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Online Railway Reservation System

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1 Online Railway Reservation System
Rakesh Kumar Shah IIT Bijay Dhital IIT Prashish Rajbhandari IIT Rishi Gosai IIT Avishek Pant IIT

2 Problem statement Information about the route, cancellation of tickets, departure time, arrival time, number of trains available and other such information. Store and retrieve information about the various transactions related to Rail travel. Keep track of all its passengers and thus schedule their journey accordingly. Maintains records of passengers travelling in the different trains on different dates reaching different destinations in the system. User friendly interface to administrator and customer

3 ER Diagram


5 FUNCtions OF USER Train Enquiry Book Ticket Payment Check PNR Status
Cancel Ticket Login and Logout

6 Functions of admin Add/Remove Trains Add/Remove User Book Ticket
Cancel Ticket Get Passenger List Login and Logout

7 Tables and Normalization

8 Admin table User table username password first_name last_name age
Registration-date The above table consists of username as a primary key which determines all other attributes of it. There is no partial and transitive dependency so it is in 3NF. User table username password first_name last_name age Registration-date The above table consists of username as a primary key which determines all other attributes of it. There is no partial and transitive dependency so it is in 3NF.

9 Train table train_no train_name source destination distance arrival_time dep_time Train number is the primary key of train table . It consists of atomic values of attributes and there is no partial and transitive dependency so it is in 3NF. Ticket table PNR train_no train_name source destination distance class fare arrival_time departure_time Name date seat_no

10 1 NF – 3 NF conversion of Train table
Train_details train_no train_name source destination distance arrival_time dep_time Fare table train_no class fare

11 Ticket _details PNR train_no name date seat_no class fare Ticket1 table PNR train_no name date seat_no class Ticket2 table PNR fare

12 Class_details train_no General Sleeper Ac I Ac II Ac III Payement table receipt_no username card_no pin_no bank type

13 DFD (Data Flow Diagram) 3 Level Diagram -Level 0

14 Level 0

15 User Level 1

16 Admin Level 1

17 User Level 2

18 Admin Level 2

19 triggers If user has entered data in payment, send a trigger to change the value of paid field in ticket (initially set at zero). Confirmation mail to be sent to the user on his if he has cancelled the ticket or created an account. When a new train is added to the train table the fare table should also be updated.

20 Snapshots









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