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SIGNS OF THE TIMES (Ezekiel 24:17-24)

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1 SIGNS OF THE TIMES (Ezekiel 24:17-24)
RCCG Canaan Land Digging Deep July 11, 2017 SIGNS OF THE TIMES (Ezekiel 24:17-24)

2 SIGNS OF THE TIMES (Ezek 24:17-24)
Ezek 24:24b“… And when the time comes, you will know that I am the Lord” (Ezek 24:17-24) What do we understand from the text we have read?

3 SIGNS OF THE TIMES What do we understand from the text we have read?
Ezek 24:24b“… And when the time comes, you will know that I am the Lord” What do we understand from the text we have read? Events going on around us often hold more meaning than is obvious to the ordinary mind When unusual event occur we should ask questions God lets unpleasant events occur sometimes to warn His people Not understanding the signs of the times can lead to the wrong reactions and positioning. Soberness and vigilance are very important attributes for the heaven-minded Christian

4 SIGNS OF THE TIMES Ezek 24:24b“… And when the time comes, you will know that I am the Lord” Mention some examples of signs of the times in the Bible?

5 SIGNS OF THE TIMES Ezek 24:24b“… And when the time comes, you will know that I am the Lord” Mention some examples of signs of the times in the Bible? Plagues: signs of God’s readiness to deliver His people – Exod 7-11 Passover Lamb: sign of God’s readiness to mark His people out for salvation in the midst of destruction – Exod 12 Balaam’s prophecies: sign of God’s protection – Num 24:1-3 Defeat of Israel by Ai: sign of God’s displeasure – Josh 7 Handwriting on wall: sign of God’s judgment – Dan 5:5-6, 25-28 John the Baptist: sign of the Messiah’s coming – Jn 1:19-23

6 SIGNS OF THE TIMES What are signs of the times meant to achieve?
Ezek 24:24b“… And when the time comes, you will know that I am the Lord” What are signs of the times meant to achieve?

7 SIGNS OF THE TIMES What are signs of the times meant to achieve?
Ezek 24:24b“… And when the time comes, you will know that I am the Lord” What are signs of the times meant to achieve? Prove that God is ready to deal with His enemies - Plagues Prepare people of God for His next move – Passover Lamb Warn those going against the will of God – Balaam’s prophecies Signal God’s displeasure or judgment – Ai and Handwriting on wall Herald God’s new move – John the Baptist Demonstrate the power of God – Jesus’ ministry

8 SIGNS OF THE TIMES Ezek 24:24b“… And when the time comes, you will know that I am the Lord” What should be the attitude of believers to signs of the times?

9 SIGNS OF THE TIMES Ezek 24:24b“… And when the time comes, you will know that I am the Lord” What should be the attitude of believers to signs of the times? Move quickly after a sign – Abraham’s departure from Syria – Gen 12:1 Ensure you are in line with God’s laws – Zipporah & Moses – Exod 4:24 Seek knowledge to understand times – Sons of Issachar – 1 Chron 12:32 Don’t go by physical sign only. Seek God’s interpretation – Matt 16:2-3 Seek out the men of God and ask questions – Nicodemus – Jn 3:1-4 Search the Scriptures to know the times – Fields ripe for harvest – Jn 4: Don’t be like the Pharisees who misunderstood the times – Jn 11:47-50 You are permitted to understand secrets of the Kingdom – Lk 8:10

10 SIGNS OF THE TIMES Ezek 24:24b“… And when the time comes, you will know that I am the Lord” These are the end times and believers should observe the times Jesus spoke about the signs of His coming which include: Persecution of the church and false messiahs Wars and Insurrections. Nations rising against nations Famines, Earthquakes and Plagues (Natural disasters) Jerusalem destroyed and its people dispersed all over the earth Strange signs in the Sun, Moon and the stars Roaring seas and strange tides We have seen all these signs already but are we living as though His return is near? Christian please be sober and vigilant for He will come like a thief in the night.

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