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1 Insurance Lecture 24 Lecture 24 Insurance.xlsx

2 Principal of Insurance
Insurance is a risk management tool Buy insurance to cover a specific risk of a loss to the business Low yield due to fire, hail, drought, flood, etc. Low prices Low revenue due to low yield or price Health, auto, and home insurance most popular Liability insurance Insurance transfers a part of the risk to a third party for a fee

3 Terms for an Insurance Policy
States the risk to protect against Conditions for a loss Amount of loss that must occur for a payment States the premium to be paid States indemnity payment conditions Amount of the deductible (losses not paid) Formula for calculating a payment

4 Insurance Premiums Premiums are set to cover the expected loss plus a risk premium and a profit for the insurance company Premium = Expected($Lose) + RP + Profit Calculate the Expected($Lose) w/ simulation Simulate the type of losses and use the losses in the formula for calculating the premium Calculate the average loss over a given time period, usually a year Profit is a set fraction by the company RP covers risk not fully captured in PDF for risk

5 Brief History of Federal Crop Insurance
1930’s USDA offered yield insurance in the Great Plains for wheat Experimental project Expanded to other crops gradually 1971 Farm program offered Disaster Program Paid farmers for low yield and prevented plantings Replaced with FCIC insurance in 1983 In ‘83 FCIC yield insurance expanded to all crops in all counties Congress eliminated the Low Yield Disaster Prog.

6 Insurance for Agriculture
Crop Yield insurance Low yields insured against hail, fire, insects, drought, flood Revenue insurance Protects crop farmers from low revenues relative to historical average revenue The federal government through the USDA FCIC (federal crop insurance corporation) aka. Risk Management Agency provides crop and revenue coverage policies for most crops and pasture in some locations

7 Agriculture Insurance Presents Unique Problems
Agricultural risks widespread due to weather affecting large regions when drought occurs If a private insurance company covered all the risk they would be wiped out Solution was for the federal government to back up these companies USDA-Risk Management Agency (RMA) writes insurance policies and set premiums and terms Private companies sell these policies Sell most policies to RMA, keep the lower risk policies as an investment

8 Agriculture Insurance Industry
Very large (international) reinsurance companies, such as: Zurich Insurance Group AG Bermuda based Aspen Insurance Holdings Ltd. Next layer of insurance companies actually have a sales force that sells insurance policies Farmers Mutual Hail Insurance Co., Rain and Hail, AgriLogic, ARMtech Insurance Cargill, John Deere, Wells Fargo recently exited the business Local insurance agents who meet with farmers All companies belong to NCIS

9 Some of the Major Crop Insurance Companies

10 Agriculture Insurance Industry
USDA-Risk Management Agency (RMA) is the “reinsurance agent” Insurance companies sell the policies that RMA develops as well as their own RMA will buy back the policies that it develops so the insurance companies do not have to cover the losses Insurance companies face a portfolio problem: Policies sold to RMA only earn a % of the premium Policies they retain earn 100% of the premium if there is no indemnity, there in lies the risk of which policies to sell to RMA

11 US Drought: Current Conditions

12 Compare Conditions for Two years
September 13, 2011 February 3, 2015 … but parts of Texas are still in an exceptional, multi-year drought …

13 FCIC Yield Insurance (YP)
Production guarantee = APH * coverage level percentage elected APH = 10 year yield history on the farm unit Based on actual yields for the farm unit Farm unit can be a field Premium set by RMA based on announced price guarantee, APH, and coverage level percentage Indemnity = Max[0, (Actual Yield – Production Guarantee) * Projected Price * Acreage Covered]

14 FCIC Yield Insurance 50 acres of corn, RMA projected price of $3.50/bu, APH yield 145 bu/acre, 85% coverage level Production guarantee = 0.85 * 145 = 123.3 If actual yield = 115 so lost yield is Indemnity = ( ) * 2.25 * 50

15 Revenue Insurance Crop Revenue Coverage (CRC)
Producers buy a fraction of historical revenue Insured Revenue = APH * Price * Fraction Revenue fractions are: 50% to 85% in 5% Insure with a projected price or the harvest price based on the futures contract Indemnity = Max[0, (Guaranteed Revenue – Actual Revenue) * Acres ] Actual Revenue = actual yield * (RMA projected price OR harvest time price)

16 Revenue Insurance 50 acres of corn, RMA projected price of $3.50/bu, APH yield 145 bu/acre, 85% coverage level Revenue guarantee = 50 * 145 * 0.85 * 3.50 Actual yield = 100 Indemnity = Max[0, (revenue guarantee – 50 * 100 * 3.50 or actual harvest time price)] Electing the RMA projected price is referred to “Harvest Price Exclusion” and is cheaper

17 Analyzing Insurance Options
Simple simulation problem Simulate yield and price Compare yield or revenue to alternative (insured) coverage levels, calculate indemnities and premiums Pay premiums every year Collect indemnities only when there is a loss Pick insurance policy which is best at reducing risk and increasing net income, NPV, or cash flows

