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Parts of the Plant and Their Functions

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1 Parts of the Plant and Their Functions
By: Ita Rodríguez 3rd Grade

2 Importance of plants Without plants life on earth would not exist

3 Plants Primary source of food for people and animals Produce oxygen
Help keep us cool Renew (filter) the air

4 Plants Slow wind speed Provide a home for wildlife
Beautify surroundings Perfume the air Provide building materials and fuel

5 Plants Need nutrients Soil Water Sunlight

6 Plant Photosynethesis
Photosynthesis is the process by which plants make food (sugar or glucose) Sunlight provides energy The air provides carbon dioxide Nutrients and water are absorbed by the roots Photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplast in the leaves Sugars are made as food for the plant and oxygen is released Carbon dioxide enters the leaves through stomata (tiny holes) in the leaves. Oxygen leaves the same way.

7 Soil Nutrients Nitrogen – growth, photosynthesis
Phosphorus – photosynthesis, flowering Potassium – build proteins, prevent disease Calcium – strong cells Magnesium – photosynthesis Sulfur - build proteins and produce food

8 Parts of a Plant Four basic parts leaves stems roots flowers

9 Leaves Definition: flattened outgrowth of stem
Used for: photosynthesis, respiration, and transpiration Produces food used by the plant and also store it for later use

10 Shape and Size of Leaves
Vary among plants Used for identification of plants

11 Leaves: Their Basic Parts
Leaf Base Petiole Lamina (blade) Midrib Veins Margins (edges)


13 Leaf Base Part attached to the stem or branch
Protects a bud in its axil

14 Petiole Part of leaf that connects the lamina with the stem (leaf stalk) Some time a leaf may not have a petiole, such leaves are called – Sessile

15 Lamina (blade) The flat, expended, and broad part of leaf
Most important part of the leaf (food manufacturer) Has veins Forms structural framework of the leaf

16 Midrib Large center vein from which all other leaf veins extend

17 Veins Systems of tubes (xylem and phloem) for the transport of nutrients and water Xylem: ducts that bring water and minerals from the roots into the leaf Phloem: ducts that usually move sap, with dissolved sucrose, produced by photosynthesis in the leaf, out of the leaf

18 Venation Types Netted or Reticulate Venation

19 Margins Edges of leaves Assists in plant identification

20 Leaf Arrangement Alternate Opposite Whorled
arranged in a circle around the stem

21 Leaf Types Simple leaf: undivided blade with a single axillary bud at the base of its petiole

22 Leaf Types Compound leaf: blade divided into leaflets
has a single bud at the base of its petiole pinnate palmate

23 Leaf Types Peltate leaves: petioles that are attached to the middle of the blade Perfoliate leaves: sessile leaves that surround and are pierced by stems

24 Specialized or Modified Leaves
Cotyledons Tendrils Shade leaves Drought-resistant leaves Prickles and thorn Storage leaves Reproductive leaves Insect-trapping leaves Bracts Window leaves Flower pot leaves

25 Cotyledons or “Seed Leaves”
First leaves produced by a germinating seed Often contains a store of food to help the seedling become established

26 Tendrils Leaflets are reduced in size
Garden Pea Leaflets are reduced in size Allows plant to cling to other objects

27 Leaves: Needles and Spines
Drought Resistant leaves

28 Leaves: Colorful Bracts
Petal-like leaves

29 Internal Leaf Structure
Epidermis skin of the leaf single layer of cells protects leaf from loss of too much moisture

30 Internal Leaf Structure

31 Stomata Small hole Opened and closed by 2 guard cells
Allows the plant to breathe and transpire gives off moisture open closed

32 Stomata Function: gas exchange in the leaf
oxygen Guard cell When a plant is photosynthesising Carbon dioxide

33 Leaf Cell (Palisade)

34 Chloroplasts Contains chlorophyll Located inside the food making cells

35 Photosynthesis Process by which CO2 and H2O in the presence of sunlight are converted to sugar and oxygen This makes the plants' food

