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Executive Summary If you use Windows XP, there is a >90% chance you will be moving to Windows 7. By 2012, 79% of enterprises plan to make the move. Those.

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Presentation on theme: "Executive Summary If you use Windows XP, there is a >90% chance you will be moving to Windows 7. By 2012, 79% of enterprises plan to make the move. Those."— Presentation transcript:

1 Executive Summary If you use Windows XP, there is a >90% chance you will be moving to Windows 7. By 2012, 79% of enterprises plan to make the move. Those are big odds – start planning now. Why Windows 7? It’s the best enterprise desktop OS available, improving on the following functionality: Federated Search functionality consolidates file servers, Intranet, and Internet sources into a single search interface, significantly reducing the time and resources spent searching. DirectAccess and BranchCache improve remote and branch connectivity with Windows Server 2008 R2 on the backend. BitLocker, BitLocker-to-go, and AppLocker secure data, applications, and protect against malware – again, with a Windows 2008 R2 backend. In addition to the tangible features above, Microsoft has taken great care to provide the necessary tools to prepare, plan, and effectively and efficiently deploy Windows 7 – administration and management are significantly improved as well. Are there alternatives to Windows? Yes, but for Windows shops the TCO of moving to Linux or OS X will almost certainly be higher than migrating to Windows 7. You’ve decided to migrate to Windows % of organizations are moving to Windows 7 due to XP end-of-life, 54% of organizations cited application testing as the most successful way to mitigate deployment issues. Get the right version, decide how to prepare and plan, and settle on the most appropriate deployment methodology. Info-Tech Research Group

2 XP shops: start planning now for a complete migration by 2012
8 XP shops: start planning now for a complete migration by 2012 ‘01 ‘06 ‘08 ‘09 ‘14 Windows XP is launched. 400,000,000 copies in use. Direct OEM & retail sales of XP end. XP moves to extended support phase. Microsoft discontinues XP support. Less than 1% of survey respondents that deployed Vista plan to stay on it indefinitely; only 8% of respondents plan on staying with XP. Similarly, less than 1% plan on moving to an alternate OS. Info-Tech recommends organizations on Vista move to Windows 7, though with less urgency. If an EA with SA for desktop OS is in place and current hardware is sufficient, migrate sooner rather than later. Organizations running XP beyond 2014 can expect to pay $200K/year for security patches and support from Microsoft. Source: Info-Tech Research Group n=231 20101 2012 Windows XP Windows 7 As Windows XP end-of-life approaches, Windows 7 adoption will skyrocket 1 Includes fully and partially deployed respondents Info-Tech Research Group

3 XP end-of-life matters most
61% of large organizations cite XP end-of-life as the most important factor in their decision to move to Windows 7, while 72% of smaller organizations ranked improved administrative and management functionality as a significant pull factor. Smaller organizations are drawn to the improved administrative and management functionalities due to IT resource constraints. While Microsoft touts the TCO and ROI benefits of Windows 7, Info-Tech data suggests it to be a less important migration driver. Not Important 11% 17%1 18% 15% Important 26% 26% Very Important n=189 28% 41% Source: Info-Tech Research Group 42% 49% 1 Sums greater than 100% are due to rounding 46% 47% 56% 48% 40% 36% 28% 27% XP End of LifeXP End of Life Administrative Management FunctionalityAdministrative Management FunctionalityAdministrative Management Functionality Hardware RefreshHardware Refresh Security FeaturesSecurity Features TCO/ROI  Branch / Remote Access Functionality Branch / Remote Access Functionality Branch / Remote Access Functionality Branch / Remote Access Functionality Info-Tech Research Group

4 Windows 7 improves on 3 significant feature silos
Security With the Enterprise and Ultimate versions of Windows 7, enhanced security features such as BitLocker and AppLocker can be activated to ensure security of corporate data and application control. Search Windows 7 provides users with a consolidated search function known as Federated Search that allows users to search for a file on their desktops, the network or on the Internet from a single search. Jump Lists provide quick access to recent files and applications. Connectivity With the addition of a Windows Server 2008 R2 backend, DirectAccess provides seamless remote and mobile connectivity, while BranchCache can store commonly accessed files locally in branch offices for much faster local access. Info-Tech Research Group

5 DirectAccess & BranchCache simplify remote connectivity
DirectAccess allows mobile users to securely connect to the corporate network without a VPN client, increasing flexibility and significantly easing the administrative and management burden on IT. BranchCache BranchCache stores files on local branch servers or PCs, reducing bandwidth consumption and allowing much faster file access, which improves user productivity and can significantly reduce WAN costs. “From an end-user perspective, DirectAccess just makes things much easier and more transparent for us. Why go through the extra steps of VPN when there is no need?” IT Manager, Manufacturing Info-Tech Research Group

