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4/11/2018 Details Appropriate for teachers and administrators with access to password protected data All presentation data is from a sample school Devices.

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Presentation on theme: "4/11/2018 Details Appropriate for teachers and administrators with access to password protected data All presentation data is from a sample school Devices."— Presentation transcript:

1 4/11/2018 Details Appropriate for teachers and administrators with access to password protected data All presentation data is from a sample school Devices are required for participants 2-3 hours depending upon the size and ability level of the group Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

2 MyIRC Educator Dashboard
4/11/2018 MyIRC Educator Dashboard Add presenters’ names Presenters’ Names Northern Illinois University Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

3 Our Format Demonstrations and information about screens and functions
4/11/2018 Our Format Demonstrations and information about screens and functions Exploration time Please stay on task with the facilitator Acknowledge that it is hard to stay with the presentation and not want to rush off to various screens. Our displays are so much fun to play with. Request that participant’s stay with you. Promise them plenty of play time. Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

4 MyIRC is available to all public schools in Illinois
Version 1 November 2016

5 Today’s Goals Access student rosters
4/11/2018 Today’s Goals Access student rosters Manipulate screens to meet data needs Disaggregate PARCC performance data View individual student reports Utilize key features of MyIRC Manage administrator accounts Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

6 MyIRC Password protected All schools in the district Grade level data
4/11/2018 MyIRC Password protected All schools in the district Grade level data Individual student performance reports Includes historical data Multiple assessments option available Multiple uploads available Emphasize that individual student data is ONLY found on MyIRC Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

7 Classroom teachers Administrators Instructional specialists Data teams
4/11/2018 Stakeholders Classroom teachers Administrators Instructional specialists Data teams Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

8 Updates to MyIRC Functions and displays are constantly being updated.
4/11/2018 Updates to MyIRC Functions and displays are constantly being updated. Views may vary slightly, but basic function and content will remain the same. Look for updated User Guides for assistance Updates will be posted in the Announcements box on the dashboard Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

9 MyIRC Conversations Data driven instruction Collaboration
4/11/2018 MyIRC Conversations Data driven instruction Collaboration Identify trends Change in programs Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

10 4/11/2018 Conversations do not lay blame nor make excuses, but seek to analyze for contributing factors and the determination of next steps. Copper Rule of Conversations, because the Golden Rule was already taken. Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

11 MyIRC Getting started at 4/11/2018
Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

12 MyIRC Log In – Here’s How to Register
4/11/2018 Once registered, log in here – easy and secure If not registered, follow steps in blue box, lower right corner. See Getting Started User Guide. Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

13 4/11/2018 Coming Soon Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

14 Log in to Sample School Username:
4/11/2018 Log in to Sample School Username: Password: sample2016 This log in is only good for this workshop on this day. You will need to contact Kerry for a personal sample school log in. This log in is ONLY good for today’s session. To receive a personal Sample School log in contact: Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

15 MyIRC Dashboard Announcement section will provide updates
4/11/2018 MyIRC Dashboard Announcement section will provide updates Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

16 Administrators have additional components
4/11/2018 Administrators have additional components Provide Getting Started Managing Accounts user guides to all administrators. These functions are explained starting on slide 156. Principal entry form is explained later at slide 136. Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

17 4/11/2018 Select Student Data Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

18 4/11/2018 Sample Schools All names are fictitious, but are linked to realistic assessment performance. Data has been scrambled so it might not follow expected trends or patterns. Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

19 Demographics of Test Takers
4/11/2018 Demographics of Test Takers Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

20 Available Assessments
4/11/2018 Available Assessments Be sure that all participants select the PARCC tab. Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

21 Select Grade Level and Year
4/11/2018 Select Grade Level and Year Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

22 Student Roster Version 1 November 2016

23 Color Codes PARCC Blue = Exceeded Green = Met Yellow = Approached
4/11/2018 Color Codes PARCC Blue = Exceeded Green = Met Yellow = Approached Orange = Partially Met Red = Did Not Met This PARCC color coding looks slightly different than the public site. Reasoning was that these color codes have previously been used on DSI and would provide users with continuity. Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

24 Imbedded User Guides 4/11/2018
New ones will be added periodically. Check for updates. Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

25 All assessment screens function in a similar manner.
4/11/2018 All assessment screens function in a similar manner. Select year, grade, and subject. Click GO after making any selection. This is a trouble spot where users can go wrong. If they are not seeing data that they think they should see, have them check what appears in the drop down boxes. Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

26 4/11/2018 Averages provide a reference point How does this school compare to the district and state? Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

27 PARCC ELA 4/11/2018 Subject, category, and subclaims are displayed
Look closer on the next slide. Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

28 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015
4/11/2018 Subclaims This gets confusing to explain. Overall scores are based on 5 performance levels. Subclaims are based on 3 performance levels. The arrows do NOT indicate movement, but are included to match PARCC parent reports. Green is meets or exceeds expectations, yellow is approached expectations, red is below expectations. Reading category score is based on 90 points, writing category score is based on 60 points. Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

