (dropped binders, spills, etc.). -Be considerate with of others space. -Practice role model behavior by entering and exiting quickly and quietly. -Throw trash in appropriate areas. Be Respectful -Respect school & personal property. -Be courteous to all staff and students. -Honor personal space. -Take responsibility for your actions. -Follow all adult directions immediately. -Wait your turn and be patient at all times. -Use appropriate language at all times. -Throw away all of your trash. -Voice volume to a minimum. -Use restrooms during passing period and lunch as often as possible. -Keep hands and feet to yourself.

10 Classroom and Team (Giraffe)Expectations
Be Respectful Be Responsible Be On Time Be Prepared Be On Task Use Agenda Daily Do your best Stay in your seats Food, drinks, or gum are not allowed in class Electronics allowed ONLY when instructed by the teacher

11 Consequences Verbal Warning Conference with Student
Time out in different class/Dentention–(1st strike 3) Phone Call Home Behavior Sheet signed by Student and Parent (2nd Strike 3) Meeting with Counselor, Teachers, Parents, and Students (3rd Strike 3) Referral to Office (4th Strike 3)

12 Typical Daily Classroom Activities
Class begins before the bell Agenda Warm-ups Homework – Assigned and/or Collected Lesson Activity Lecture/ Notes Group Work Independent Work Dismissal Weekly Agenda found in Teacher Pages in Moore’s Website -Click Teacher Pages -Gonzalez Martha -7th grade Social Studies -Weekly Agenda

13 Test/Quizzes Given at: End of Chapter or Unit
Students have 2 weeks for make-up of a test/quiz Make-ups are given before school, during lunch, or after school Common Assessments are based on District calendar. Students will complete these assessments during a class period.

14 Grades Grades are awarded based on total points earned in the following weighted categories: Classwork/Homework 40% Projects 25% Test/Quizzes 30% Final 5% Grading Scale: A+ (97-100) C+ (77-79) A (93-96) C (73-76) A- (90-92) C- (70-72) B+ (87-89) D+ (67-69) B (83-86) D (63-66) B- (80-82) D- (60-62) F (Below 60)

15 Aeries Parent Portal


17 Class Notebook Notebooks are the heart of our classroom
Students complete Warm-ups Vocabulary Notes (Usually Cornell) Graphic organizers Notebooks are turned in for grading usually at the end of the Unit A sample notebook is always located in the front of the class for students to view.

18 Absences/ Late Work/ Proper Name Heading
Students have the same number of days absent + 1 to turn in their work Will not be counted as late. Late work accepted throughout semester as follows: Current Unit- 30% deduction All other- receives only 50% credit Proper name heading should be included on every paper No name or proper name heading will result in student resubmission and 10% deduction Proper Name Heading Top Right corner Full Name Date Period

19 What can Parents/Guardians Do?
Provide your child with a quiet place to study and do work. Check their Agenda. Visit Aeries (Parent Portal) for information about your child’s grade. Communicate with me. Together we can achieve more! Stay Involve!

20 Thank you! Monarchs Rule!

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