18 RMA Insurance Policies
General Policies and Provisions Actual Revenue History (ARH) Pilot Endorsement (14-arh). Area Risk Protection Insurance (14-ARPI) Commodity Exchange Price Provisions (CEPP) Catastrophic Risk Protection Footnote 5. Ineligibility Amendment (15-Ineligibility) Footnote 1. Farm Bill Amendment (15-ARPI-Farm-Bill) Footnote 6. Catastrophic Risk Protection Endorsement (15-cat). Footnote 3. Common Crop Insurance Policy, Basic Provisions (11-br) Contract Price Addendum (CPA) Farm Bill Amendment (15-CCIP-Farm-Bill) Footnote 2. Other Information Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO-15) High-Risk Alternate Coverage Endorsement (HR-ACE)(13-HR-ACE) High-Risk Alternate Coverage Endorsement Standards Handbook High-Risk Alternate Coverage Endorsement Frequently Asked Questions Livestock Quarantine Endorsement Pilot (11-qe). Rainfall and Vegetation Indices Pilot Whole-Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP) Pilot Policy Insurance policies must be purchased prior to planting to reduce: Moral hazard -- buying insurance when farmers know the crop will fail xxx

19 Insurance and Farm Policy
2014 Farm Bill is relying more on insurance and less on direct or indirect subsidies Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARC) An insurance based program to act as a safety net on revenue Based on a 5–year moving average of revenue Supplemental Crop Option (SCO)

20 Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC-CO)
Payments when actual revenue for the covered commodity < ARC revenue guarantee, where: Actual County Revenue = Actual county yield per planted acre * Max of {National Marketing Year Price or Marketing Loan Rate} ARC Revenue Benchmark = (5 Year U.S. Olympic average marketing year price) * (5 Year Olympic average county) If any of the 5 years of prices are lower than Reference Price then replace with the Reference Price. If the actual county yield is < 70% of T-yield replace with the T-yield. ARC Revenue Guarantee = 0.86 * ARC Revenue Benchmark ARC Payment = Minimum of [(ARC Revenue Guarantee – Actual County Revenue) OR 10% of the ARC Revenue Benchmark] * Base Acres * 0.85 No yield risk in year one’s calculation but that does not last Olympic average starts with , but then moves to , , , with more and more risky yields in the Olympic Average each year of the farm program

21 Illustration of Government Support for Grains Under ARC-County
Revenue per cwt or bu Revenue Benchmark 86% 86% of Revenue Guarantee 76% [paid on base acres x .65 (individual) or .85 (county)] Loan Rate MLG Market Price Market Receipts Crop insurance coverage

22 Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO)
Gap insurance: payments for losses from 86% of APH or CRC coverage level down to the underlying insurance coverage level

23 Illustration of Government Support for Rice Under SCO
Revenue per cwt 86% of Revenue Guarantee Supplemental Coverage Option Crop insurance coverage

24 Insurance Job Opportunities
Sales representative for the large companies Insurance actuary Adjusters Seasonal employment that pays well Work during growing season only Visit damaged fields and prepare estimates of the damages Experience with crop production and economics Insurance companies complain there never enough adjusters

25 Insurance Use in Texas for Cotton

26 Insurance Use in Texas for Corn

27 Simulating a Learning Curve to Represent the Demand Cycle
A new business may need a few months or years to grow sales to their potential May take months or years to learn how to reach potential for a prod function In either case, assume a stochastic growth function and simulate it, if nothing else is available, use a Uniform distribution Example of a growth function for 8 years

28 Learning Curve or Demand Cycle

29 Life Cycle Costing A new concept in project feasibility analysis
Explicitly consider externalities Such as cleanup costs at end of business Strip mining reclamation Removal of underground fuel tanks Removal of above ground assets Restoration of site Prevention of future environmental hazards Removal of waste materials 100 year liners for ponds

30 Life Cycle Costing Steps to Life Cycle Costing Analysis
Identify the potential externalities Determine costs of these externalities Assign probabilities to the chance of experiencing each potential cost Assume distributions with GRKS or Bernoulli Simulate costs given the probabilities Incorporate costs of cleanup and prevention into the project feasibility These terminal costs may have big Black Swans so prepare the investor

31 Life Cycle Costing Bottom line is that LCC will increase the costs of a project and reduce its feasibility Affects the downside risk on returns Does nothing to increase the positive returns Need to consider the FULL costs of a proposed project to make the correct decision J. Emblemsvag – Life Cycle-Costing: Using Activity-Based Costing and Monte Carlo Simulation to manage Future Costs and Risks John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2003

32 Life Cycle Analysis LCA is a tool for determining the impact of a new process or project on the environment and climate change LCAs are concerned with quantifying Energy Use and CO2 Balance Green House Gases (GHGs) Water use and indirect Land use Nutrient (N,P,K) use and other factors Thus far these are deterministic analyses – This will soon change

33 Life Cycle Analysis For those interested in a good example of LCA see
MS thesis in our Department by Chris Rutland Analyzed the carbon footprint for crop and dairy farms in principal production regions in the US GREET Model developed by Dept. of Energy engineers at Argonne National Labs Download it and use it for free Contains NO risk variables

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