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The Things I Learned By: Efren fuertes.

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Presentation on theme: "The Things I Learned By: Efren fuertes."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Things I Learned By: Efren fuertes

2 The Scientific Method The Scientific method was the first thing we learned. The first step is observation. It talks about the organization of all testing things. The 2nd step is research question. It has to be testable. 3rd step is Collecting variables. There are 3 of them. Independent variable, dependent variable, and constant variable. 4th step is hypothesis. It is an educated guess. 5th step is procedure. It is the steps you used in the experiment. 6th step is analyze data. It shows the graphs you used. 7th step is conclusion. It talks about if your hypothesis is correct or wrong.

3 Matter Matter has mass and takes up space. Ex: wall, shoe, mouse

4 Physical/Chemical Changes
Physical change is the way you change the look of something. Chemical change makes a new substance. Phy: crumpled paper. Che: burning wood.

5 States of Matter The three states of matter is solid, liquid, and gas.
Particle arrangement Solid Liquid Gas

6 5 Phase changes Melting point-ice – water Boiling point-water – steam
Freezing point- water- ice Condensation- heat- sweat Sublimation-dry ice- steam

7 Mixtures Elements and compounds
Compounds: when 2 elements make a new element. Mixtures: when 2 substances make a new substance. Element: pure substance.

8 Homogeneous/Heterogeneous
Homogeneous: can’t see the particles. Heterogeneous: can see the particles. Ex: Kool Aid trail mix

9 PE/KE Potential energy: stored energy
Kinetic energy: energy of movement. Ex: about to kick a ball. Diving for a ball. Chicharito

10 Atoms There are three types of atoms. 1. Protons: + 2.Electrons -
3.Neutrons +-

11 Periodic table Demister Mendeleev made the periodic table.
There are 18 groups and 7 periods. The 4 parts of the periodic table is metals, transitional metals, non-metals, and gases. Ex: gold, silver, copper, and carbon.

12 The 3 types of heat 1. Conduction: Movement of heat by touch.
2. Convention: heat passes through a liquid. 3. Radiation: heat being pass in the air. Ex: Touching a hot stove. Touching hot water. Heat wave.

13 Speed The rate of motion( how fast) Ex: Speeding up the road.

14 Acceleration Increase of speed. Ex: The car is accelerating.

15 Forces and Motion Motion: anytime an object changes position.
Force: anything that would change the movement of an object. Ex: Push a car.

16 Resistance and Gravity
Resistance: slows something down. Gravity: the force that pulls you down to earth. Ex: running on sand. Rain

17 Balanced and Unbalanced
Balanced: all the forces acting in one object. Unbalanced: when one force is acting upon an object. Ex: Bal: table Unb: see saw

18 Friction and Net forces
Friction: when 2 substances rub each other. Net forces: the sum of all forces. Ex: Rubbing your hands.

19 Newton’s 1st Law Same thing as Inertia.
An object would be at rest unless you put force. Ex: A ball would be in the air until someone catches it.

20 Newton’s 2nd Law The more mass an object has, the more force to move it. Ex: What needs more force, a pebble or a pencil.

21 Newton’s 3rd law For every action there is an equal or opposite amount of force. Ex: Leaning on a wall.

22 Momentum How hard it is to stop something.
Ex: Stopping a car with your hands.

23 Work Anytime you move something apply a force and that force moves it.
Ex: Pushing a car.

24 Power Amount of work we could do in a period of time. Ex: Weights

25 Waves A wave is a disturbance of energy that passes through matter that moves one place to another. Ex: Flag

26 Mechanical waves Need a medium to travel.
A medium is matter that allows waves pass through it. Ex: Tornado.

27 2 Types of waves Longitudinal: Up and down Transverse: Back and forth
Ex: Long: Telephone wire. Trans: Bell

28 Electromagnetic waves
Do not need a medium. 7 electromagnetic waves: Radio wave- oldest wave Microwave- ex: cell phones Infrared wave- senses body heat Visible light- anything we could see. Ultra violet rays-ex: sun, tanning beds X-rays – see your bones Gamma rays-identify organs./fastest

29 Reflection, Refraction, Diffraction
Reflection- waves would bounce off objects. Refraction- Wave speed will vary based on the medium it is passing through. Diffraction- When waves go around, through, or between. Ex: pool air, water, bottom of sea waves going through holes.

30 Constructive and destructive interference
Constructive: when 2 similar waves come together and they make a big wave. Destructive: when 2 opposite waves cancel each other.

31 Sound in different mediums
Solid- slower Liquid-quicker Gas- quickest Effect of temp on sound Hot: the waves would move really quick, because the particles move fast. Cold: the particles are real heavy and is slower.

32 Websites Google pictures

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