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Finish scientific method, begin speed

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Presentation on theme: "Finish scientific method, begin speed"— Presentation transcript:

1 Finish scientific method, begin speed
Quarter 1 week 2 Finish scientific method, begin speed

2 Lightning time Read through this week’s Science World
3 – 2 – 1 writing on a scratch sheet of paper 3 Things you learned 2 Things that surprised you 1 Question you still have We will be doing more with these responses throughout this week!

3 August 8th Fill out your agenda
Turn in your Scientific Method Crossword if it was not completed on Friday – I will return the ones turned in but NOT finished. Make sure your syllabus is TURNED IN! Review Scientific Method from Friday and complete page 9 “output”

4 Gummy bear lab In groups – decide on roles for each member.
Materials managers – gather materials! Write out your procedure as you gather the data – what are you doing? Don’t forget the simple steps such as “Observe gummy bear and record it’s color in the data table.” Measurements: use cm! Volume = L x W x H Density = Mass/Volume Place gummy bear in cup after all measurements have been done and fill to 50mL. Place cups on the shelf ABOVE our composition notebooks for tomorrow.

5 Team time Everyone needs a book in front of them!
You will read for 5 minutes, then ROTATE books around your table  You can open and begin reading ANYWHERE you want!

6 Lightning time Pull out your writing from yesterday & grab a Science World magazine. Popcorn questions – see who “learned” things that answer each other's questions! Complete the worksheet analysis for the article!

7 Gummy bear lab Turn in your Crossword Puzzles
Day 1 procedure NEEDS to be done before you begin gathering Day 2 data! Materials Managers – get what you need for today. Note: blot off the gummy bear with paper towel of excess water before beginning measurements. Note: Calculators should be used to analyze data.

8 Team time Drop Everything And Read

9 Lightning time Finish the Science World packet today – Turn It In!

10 August 10th Beginning class with Science Safety Quiz
Then – create a KWL chart on Page 11 of your ISN related to “Motion”

11 Flashcards Pictures Make Frayer Flashcards with your spiral bound (optional) index cards. The terms are: Position Acceleration Motion Velocity Reference point Vector Speed Direction – a course along which someone or something moves Sentence

12 Team time Drop Everything And Read

13 Lightning time Spinner Discussions!
If you haven’t finished the Science World, sit at the back 2 tables with the magazine and your packet to finish. If you have turned them in already, fill in the rest of the tables and you will get a spinner (or dice) to have some fun conversations 

14 August 11th Warm Up – Using the marble at your table, complete the following challenges: A. Start the marble rolling on the floor or on a table. Once it’s rolling, cause the marble to change speed but not direction. B. Start a marble rolling on the floor or table. Once it’s rolling, cause the marble to change direction but not speed. C. Start the marble rolling on the floor or table. Once it’s rolling, cause the ball to change both speed and direction. Do this with one action. That means you haven’t met the challenge if you change the marble’s speed and then start the marble rolling again and this time change its direction.

15 Top half of Page 13 - Output
1. List 2 ways you changed the speed of the marble without changing its direction. 2. List 2 was you changed the direction the ball was moving without changing its speed. 3. List 2 ways you changed both the speed and the direction of the ball.

16 Speed and acceleration note-taking
Begin this on page 14 of your ISN

17 Review of Motion Motion is the change of position over time.
Position is __________ Reference Point is __________

18 What is Speed? Speed is the measure of how fast something moves or the distance it moves in a given amount of time.

19 How do we calculate speed?
Speed is the rate of distance over a period of time. Therefore, we can calculate speed using the formula: S= Speed D= Distance T= Time

20 Sample Problem #1 Maria walked 2 km in half an hour. What was her speed during her walk?

21 Sample Problem #1 Formula- Substitute- Speed = ? We will use variable S Distance= 2 km Time= 0.5 hour Solve- S = 2km/ 0.5 hour Answer- D= 4 km/hour

22 Sample Problem #2 A wheelchair racer completes a 100- meter course in 20 seconds. What is his speed?

23 Sample Problem #2 Formula- Substitute-
Speed = ? We will use variable S Distance= 100 meters Time= 20 seconds Solve- S = 100 m/20 sec Answer- S = 5 m/sec

24 Sample Problem #3 A cheetah runs a speed of 30 meters per second. How long does the cheetah take to run 90 meters?

25 Sample Problem #3 Formula- Substitute-
Speed = 30 meters per second Distance= 90 meters Time= ? We will use variable T Solve- 30 = 90/T 30T= T=90/30 Answer- D= 3 Seconds

26 What is average speed? Speed is not constant.
For example, if you are running… Sometimes you will speed up Sometimes you will slow down Average Speed = Total Distance Total Time

27 Distance vs. Time Graph Helicopter Motion What does this graph tell us about the motion of the helicopter? Did not travel at a constant speed Faster between 4-7 seconds Slow down between 2-4 seconds.

28 What is Acceleration? Acceleration is a measure of how quickly the velocity is changing. Acceleration is the change in velocity over a period of time.

29 How can velocity change?
1. Increase in Speed 2. Decrease in Speed 3. Change in Direction

30 Calculating acceleration
We can calculate acceleration using the following formula: Acceleration = final velocity- initial velocity Time A = velf- veli t

31 Sample problem #1 While sled riding, Anna starts sliding with a velocity of 1 m/s. After 3 seconds, her velocity is 7 m/s. What is Anna’s acceleration? Formula- A = velf- veli t Substitute- A = 7m/s- 1m/s 3 s Solve- A= 6/3 Answer- A= 2 m/s2

32 Sample problem #2 A train traveling at 10m/s slows down to a complete stop in 20 seconds. What is the acceleration of the train? Formula- A = velf- veli t

33 Sample problem #2 A train traveling at 10m/s slows down to a complete stop in 20 seconds. What is the acceleration of the train? Formula- A = velf- veli t Substitute- A = 0m/s- 10m/s 20 s Solve- A= -10/20 Answer- A= -0.5m/s2 (It is OK to have a negative number as a answer. It shows us the train has negative acceleration… it is slowing down)

34 Speed and acceleration booklet
Fold in half like a book and TAPE the edge into your ISN on page 16! Complete the activities on each page, starting with the front “Acceleration”

35 Lightning time – kahoot!
If you have a device bring it!!!!! We will review some basic math skills via 3 rounds of Kahoot  No device, no problem – hop on a computer! Or sit next to someone and share!

36 Recap this week – august 12th
1 – Flashcards are to be completed by Monday! 2 – Speed booklet to be completed by Monday – we will review answers to make sure everyone knows how to do the problems, but you need to have tried all of them first! 3 – Cool optional field trip opportunity for April track out – take a letter and RSVP home if you are interested  4 – Separate sheet of paper – write me a note on how you feel about 7th grade so far…what do you like? Dislike? Feel anxious about? Etc. Address it to me, and sign the end – just like a real letter!

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