29 4/11/2018 PARCC Math Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

30 Subclaims Overall Score 4/11/2018
There are no category scores in math. Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

31 Search for Individual Student
4/11/2018 Search for Individual Student Search for an individual student. Type in the last name and then click the Search icon. Name will be highlighted within the roster. Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

32 Sample AIMSweb Assessment Display Screen
4/11/2018 Sample AIMSweb Assessment Display Screen Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

33 Sample DEA assessment roster display
4/11/2018 Sample DEA assessment roster display Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

34 Sample MAP Assessment Display
4/11/2018 Sample MAP Assessment Display Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

35 Sample DIBELS Assessment Display
4/11/2018 Sample DIBELS Assessment Display Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

36 4/11/2018 Explore View a student roster, identify a student at the Approached level View a different grade level On the 7th grade ELA roster, search for a student named Lobo Change subject from ELA to Math On the 6th grade Math roster, search for a student named Kerrill Explore on your own Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

37 Manipulate Screen Displays
4/11/2018 Manipulate Screen Displays Have participants select math for the next few screens Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

38 Collapse columns 4/11/2018 Click here
Collapsing the columns can help make the screens less overwhelming to those using the site for the first time. Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

39 Sort data columns 4/11/2018 Click gray caret above any column
Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

40 First click sorts high to low
4/11/2018 First click sorts high to low Second click sorts low to high Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

41 4/11/2018 PARCC Writing Sort Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

42 Click Clear Sort to revert to default view.
4/11/2018 Click Clear Sort to revert to default view. Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

43 Explore Close the demographics columns
4/11/2018 Explore Close the demographics columns Sort the Conventions column low to high Clear the sort Sort the Vocabulary column high to low Sort Grade 4, Math, Major Content from low to high Explore on your own 5 – 10 minutes Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

44 Identify groups of students with specific needs
4/11/2018 Identify groups of students with specific needs Optional: Use sort function first Identify students at risk or requiring enrichment Click on the boxes next to students’ names Click COMPARE at the top of the column Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

45 A roster of selected students will display
4/11/2018 A roster of selected students will display Add more students or return to full roster Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

46 Add or Remove Students 4/11/2018
Check or uncheck boxes to add and remove students. Click compare when finished. Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

47 Selected Students 4/11/2018 Add More shows you full roster
Show All clears checked selections and shows full roster Explain that the sort will not be saved when they return to other screens. The next slide shows how to download and print off the roster they have created. Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

48 Download Group Roster to Excel
4/11/2018 Download Group Roster to Excel Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

49 Explore Use a Math roster Select students with a similar need
4/11/2018 Explore Use a Math roster Select students with a similar need Create a comparison group roster Remove 1 student and add 3 students to this group Download an Excel spreadsheet of this group Explore on your own Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

50 What use cases can you think of for the Compare Students function?
4/11/2018 Discussion What use cases can you think of for the Compare Students function? Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

51 Uses Create groups for RTI
View students who have participated in a specific intervention Identify students ready for enrichment Identify students who may be doing well in one subject and poorly in another Version 1 November 2016

52 Disaggregation is breaking the data apart into smaller pieces
4/11/2018 Disaggregation is breaking the data apart into smaller pieces The process addresses questions about what is working (or not) and for whom. Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

53 Select the Disaggregation Tab
4/11/2018 Select the Disaggregation Tab Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

54 This section is based on 3 levels and displays weighted indicators.
4/11/2018 This section is based on 3 levels and displays weighted indicators. The weighted indicators are not statistically correct, because the value for each of the levels is a single whole integer. However, they are displayed to give an idea about whether a group of students is getting closer to the level above or below their current performance. This column is based on 5 PARCC performance levels. Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

55 4/11/2018 How many 4th grade students are in the met and exceeded levels? What conversations might you have about the students in the approached category? Answer is 67 Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

56 See district and state averages
4/11/2018 See district and state averages Select additional filters Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

57 See district and state averages
4/11/2018 See district and state averages Select additional filters Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

58 Click Submit after making any selections
4/11/2018 Use Clear Selection to return to the default screen and clear any filters. Click Submit after making any selections Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

59 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015
4/11/2018 Click on the underlined blue number to view a roster of specific students at this level. Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

60 Roster of students-Partially Met
4/11/2018 Roster of students-Partially Met Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

61 Complex Disaggregation
4/11/2018 Dual metric- Male and Female selected Information is stacked Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

62 Explore Choose a disaggregation roster Select up to 3 single filters
4/11/2018 Explore Choose a disaggregation roster Select up to 3 single filters Select a performance level and view these students Clear the selections Select a dual metric What information does this give you? Explore on your own Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

63 4/11/2018 Discussion What use cases can you think of for the disaggregation function? What conversations might take place? Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

