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Tackling core challenges in the IoT over Wi-Fi®

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1 Tackling core challenges in the IoT over Wi-Fi®
December 13, 2016 Calum Barnes, Xively Beatrice Fankem, Texas Instruments Hello, My name is Beatrice Fankem, SimpleLink Wi-Fi Product Marketing Engineer. The Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming an increasingly large part of our everyday life. There are several challenges that must be addressed when designing a product that can be remotely monitored or controlled. In this session, we will address how Simplelink Wi-Fi and Xively partnered to tackle those core challenges.

2 Enabling technology in many markets
Wearables • Healthcare • Smart manufacturing • Smart Cities • Automotive • Building & Home automation Markets Challenges Security Complexity Power is critical Connecting to the cloud Sensing a complex environment In our daily lives, whether it be in the wearable segments, the healthcare industry or within building automation, people and machines use wireless devices to constantly exchange information. The challenges Information such as Security, The complexity of the technology

3 TI has all the IoT building blocks
Processors Micro- controllers Wired & Wireless Connectivity Sensing Nodes Gateway, Bridge or Router Micro- controllers Processors Wired & Wireless Connectivity Analog Signal Chain Power Management Multicore Processors Analog Signal Chain Power Management Processors Processors Micro- controllers Micro- controllers The Nodes are the devices we use to collect information or control things A typical device will have an MCU or Processor, Power Management, Sensors and Analog and Connectivity They may require small size They may require long battery life, may often be ”sleeping” – only waking up when something happens May use a wide range of sensors depending on application – medical, gas, etc The Gateways are used to bridge between the nodes and internet Will contain at least 2 technologies – a protocol to connect to the nodes and one for the internet – such as ethernet or WiFI. The Cloud is where the information is stored, processed into analytics and where commands can be sent back to the nodes or interface with a Smartphone The Cloud servers need to be always on and perform parallel processing and handle mass storage TI has something in every segment Analog Signal Chain Analog Signal Chain Power Management

4 TI has all the IoT building blocks
Processors Micro- controllers Wired & Wireless Connectivity Sensing Nodes Gateway, Bridge or Router Micro- controllers Processors Wireless MCU Analog Signal Chain Power Management Multicore Processors Analog Signal Chain Power Management Processors Micro- controllers The Nodes are the devices we use to collect information or control things A typical device will have an MCU or Processor, Power Management, Sensors and Analog and Connectivity They may require small size They may require long battery life, may often be ”sleeping” – only waking up when something happens May use a wide range of sensors depending on application – medical, gas, etc The Gateways are used to bridge between the nodes and internet Will contain at least 2 technologies – a protocol to connect to the nodes and one for the internet – such as ethernet or WiFI. The Cloud is where the information is stored, processed into analytics and where commands can be sent back to the nodes or interface with a Smartphone The Cloud servers need to be always on and perform parallel processing and handle mass storage TI has something in every segment Analog Signal Chain Power Management

5 TI Wireless Connectivity Broad Portfolio Solutions for every Industry Challenge
Neighborhood Area Networks Proximity Personal Area Networks Local Area Networks Range cm Up to 100m km NFC RFID Bluetooth® Bluetooth® LE Proprietary 2.4GHz ZigBee®, RF4CE, Thread Wi-Fi® 6LoWPAN Sub-1 GHz Identification Connection to smart devices Customizable Mesh Universal – Cloud connection IP Mesh Long range Key Differences Remove nav bar here? Check with Thomas about Sub-1GHz throughput Add battery level with pictures Throughput: Data up to 848 Kbps Throughput: Data or voice up to 3 Mbps Throughput: Data up to 1 Mbps Throughput: Data up to 256 Kbps Throughput: Data, voice or video up to 100 mbps Throughput: Data up to 256 Kbps Throughput: Data up to 1 Mbps

6 Wi-Fi® doesn’t have to be complicated
SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi CC3200 makes it easy

7 The SimpleLink™ embedded Wi-Fi® revolution
Traditional Wi-Fi solutions are designed for powerful microprocessors User Application Application Protocols Traditional Wi-Fi TLS/SSL SimpleLink CC3200 offloads the host processor of all Wi-Fi functions TCP/IP Wi-Fi MAC Less expertise Lower system cost Faster time to market Supplicant SDIO Wi-Fi Baseband Wi-Fi Driver Wi-Fi Radio SDIO Driver High MIPS/Memory MPU SimpleLink Wi-Fi CC32xx Wi-Fi Baseband Wi-Fi MAC Wi-Fi Radio Wi-Fi Driver Supplicant TCP/IP TLS/SSL Application Protocols MCU: ARM® Cortex M4 256KB RAM User Application SPI or UART Driver SimpleLink Driver Earlier Wi-Fi solutions have been designed for powerful mircroprocessors, within which the internet protocols an ddrivers had to be integrated. SimpleLink Wi-Fi family of devices offloads the host of all Wi-Fi and internet protocols. The highly integrated CC3200 provides a complete solution that will lower the developer's system cost, and enable a faster time to market. Integrated System-on-Chip, Wireless MCU