36 Respiration Plants respire 24 hours a day
They consume O2 and nutrients and give off CO2 and water

37 Stems Have two main functions
movement of water and minerals from the roots upward movement of manufactured food down

38 Stem Functions Support of leaves and reproductive structures

39 Stem Functions Used for food storage and reproduction of plants involving cuttings Green stems manufacture food just as leaves do

40 External Stem Structure
Lenticels: breathing pores Bud scale scars: indicate where terminal bud has been located previous year

41 Leaf Scars Show where leaf was attached
Distance between the two represents one year of growth

42 Internal Stem Structure
Phloem- bark, carries manufactured foods down Xylem- wood, carries water and minerals up Cambium- separates the 2 and produces all new cells

43 Roots Underground or above ground Functions:
anchor plant and hold upright absorb water and minerals form soil and conduct to stem store food

44 External Root Cap Root Hair produces new cells
protects roots as they push through soil Root Hair increases surface area of roots facilitate the absorption of water and nutrients

45 Root Structure Internal similar to stems
older roots have xylem, phloem and cambian

46 Type of Root Systems Fibrous Roots: easier transplanting
shorter, smaller, more compact Examples of plants with this root system are Banana Coconut Rice Corn Sugar Cane All grasses

47 Type of Root Systems Tap Roots:
large central roots with shorter, branching roots Examples of plants with this root system are Mango Avocado Carrots Tomatoes Peppers

48 Type of Root Systems Aerial Roots:
hang down in mid-air and absorb water from rainfall Examples of plants with this root system are Some mangroves Wild Pine Orchids

49 Specialized Root Systems
Stilt Roots: grow down from lateral branches, branching in the soil

50 Specialized Root Systems
Adventitious Roots: Grow from unusual places on plants such as stems, leaves and even fruits

51 Flowers Definition: the seed-bearing part of a plant, consisting of reproductive organs (stamens and carpels) that are typically surrounded by a brightly colored corolla (petals) and a green calyx (sepals) Vary in size, shape, and colors Flowering plants are called angiosperms

52 Flower Structure Petals Stamen and pistil: reproductive organs
Anther and ovary Calyx (sepal): green leaf-like part that covers and protects bud before opening

53 Petals Are actually leaves
Usually bright colors to attract pollinating insects

54 Stamen Stamens male part of flower has two parts filament anther

55 Pistil Stamens female part of flower has three parts stigma style

56 Anther Anther: sac-like structure on top of filament, contains pollen

57 Ovary Egg cells develop here Grows to become fruit or seedcoat

58 Animals: A Simbiotic Relationship
Pollination: color of flower attracts insects to fertilize flower beginning of fruit and seed formation Fruits and seed are attractive to birds who eat and spread seeds reproduces plant some seeds carried on animals coats

59 Types of Flowers Complete contains 4 main parts
Incomplete does not have all 4 main parts

60 Flower Classification
Monoecious stamens and pistils are found in separate flowers on the same plant ex: Corn

61 Flower Classification
Dioecious stamens and pistils are found in separate flowers on separate plant ex: Holly

62 Gymnosperms Group of non-flowering, seed-producing plants:
conifers, cycads, Ginkgo, and Gnetales comes from the Greek word gymnospermos, meaning "naked seeds" seeds develop either on the surface of scales or leaves, often modified to form cones, or at the end of short stalks

63 Pteridophyta Primitive plant Do not produce flowers or seeds
Reproduce by spores Have xylem and phloem (making them vascular plants) Have stems, leaves, and roots

64 Seeds A seed is an embryonic plant enclosed
in a protective outer covering called the seed coat, usually with some stored food

65 External Seed Structure
Seed Coat

66 Seed Coat Texture Cactus seed under a powerful microscope

67 Internal Seed Structure

68 Different Types of Seeds

69 GERMINATION Steps: Seed coat breaks Radicle becomes root
Hypocotyl and epicotyl become the stem First leaves grow and photosynthesis begins First leaves Watch the following video

70 Life Cycle


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