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The Plant Kingdom.

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1 The Plant Kingdom

2 What is a Plant? Member of the plant kingdom share
several characteristics. Autotrophs Eukaryotes Surrounded by cell wall

3 Plants are Autotrophs Produce their own food.
Powered by the sun, food making factory Photosynthesis is the process in which plants make their own food.

4 Photosynthesis During photosynthesis, a plant uses carbon dioxide gas and water to make food and oxygen.

5 Plants are Multi-cellular called eukaryotes
You don’t need a microscope to see plants because they are multi-cellular. Plant cells are organized into tissues which are a group of similar cells that perform a specific function in an organism.

6 Plant Cells are enclosed by a cell wall
Cell wall are rigid. This is make apple and carrots crunchy. Chloroplast: where food is made Vacuole: large storage sac that stores substances such as water, waste and food.

7 Identify the characteristic of plants.
Autotrophs: make their own food Eukaryote/ multi-cellular: made up of many cells. Cell walls: rigid wall that surrounds the cell membrane and separates the cell from the environment.

8 Review: What is the function of the vacuole in a plant cell?
Stores food, water and waste.

9 Adaptations for Living on Land
Algae live in water and, as a result, they can obtain water and nutrients directly from the water. The water also aid in reproduction allowing sperm cells to swim to egg cells

10 Plants Living on Land What adaptations would help plants meet their needs without water all around them? Plants need adaptations for obtaining water from the soil Plants must have ways of holding onto the water they obtain. Cuticle: a waxy, waterproof layer that covers the leaves of most plants and help reduce water loss.

11 Transporting Materials: a plant need to transport water, minerals, food , and other materials from one part of its body to another. Small plants material can move from one cell to another. Large plants have transporting tissue called vascular tissue. Vascular tissue is a system of tube like structures inside a plant through which water, minerals, and food move.

12 Support: A plant on land must support it’s own body
Support: A plant on land must support it’s own body. Plants need support to expose it to as much sunlight as possible. Reproduction: All plants undergo sexual reproduction that involves fertilization. Fertilization occurs when a sperm cell unites with an egg cell. The fertilize egg is called a zygote.

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