64 Disaggregation Conversations
4/11/2018 Disaggregation Conversations Do our students’ scores differ by gender or other demographics? What patterns can you identify? How can school culture affect student achievement? Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

65 4/11/2018 Disaggregation is not a problem-solving strategy. It is a problem-finding strategy. Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

66 4/11/2018 Charts and Reports Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

67 Select from drop down menus then click GO
4/11/2018 Select from drop down menus then click GO Reminder: If user does not see anticipated information, have them check the drop down menus to be certain those selections are correct. Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

68 4/11/2018 Chutes and Ladders The left side, large box shows the number of students at that performance level last year. The arrows show where those same students moved to this year. This information is reported only for students who were present for both of the assessment administrations. Students moving in or out of the district are not included. Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

69 4/11/2018 Click on a performance level and number to see the roster of those students Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

70 4/11/2018 More Conversations What do you notice about students moving from one level to the next? What do you notice about the number of students remaining in each level? What other conversations could you have about these screens? Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

71 Click on any student’s name to see an individual Performance Report
4/11/2018 Click on any student’s name to see an individual Performance Report Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

72 All available reports are listed
4/11/2018 All available reports are listed Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

73 View all of a student’s performance data in one place.
4/11/2018 View all of a student’s performance data in one place. Make note that all vendor assessments, as well as historical data from ISAT and IAA is available. Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

74 PARCC Detail report includes subclaims
4/11/2018 PARCC Detail report includes subclaims Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

75 Compare to various benchmarks
4/11/2018 Compare to various benchmarks Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

76 Longitudinal Data Displayed
4/11/2018 Longitudinal Data Displayed Two years of data for each metric Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

77 Some assessments have different types of reports available
4/11/2018 Some assessments have different types of reports available PARCC is provided by the state. Any additional assessments are available for a small fee. Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

78 Explore View a student report
4/11/2018 Explore View a student report Compare student’s performance to the state averages Examine how this student performed on subclaims Compare student’s performance over time Explore on your own Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

79 What kind of use cases can you think of to utilize these reports?
4/11/2018 Discussion What kind of use cases can you think of to utilize these reports? Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

80 4/11/2018 Take the PARCC Survey Encourage participants to take the survey sometime during the workshop. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey. Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

81 4/11/2018 Administrator Tools Administrators not yet registered will need to start here. Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

82 Follow the Step by Step Process
4/11/2018 Follow the Step by Step Process Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

83 Each step prompts you to move on to the next.
4/11/2018 Each step prompts you to move on to the next. Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

84 4/11/2018 Review and Submit Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

85 Principal Entry Items 4/11/2018
Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

86 Highlights Entry Click arrow Select School Highlights Form 4/11/2018
Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

87 Category Sub-categories 4/11/2018
Point out Instructions button. Remind users to click each Category and Subcategory. Highlight SAVE ALL button. Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

88 Summary appears on the At-A-Glance Report
4/11/2018 Summary appears on the At-A-Glance Report On line displays are generated using the check boxes. At-A-Glance summary text should be something like, “We offer 9 AP and 2 Dual Credit programs. Check boxes show those items that are currently listed on the site. You may deselect by unchecking the box and add by using the open text box. Add items here Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

89 5E comments Select 5Essentials button Enter text 4/11/2018
Point out Character count (1,000 maximum) and Save All button. Enter text Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

90 Managing Accounts – Administrators Only
4/11/2018 Managing Accounts – Administrators Only Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

91 4/11/2018 This screen shows the level of access and the individual schools under the district access. Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

92 Go to My Account Settings to Update
4/11/2018 Go to My Account Settings to Update Be sure to click UPDATE ACCOUNT to save any changes. Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

93 4/11/2018 Add or delete users, view roles, and monitor usage by selecting Manage Users from the upper right menu. Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

94 4/11/2018 Tracking Usage All the columns can be sorted. Click the arrow next to the title to sort the column. Click a second time to sort in reverse order. The Usage column arrow has been clicked in the example below. Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

95 4/11/2018 Select the Add User Accounts tab to add a user or to adjust the type of account access. There is one more step before a user is active. Click Add User Account. The process is not complete here. You must go to Pending Approval to verify and complete the process.. Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

96 4/11/2018 You can use the check boxes to approve one or more of the accounts you have created. Check the boxes, then click Approve. Pending Approval also lets you View Roles, Add Roles, and Delete Users. Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

97 Data Upload Information
4/11/2018 Data Upload Information Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

98 Evaluation Form Please click on this link to fill out the form.
Or scan Version 1 November 2016

99 Thank You! For more information – Cheryl Callighan
4/11/2018 Thank You! For more information – Cheryl Callighan Illinois Report Card/MyIRC Northern Illinois University Place your contact information here. Version 1 November 2016 Morton Grove SD 70 Administrator Workshop 8/21/2015

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