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Presented by Financial Services

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1 Presented by Financial Services
MIS & ACCOUNTING 101 Presented by Financial Services

2 Financial Management & Budgeting
Agenda 8:30-10:00 MIS & OHRS Standards 10:00-10:15 Coffee Break 10:15-12:00 Accounting 101 12:00-12:30 Questions Financial Management & Budgeting


4 Financial Management & Budgeting
MIS & OHRS Standards What is MIS & OHRS? MIS - Guidelines for Management Information Systems in Canadian Health Service Organizations Ontario Healthcare Reporting Systems (OHRS) - Standards and requirements for healthcare’s financial and statistical reporting in Ontario. Financial Management & Budgeting

5 Financial Management & Budgeting
MIS & OHRS Standards Provide Hospitals with Specific information on: MIS Development Account Structure Define Accounts Rules for Data Collection Submission Requirements Reporting Standards Financial Management & Budgeting

6 Financial Management & Budgeting
Account Structure The account structure consists of a primary account (5 levels) and a secondary account (3 levels). Primary = Functional Centre (7*), Accounting Centre (8*) & Balance Sheet (1*-6*) Secondary = Financial and Statistical Revenues & Workloads (1*) Salaries, Wages & Earned Hours (3*) Supplies & Patient Activity (4*-9*) Financial Management & Budgeting

7 Primary Account Structure
Functional Centre accounts are made up of 5 Levels LEVEL LEVEL LEVEL LEVEL LEVEL 5 Level 1 – Identifies the fund type 71*, 72*, 73* Level 2 - Identifies the service type 712*, 713*, 714*, 723* Levels 3 through Provide additional levels of detail – Palliative Care Team 7 1 2 5 2 9 4 Financial Management & Budgeting

8 Financial Management & Budgeting
Fund Types Level 1 identifies the three fund types. Fund Type 1 (71*) is reserved for hospitals & Cancer Care Ontario global operating budgets: Acute Care Hospitals Rehabilitation Hospitals Chronic Care Hospitals Mental Health Hospitals Pediatric Hospitals Specialty Hospitals Financial Management & Budgeting

9 Financial Management & Budgeting
Fund Types Fund Type 2 is designated Ministry of Health funding envelopes (72*): Community Care Access Centres Children’s Treatment Centres Community Mental Health Medical Formal Education French Language Services Interim Long Term Care Municipal Taxes – Bed Levy Mid-wives Nurse Practitioners Financial Management & Budgeting

10 Financial Management & Budgeting
Fund Types Fund Type 3 (73*) is used for services funded externally or by non-health tax dollars: Federal Government Municipal Government Other Ministries Non-Government Agencies Financial Management & Budgeting

11 Financial Management & Budgeting
Service Type Level 2 identifies the service: 7*1 = Administration and Support Service 7*2 = Nursing Inpatient Services 7*3 = Ambulatory Care Services 7*4 = Diagnostic and Therapeutic Services 7*5 = Community and Social Services 7*7 = Research 7*8 = Education 7*9 = Marketed Services Financial Management & Budgeting

12 Financial Management & Budgeting
Service Type Examples: = Finance = Surgical Inpatient Unit A = Emergency = Respiratory Therapy = Prenatal Teaching Classes = Oncology Research = Library = Cafeteria Financial Management & Budgeting

13 Financial Secondary Accounts
The financial secondary accounts have 3 levels: LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 Level 1 – Identifies the financial broad group 1*, 3*, 4*, 6* Level 2 – Defines the nature of the revenue or expense within the broad group 119*, 350*, 460* Level 3 – Captures further details 35010 – UPP worked salaries 3 5 1 Financial Management & Budgeting

14 Financial Management & Budgeting
Financial Secondary There are 9 categories in Level 1: 1 = Revenue 2 = Balance Sheet 3 = Compensation 4 = Supplies 5 = Patient Specific Supplies ( Not used in TBRHSC) 6 = Sundry 7 = Equipment 8 = Referred / Contracted Out 9 = Undistributed Buildings & Grounds Financial Management & Budgeting

15 Financial Secondary Accounts
Level 2 Defines the Nature of the account – Examples are: 1 = Patient Revenue (110*), Recoveries (120*), Donations (140*) 2 = Not used therefore available as Balance Sheet Secondary 3 = MOS (310*), UPP (350*), Medical Staff (390*) 4 = Food (450*), Instrument (460*), Drug (465*) 6 = Dept. Phone (610*), Travel (620*), laundry (628*) 7 = Equip depreciation (750*), equip maint (710*), minor equip (765*) 8 = Referred / Contracted Out dry cleaning (825*) 9 = Undistributed Build & Grounds reno (940*), rent (960*) Financial Management & Budgeting

16 Statistical Secondary Accounts
The statistical secondary accounts have 4 levels LEVEL LEVEL LEVEL LEVEL 4 Level 1 – Identifies the statistical broad group 1*,2*,3*,4* Level 2 – Indicates the type of measure within the broad group 4 02*,3 10*,5 15* Level 3 & 4 – Provides further details – Involuntary MH Adult Readmissions 4 2 1 5 4 4 Financial Management & Budgeting

