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Steven Newhouse Project Director,

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1 Steven Newhouse Project Director,
The EGI Ecosystem Steven Newhouse Project Director, Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011

2 C21: Digital Research Extracting Knowledge from the Data Deluge
Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011

3 Infrastructure (Wikipedia)
Infrastructure is the basic physical and organisational structures needed for the operation of a society or enterprise, or the services and facilities necessary for an economy to function EGI provides a service infrastructure that exposes and federates a resource infrastructure The Enterprise for us is the European Research Area Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011

4 Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011
EGI Collaboration NGI EIRO NGI NGI EIRO NGI NGI Virtual Research Community Virtual Research Community Virtual Research Community NGI: National Grid Initiative EIRO: European Intergovernmental Research Organisation Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011

5 Service & Resource Providers
EGI Ecosystem User Community EGEE-III Policies + Funding Requirements + Feedback Services + Support EGI-InSPIRE NA3 & SA3 Service & Resource Providers Requirements + Feedback NA2 Requirements + Feedback Public Funding Bodies Policies + Funding Technology Providers European Commission NA1 SA2 Open Source Providers Resource Infrastructure Providers National Research Councils SA1 & JRA1 Strategic Feedback Technology + Support Commercial Providers Policies + Funding Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011

6 Coordination for European Grid resources Based in Amsterdam
Established 8 February 2010 Central policy & services needed to run a grid Sustainable small coordinating organisation Based in Amsterdam Coordinating core (21 people) in Amsterdam Technical services from partners (~20 FTEs) EGI and Supported by the EGI-InSPIRE project Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011

7 Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011 Governance established as non-profit foundation Governance & ownership by its participants Participants: European NGIs Associated participants: Organisations aligned with’s objectives EGI Council contains all participants Votes linked to fees Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011

8 A Virtuous Service Cycle
National Resource Providers European Grid Infrastructure Ecosystem Current User Communities Used by Researchers Gathering New Requirements New Technology Assessed Deployed Infrastructure Services MoUs & OLAs MoUs MoUs & SLAs LoIs New User Communities Technology Providers Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011

9 EGI-InSPIRE Project Integrated Sustainable Pan-European Infrastructure for Researchers in Europe A 4-year project with €25M EC contribution Project cost €72M Total Effort ~€330M Effort: 9261PMs Project Partners (50), 38 NGIs, 2 EIROs Asia Pacific (9 unfunded partners) Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011

10 Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011
Project Objectives A sustainable production infrastructure Resource providers in Europe and worldwide With new technologies as they mature Support structured international research Sustain current domain specific services Attract new international user communities e.g. ESFRI - European Strategic Forum on Research Infrastructures Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011

11 Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011
PY1 Achievements Establishing Legal organisation employing 21 people Transitioning to a national infrastructure 38 independent European NGIs Support to Virtual Research Communities Software & centrally provided services Establishing open sustainable processes For requirements & policy development Two large community building events For the whole EGI community & its ecosystem Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011

12 Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011
Establishing Impact: Project Management: Focus only on critical time-sensitive issues Technical: M & D where key contributing partner delayed EGI-InSPIRE 4yr Linear Average (~46PM under) Activity EGI-InSPIRE Project Task Work summary Management & Administration TNA1.1 & TNA1.2 Organisation, Project and Consortium Management Technical Management TNA1.3, TNA1.4 TSA1.1, TSA2.1, TNA2.1, TNA3.1 Technical Management of Operations, Technology, User Community & External Relations Dissemination TNA2.2 & TNA2.4 Dissemination and Events and their management Policy TNA2.3 Policy Development across Operations and other areas User Community TNA3.2 User Community Support Team Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011

13 Funding EGI & EGI-InSPIRE Central Budget 597K
European Commission EGI-InSPIRE (25000K) EGI-InSPIRE Central Budget (597K) 597K Management Activities & EGI Global Tasks (performed once for all) 4653K Activity (8010K) This moves towards sustainability 2643K 19750K 6000K NGI Activity EC Re-imbursement rates 100% - Management (M) 40% - General tasks (G) 33% - International tasks (N) 25% - EGI Global tasks (E) Partner Tasks (International & EGI Global Tasks) (65848K) NGIs & EIROs (49455K) 43455K Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011

14 EGI & EGI-InSPIRE End-Users Virtual Organisations
Virtual Research Communities User Functional Services (SA3) User Coordination Services (NA3) (NA1 & NA2) EGI HQ EGI-InSPIRE Service Infrastructure (SA1+JRA1) Software (SA2) Local Global Resource Infrastructure (NGIs & EIROs) EGI Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011

15 European Grid Infrastructure (April 2011 and yearly increase)
Logical CPUs (cores) 239,840 EGI (+24.9%) 338,895 All 102 PB disk and 89 PB tape Resource Centres 338 EGI 345 All (+6.8 %) 96 supporting MPI (+6.8%) Countries (+11.5%) 51 EGI 57 All (+18.75) 38 NGIs providing resources 22 National Operations Centres 16 NGIs in 5 Federated Operations Centres 1 EIRO providing resources 18 countries in 4 non-European Operations Centres Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011

16 Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011
EGI Usage (April 2011) Average usage vs 27.8M jobs/month, 914,000 jobs/day (+82%) 74.8M CPU wall clock hours/month (+35%) 2.8M jobs/month for non-HEP users (+47%) Year to Year Increase 18,271 End-users (+47%) 219 VOs (+17.7%) ~30 high activity VOs (no change) User Communities Archeology Fusion Astronomy Geophysics Astrophysics High Energy Physics Civil Protection Life Sciences Comp. Chemistry Multimedia Earth Sciences Material Sciences Finance Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011

