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1 Acceleration

2 Imagine that you are rollerblading (or skating) and you see a large rock in your path.
You slow down and swerve to avoid the rock Your neighbor sees you and exclaims, “That was great acceleration! I am amazed you could slow down and turn so quickly!” Doesn’t accelerate mean to speed up?

3 Defining Acceleration
Although the word accelerate is commonly used to mean “speed up”, there’s more to its meaning scientifically. Acceleration is the rate at which velocity changes. To accelerate means to change velocity. Velocity changes if speed changes, direction changes, or both. Your neighbor was right. Your speed and direction changed, so you did accelerate!

4 Keep in mind that acceleration is not just how much velocity changes, it is also how fast velocity changes. The faster the velocity changes, the greater the acceleration is.

5 Calculating Acceleration
Use the following equation to calculate acceleration. a = (Vf – Vi)/t a = Acceleration Vf = Final Velocity Vi = initial velocity t = Time

6 Velocity is expressed in meters per second (m/s)
Time is expressed in seconds (s) Acceleration is expressed in meters per second per second (m/s/s) or (m/s2)

7 Try These! A roller coaster’s velocity at the top of a hill is 10 meters per second. Two seconds later it reaches the bottom of the hill with a velocity of 26 meters per second. What is the acceleration of the roller coaster? First Step: Write the Formula Second Step: Fill in the numbers Third Step: Solve for the unknown

8 a = (final velocity – initial velocity) / time
a = (26 m/s – 10 m/s) / 2s a = (16 m/s) / 2s a = 8 m/s/s or 8 m/s2

9 A plane passes over Point A with a velocity of 8,000 m/s north
A plane passes over Point A with a velocity of 8,000 m/s north. Forty seconds later it passes over Point B at a velocity of 10,000 m/s north. What is the plane’s acceleration from A to B?

10 A coconut falls from the top of a tree and reaches a velocity of 19
A coconut falls from the top of a tree and reaches a velocity of 19.6 m/s when it hits the ground. It takes 2 seconds to reach the ground. What is the coconuts acceleration?

11 Examples of Acceleration
Acceleration in which velocity increases is sometimes called positive acceleration. Acceleration also occurs when velocity decreases Acceleration in which velocity decreases is sometimes called negative acceleration or deceleration.

12 Acceleration that occurs in a circular motion is known as centripetal acceleration
Earth, windmills, fans, etc. accelerate by centripetal acceleration.

13 Recognizing Acceleration on a Graph
Look at page 10. The graph shows your acceleration for 10 seconds coming down a hill on a roller coaster. You can tell from the graph that the acceleration is positive because your velocity increases as time passes. Because the graph is not a straight line, you can also tell that your acceleration is not constant for each second.

14 Section Review What is acceleration
Does a change in direction affect acceleration? Explain your answer How do you think a graph of deceleration would differ from the graph shown on page 10? Explain your reasoning.

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