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HIV/AIDS devastation in Southern Africa

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1 HIV/AIDS devastation in Southern Africa
HIV/AIDS is a disease in which there is a severe loss of the body's cellular immunity, greatly lowering the resistance to infection and malignancy. The problem of HIV and AIDS in Southern Africa is 1 and 5 people have AIDS or HIVs. Political leaders have failed to address the AIDS crisis within Africa in the 1990's which explains why it is so bad today. AIDS can spreads from person to person very fast, and medical care is limited or too expensive for the majority population in Southern Africa. This is because Southern Africa has a very low income rate of 742 dollars a year. This is a problem because AIDS and HIV treatment cost around 100 dollars, this is a huge portion of their income because they have to pay to have food which is scarce, as well as paying for their house if they have one. This leaves not much money to pay for AID treatment. The causes of AIDS and HIV are social instability, rabid urbanization, labor migration, and sexual violence (rape). The effects of AIDS and HIVS are devastating the economic and social health of Southern Africa. More then a million people die from this epidemic every year. Some solutions are trying to educate African people on how the disease is contracted and passed to others. Other efforts to improve this is more safety of blood supplies. The UN has also stepped in to help people within Africa, and they have been making slight progress over the years of the epidemic occurring. Last of all, people have created drugs that delay the progression of HIVS and AIDS, but there has been no cure to this horrific disease.

2 Pictures representing HIV/AIDS
This picture shows the UN helping a person in South Africa with AIDS. This shows the harsh conditions a South African person is going through fighting against AIDS. This picture shows how many deaths there has been in South Africa compared to the Northern part and the rest of the world which is an extreme difference.

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