6 Improved security features ensure safety of corporate data
BitLocker BitLocker encrypts the contents of hard drives on desktops and laptops that have Trusted Platform Modules (TPM) embedded in hardware. BitLocker To Go encrypts and protects data on removable media. AppLocker AppLocker allows IT to exercise control over the applications users are allowed to install and run, decreasing the potential for malware infections. The function also allows IT to define specific applications and digital signatures users can install autonomously, reducing the need for constant IT support. “It’s difficult to sell the security department of an organization on BitLocker, but it is fantastic. Every case study we’ve done shows it to be just as strong as Pointsec and Ademco.” IT Consultant, Windows 7 Deployment Expert Info-Tech Research Group

7 Application, hardware & peripheral compatibility drive architecture selection Most organizations continue to deploy a 32 bit OS, however, 64 bit adoption is gaining Professional Enterprise Ultimate Aggregate Professional Enterprise Undecided Ultimate 32 Bit 64 Bit n=190 Info-Tech recommends that organizations maintain uniformity by deploying a single architecture, but cautions that Windows 7 may be Microsoft’s final 32 bit operating system. Info-Tech data shows that 58% of organizations that cited hardware requirements as a major pain point for deploying Windows 7 are moving forward with a 32 bit deployment, highlighting the urgency with which organizations are moving due to XP end-of-life. n=190 Source: Info-Tech Research Group Info-Tech Research Group

8 Select the Windows 7 version you require based on enterprise functionality & hardware status
Based on your answers to a series of questions about your environment, Info-Tech’s “Windows 7 Version Selection Tool” recommends an appropriate Windows 7 edition for your organization. The tool focuses on the following factors: Current systems and hardware. Current peripherals and applications. Ability to make capital investments. Security requirements. Connectivity requirements. Search requirements. Licensing agreements. Info-Tech Research Group

9 Preparation 101: Application Compatibility
Application Compatibility Toolkit The ACT identifies which enterprise applications are compatible with Windows 7 and provides reporting to help guide remediation for non-compatible applications. Windows 7 XP Mode A virtual instance of Windows XP running inside a Windows 7 desktop environment, XP mode allows users to run applications that are incompatible with Windows 7. Windows XP mode is a free download for Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate. Microsoft Enterprise Desktop Virtualization MED-V is essentially the enterprise version of Windows 7 XP Mode. It allows organizations to centrally manage applications that are not compatible with Windows 7 in an XP virtual machine in a mode that is essentially transparent to end users. MED-V is part of the Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack (MDOP) and requires a Microsoft Enterprise Agreement. Microsoft Application Virtualization App-V allows for the deployment of virtual applications in isolation (virtual bubbles) which remediates applications that may be compatible with Windows 7 but do not “play nicely” together. App-V is part of the Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack (MDOP) and requires a Microsoft Enterprise Agreement. Project managers often miscalculate the time and effort it takes to test application compatibility with Windows 7; we’ve found this area to be the most difficult and cost-inducing area of deployment. IT Consultant, Windows 7 Deployment Expert Info-Tech Research Group

10 Preparation 101: Hardware Compatibility
Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit Corporate Network Hardware Assessment Results Compatible with Windows 7 Incompatible with Windows 7 Microsoft Assessment & Planning Toolkit Most desktops and laptops manufactured in 2008 or later will run Windows 7 without issue. In fact, even older hardware (up to 5 years old) will run Windows 7 32-bit handily, but there is some risk of driver incompatibility. The Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit (MAP) inventories PCs on the corporate network and identifies those capable of running Windows 7. Info-Tech Research Group

11 Select the most appropriate deployment method by focusing on current infrastructure & IT complexity
Based on your answers to a series of questions about your infrastructure and complexity, Info-Tech’s “Windows 7 Deployment Strategy Selection Tool” recommends an appropriate deployment method for your organization. The tool focuses on the following factors: Size of the organization. Experience level of current IT staff, especially as it pertains to deployment. Current status and setup of the infrastructure within the organization. Licensing agreements and forms of media available to the organization. Info-Tech Research Group

12 Vista holdouts should consider moving to Windows 7, especially if you have Software Assurance
If Vista is deployed and desktop OS SA is not in place, try to get your money’s worth – but Windows 7 should be on a 3-4 year planning horizon. Compatibility If apps are Vista compliant, there is a very high likelihood that they will also be Windows 7 compliant. Similarly, if peripherals, drivers, and hardware are Vista compliant, they will almost certainly be Windows 7 compliant. If Vista is deployed and desktop OS SA is in place, follow the 2012 deployment guidance. If Vista is partially deployed and there is a mix of XP and Vista, finish the Vista migration and deploy Windows 7 when the migration is complete – avoid supporting 3 OSes if possible. Info-Tech Research Group

13 Appendix A: Related Research
Info-Tech resources that relate to Windows 7 include the following: Select and Deploy Windows 7 the Right Way Windows 7 Version Selection Tool Windows 7 Deployment Strategy Selection Tool Info-Tech Research Group

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