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Presented by Omer Pamukcu Mabel Menard Robert Harris

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1 How to Enhance Student Learning and Community Engagement Through Experiential Learning Strategies
Presented by Omer Pamukcu Mabel Menard Robert Harris University of Phoenix, Chicago, 203 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 1300, Chicago, Illinois

2 Mission Statement: University of Phoenix provides access to higher education opportunities that enable students to develop knowledge and skills necessary to achieve their professional goals, improve the performance of their organizations and provide leadership and service to their communities.

3 Definition: Service Learning is a credit-bearing educational experience in which students participate in an organized activity that meets identified community needs and provides broader understanding of course content. Bringle, R. G., & Hatcher, J. A. (1996). Implementing service learning in higher education.  The Journal of Higher Education,

4 Two key components: Service learning occurs when community service is linked with traditional course work. 2. It is planned and supervised by an academic department or faculty member as an integral part of a course.

5 Benefits of Service Learning
(1) Service connected to specific curricular content can enhance course content learning. (2) Improves interaction between faculty and students which has a positive impact on student learning. (3) Adds realism to students' experiences and their professional, personal and social development. (Astin & Sax, 1998; Billig et al., 2005; Chang, 2002; Cress, Collier, Reitenauer, & Associates, 2005; Hamm & Houck, 1998).

6 City of Woodstock, IL goal: Increase retail development
City of Woodstock, IL goal: Increase retail development. Residents $pending everywhere except in Woodstock. Solution: More Restaurants, Big Box stores, more consumer professional/personal services. MBA/Class-developed two survey instruments targeting consumers and commercial vendors.

7 Chicago Campus Service Learning Projects
Course MBA Strategic Planning Marketing CAPSTONE Undergrad Duration 6 weeks 5 weeks Industry Education/ Technology Social Services Yoga-Fitness Social Service Classical Music Entertainment Business Structure Nonprofit For-profit Project Focus Create Strategic Plan Generate volunteer & donor awareness Develop integrated marketing plan Marketing Plan

8 Service Learning Project (SLP) Checklist
Stage One: Preparation-faculty, student, community organization Prepare course syllabus with SLP expectations Confirm third party or community organization participation Provide a scoring guide or rubric that is aligned with SLP Stage Two: Implementation-Performing the Service Give students regular feedback during the early stages Jenkins, A., & Sheehey, P. (2009). Implementing service learning in special education coursework: What we learned. Education, 129(4), 668.

9 Service Learning Project (SLP) Checklist
Stage Three: Faculty-Student Reflection Encourage student feedback, observation and team discussion Faculty should record progress or lessons learned. Determine SWO. Stage Four: Student Demonstration/Celebration Allow student to present their projects and celebrate the accomplishment. Share experience with colleagues and other faculty members

10 Service Learning Project
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