17 Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011
Review Agenda Project Overview 9:30: The EGI Context (we are now here!) 10:00: External Relations (NA2) + Q&A 10:30: Project Administration (NA1) + Q&A User Community 11:15: Supporting VRCs (NA3) + Q&A 12:00: Software for Heavy User Communities (SA3) + Q&A Distributed Computing Technology 14:00: Software Provisioning (SA2) + Q&A 14:45: Operations (SA1) and supporting Tools (JRA1) + Q&A Future 16:00: Plans for PY2 + Q&A 30/05/2011 Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011

18 NA2 – External Relations
Steven Newhouse Director, Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011

19 Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011
NA2 Overview The Netherlands UK Slovenia Czech Republic France Finland Spain Poland Russia Bulgaria Latvia Italy Serbia Israel Germany Portugal Hungary Norway Switzerland Ireland Turkey Denmark Cyprus Slovakia Albania Sweden Lithuania Taiwan Phillippines Indonesia Australia Singapore Malaysia WP Beneficiary Total PMs WP2-E 308 NCF 5 STFC 19 WP2-N ARNES 28 CESNET 8 CNRS 21 CSC 17 CSIC 35 CYFRONET 16 E-ARENA 14 ICT-BAS IMCS-UL 22 INFN 20 IPB 12 IUCC 4 KIT-G LIP MTA KFKI WP Beneficiary Total PMs WP2-N NCF 7 SIGMA 6 STFC 24 SWITCH TCD TUBITAK 16 UCPH 12 UCY 8 UI SAV UPT VR-SNIC VU 21 ASGC 48 ASTI 20 ITB 3 UNIMELB 4 NUS UPM 33 Countries 34 Beneficiaries 812 PMs 16.8 FTEs Task Leader/Partner WP Effort % TNA2.1 Activity Management S. Newhouse/ 2% TNA2.2 Dissemination C. Gater/ 44% TNA2.3 Policy Development S. Andreozzi/ TNA2.4 Events R. v. d. Meer/ 10% Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011

20 Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011
Objectives Disseminating the work of EGI & its communities: Within the project Worldwide Supporting policy development: Within and external to In conjunction with EGI‘s stakeholders Cover governance, standardisation and integration with other infrastructures. Running two large events each year with: Partners in the European e-Infrastructure ecosystem The community using e-Infrastructure services Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011

21 Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011
Communications Website Quarterly Newsletters Wiki Blogs Monthly Letters Social Media 30,000 visitors 365,000 page views Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011

22 Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011
Dissemination Disseminate EGI’s activity within the project and worldwide through its regionally dispersed dissemination contacts Develop the EGI branding and content for the project and event websites Leverage NGIs for contributed events, websites, materials, publications, papers, translations, press releases and outreach to policy makers Booths at international events in Europe and around the world Europe: ISC2010 in Germany, ICT 2010 in Brussels, eChallenges in Warsaw & SciTech in Brussels Worldwide: ISGC in Taipei & SC10 in the US. Hosted booths at the EGI Technical and User Forums Outreach campaigns that included printed materials (brochures & posters), press releases, social media feeds and blogs Contribute stories in International Science Grid This Week and Public Service Review Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011

23 EGI Technical Governance
EGI Council Executive Board Technology TCB Security SCG SPG SVG/RAT CSIRT Operations OMB OTAG OAT Users UCB USAG Terms of Reference (ToR) Policy Development Process (PDP) Common Glossary (GCG) SVG/RAT CSIRT Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011

24 Strategic Policy Documents
Help plan future activities See later PY2 presentation Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011

25 MoUs Structure Ecosystem
+ more to come Astro-VRC, DARIAH, CLARIN, … Technology Provider Resource Provider VRC Project Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011

26 Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011
EGI Technical Forum 2010 Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam, September 2010 in partnership with the BiG Grid project Brought together European DCI projects and their collaborators in academia and businesses, and users in the research community 570 delegates, 290 contributions in the form of presentations, demos, posters and workshops 22% of delegates used the iPhone application, 28% used Twitter, 10% Flickr, 25% YouTube, 8% the GLOBAL webcast of the plenaries and 28% read the GridCast blog 27 press cuttings, including HPCwire, iSGTW, ZDNet, Yahoo News, ITnews in Australia, Science Business and Environment & Energy Management GridCast team from e-ScienceTalk produced 26 posts on the blog and 6 videos on YouTube Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011

27 Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011
EGI User Forum 2011 Vilnius, Lithuania, April 2011 in partnership with Vilnius University and LITNET Co-located with the European Middleware Initiative (EMI) Technical Conference Showcasing the diversity of the EGI user community and to ‘meet the EMI experts’ 427 delegates, 196 contributions, 173 speakers and 34 session conveners Book of Abstracts published for distribution at the event Over 250 images on Flickr, 30 posts on the GridCast blog, including 14 videos and slide shows Press articles appeared in HPCWire, the SSI blog, the GÉANT newsletter and iSGTW Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011

28 Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011
Use of Resources – low across all parts of NA2 Staff in place since January 2011 Impact on work in PQ1-3: Primarily Dissemination & Policy M & D Local partner contributions to central staff Different level of effort across the community Some of this effort very low, a few PMs for project Can lead to large % fluctuations No concern about delivering over the project Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011

29 Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011
Plans for next year EGI Technical Forum, Lyon 19-23rd September 2011 EGI Community Forum, Munich 26-30th March 2012 For whole ecosystem, not just users! Develop community consensus on ERIC participants see 2013 as better time Move D2.11 (EGI ERIC Plan) to PY3 Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011

30 Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011
Summary Established HQ function across: Governance & policy coordination Project management & finance Dissemination & event management Established Community Outreach: Consumer: website, blogs, events, publications Management: policy, communications Context & NA2 - EGI-InSPIRE Review 2011

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