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Flemming Sørensen, Partner Nordekon ApS

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Presentation on theme: "Flemming Sørensen, Partner Nordekon ApS"— Presentation transcript:

1 Flemming Sørensen, Partner Nordekon ApS
Assist nordic companies in emerging markets AFRICA INNOVATION NETWORK, the largest business business network for companies with focus on Africa Gateway to diplomacy

2 Business delegations Cultural workshops B2Africa Magazine
4- 5 seminars a year + a number of business and networking meetings at the African embassies in Denmark Business delegations Cultural workshops B2Africa Magazine Nordekon B2B platform

3 Why do Danish companies enter (Southern) Africa?
This area is very attractive to offshore / energy and oil companies This area is very attractive to fish feed / fish farming due to the climate That´s why companies like Mærsk and Falck are active in or looking at these markets That´s why companies like Aller Aqua and Royal Danish Fish are active in or looking at these markets As a large economy in Africa, South Africa is attractive to all companies having focus on B2C segment Other Danish companies: ….Skov, Orana, Borum, Bo Concept, Danish Knowhow, Desmi, Cowi, Rambøl, Niras etc. We estimate approx Danish companies are looking at Africa at the moment That´s why companies like Cult, Harboe, Pandora, are active in or looking at these markets

4 Incentives / drivers Main Challenges Growing middleclass approx. 300 m
Urbanisation / major cities Young continent Finance Major infrastructure projects Culture Uncultivated land Reforms

5 THANKS / QUESTIONS Partner, Flemming Sørensen Nordekon ApS

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