17 Statistical Secondary Broad Group
There are 8 categories in Level 1: 1 = Workload 2 = Staff Activity 3 = Earned Hours 4 = Patient Activity 5 = Service Recipient Profile 7 = Functional Centre Profile 8 = Organization Profile 9 = Priority Programs Financial Management & Budgeting

18 Statistical Secondary Accounts
Level 2 defines the type of indicator – examples are: 1 = Pulmonary diagnostics workload (115*) 2 = Volunteer hours (239*), Registration (255*) 3 = MOS (310*), UPP (350*), Medical (390*) Worked hours 4 = Admissions (401*), Patient days (403*) 5 = Medical (510*), Surgical (515*), Plastic (575*) 7 = Number of beds (710* ), Bed days staffed (720*) 8 = Number of paid employees (820*), Calendar days (898*) 9 = Oncology (916 66*), Dialysis (916 86*) Financial Management & Budgeting

19 Financial Management & Budgeting
ACTIVITY SHEET Financial Management & Budgeting

20 Financial Management & Budgeting
COFFEE BREAK Financial Management & Budgeting

21 Financial Management & Budgeting
Section 2 ACCOUNTING 101 Financial Management & Budgeting

22 Financial Management & Budgeting
Costing What are Direct Costs? Direct Costs are costs that can be traced directly to the operations of each procedure, process, department and/or program. - (AKA variable) What are Indirect Costs? Indirect Costs are costs that are allocated to various procedure, process, department and/or program on the basis of their relative usage. – (AKA fixed or overhead) Financial Management & Budgeting

23 Financial Management & Budgeting
Costing Direct Costs: RN Salaries & Benefits Medical Supplies Drugs Indirect Costs: Laundry Telephone Rent Stationary Supplies Financial Management & Budgeting

24 Financial Management & Budgeting
Overhead Allocation Activity Based Costing, allocates overhead costs (indirect) based on the usage and/or consumption. For example: Laundry – Each functional centre utilizing Laundry’s services is allocated a portion of Laundry’s total costs based on the average pounds of laundry they generate each month. Financial Management & Budgeting

25 Financial Management & Budgeting
Overhead Allocation Laundry Functional Centre Pounds & Costs Pounds Costs FC ,000 FC 2 12,000 FC ,000 FC 4 10,000 FC ,000 * FC ,500 FC ,000 Total 38,500 lbs $42,500 Financial Management & Budgeting

26 Financial Management & Budgeting
Overhead Allocation Pounds Costs FC , $ 6,623.38 FC 2 12, $13,246.76 FC , $ 2,207.79 FC 4 10, $11,038.96 FC ,000 * $ 4,415.58 FC , $ 1,655.84 FC , $ 3,311.69 Total 38,500 lbs $42,500.00 FC 5 = ($42,500/38,500) x 4000 lbs = $4,415.58 Financial Management & Budgeting

27 Financial Management & Budgeting
Cash vs. Accrual Basis Under the cash basis, revenues and expenses are recorded in the period in which the cash was either collected from a “customer” or paid to a vendor. Under the accrual basis, all revenues and expenses, whether collected/paid or not, are accounted for in the period in which the benefit occurred. Financial Management & Budgeting

28 Depreciation / Amortization
Amortization is an estimate, based on cost, of an asset’s useful life that has expired in an accounting period. Accounting for Assets Acquisition – Record at the purchase price Amortization – Straight line depreciation Disposal – Calculate a gain or loss Cost – Acc. Dep. = Net Gain/Loss Financial Management & Budgeting

29 Financial Management & Budgeting
Financial Statements Balance Sheet – A formal financial statement showing the financial position of an organization at a specific point in time. Assets, Liabilities and Equity are reported. Income Statement – A formal financial statement showing the net income (the result after all revenues and expenses have been accounted for). The purpose of the income statement is to show managers and investors whether the company made or lost money during the period being reported. Financial Management & Budgeting

30 Financial Management & Budgeting
Balance Sheet Debit Current Assets Cash Acc. Receivable Inventories Prepaid Expenses LT Assets Land Building Equipment Assets = Liabilities + Equity Credit Current Liabilities Accounts Payable Short Term Loans LT Liabilities Mortgage Long Term Loans Equity Retained Earnings Financial Management & Budgeting

31 Income Statement Revenues (credit) Expenses (debit)
Ministry of Health OHIP WSIB Recoveries Expenses (debit) Salaries & Benefits Medical & Surgical Supplies Drugs Sundry Revenues – Expenses = Deficit / Surplus Financial Management & Budgeting

32 Financial Management & Budgeting
Activity Worksheets Financial Management & Budgeting

33 Financial Management & Budgeting
QUESTIONS? Financial Management & Budgeting

34 Financial Management & Budgeting
References Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, OHRS, Version 5.1 Mar 2004 Financial Management & Budgeting

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