8 Wi-Fi Network Processor
The SimpleLink™ embedded Wi-Fi® Options CC3200 Wireless MCU System-on-Chip (SoC) 80MHz ARM® Cortex™-M4 integrated with Wi-Fi network processor HW Crypto Engine CC3200: Wireless MCU System on Chip (SoC) MCU: ARM® Cortex M4 Wi-Fi Network Processor Wi-Fi Baseband Wi-Fi MAC Wi-Fi Radio Wi-Fi Driver Supplicant TCP/IP TLS/SSL App. Protocols 256KB RAM User Application SPI or UART Driver SimpleLink Driver Peripherals SPI & I2C GPIO UART PWM ADC This wireless MCU has been optimized for the internet of things. CC3200, OUR System on a chip wireless MCU offers an integrated Arm Cortex M4 MCU, dedicated to the user application. Highly integrated 2.4GHz embedded certified Wi-Fi Embedded TCP/IP stack Integrated Apps MCU option Low-cost HW design QFN Package or Certified module No RF expertise needed Quick software development Works with any MCU or no MCU Full suite of development tools Easy to use APIs

9 SimpleLink™ CC3200 Software Overview
Your Application Integrated Arm-Cortex M4 Easy to Use APIs Small memory foot print on MCU FreeRTOS/TI-RTOS or no OS Wi-Fi Modes: STA, AP, and Wi-Fi Direct TCP/IP IPv4 Stack Sockets 8 TCP or UDP 2 TLS v1.2 / SSL 3.0 Integrated MCU API SimpleLink Host Driver HW interface driver HW interface driver Network Apps WLAN Security and Management SCRIPT: Here we have the software architecture. Everything listed in gray, the hardware and firmware, is integrated within the CC3100 device. We expose the user to less than 60 API functions in the form of a simplelink host driver [ask beatrice about <60]. The simplelink host driver has a very small memory footprint. [3100 depends on host RAM, 3200 memory in RAM is 256k] Network Processor TCP/IP Stack WLAN MAC & PHY Platform Code TI Code Customer Code

10 Simple Wi-Fi® Control Examples: Start/Stop network Processor
sl_Start, sl_Stop Connect to an Access Point sl_WlanConnect() (auto-connect on startup: sl_WlanPolicySet(), sl_WlanProfileAdd()) Change mode (Station, Access Point, Peer to Peer) sl_WlanSetMode()

11 Establishing a Wi-Fi® Connection
APIs to Call What you provide What the SimpleLink™ NWP does Sl_wlanConnect Access point credentials Name (SSID) Password (key) Establishes the connection, including the DHCP handshake process. Maintains Wi-Fi connection to access point of given security. Notifies when connected or disconnected Access point security type Ex: Open, WPA, WPA2 sl_socket Choice of protocol Ex: TCP, UDP, TLS, etc. Opens communication channel to peer (server, device, etc.) at specified address Sl_connect The internet address to communicate with Ex: :80 Ex: Your Data Sends/receives your data to/from the peer over the internet SL_Socket Domain, Type, Protocol  Sl_connect: _i16  sd, const SlSockAddr_t *  addr, _i16  addrlen 

12 Internet Security - Made Easy
Unsecured socket connection Secured socket connection SlSockAddrIn_t Address; int SockID; Address.sin_family = SL_AF_INET; Address.sin_port = sl_Htons(PORT); Address.sin_addr.s_addr = sl_Htonl(IP_ADDRESS); SockID = sl_Socket(SL_AF_INET, SL_SOCK_STREAM, 0); sl_Connect(SockID, ( SlSockAddr_t *)&Address, sizeof(SlSockAddrIn_t)); SockID = sl_Socket(SL_AF_INET, SL_SOCK_STREAM, SL_SEC_SOCKET); The protocol family of the socket Ex. AF_INET for IPv4 IPv4 AF_RF for transceiver mode

13 Software Development Examples
HTTP client Provisioning using AP mode XMPP MQTT SMTP Secured sockets Sensors using I2C Audio using I2S SPI, UART ADC ...and many more MQTT (Message queuing telemetry transport) MQTT is a publish/subscribe messaging protocol designed for lightweight M2M communications.

14 Integrated Cloud Solution – Xively
How to get data to the cloud Integrated Cloud Solution – Xively

15 Connected Product Management (CPM)
A CPM platform lets you focus on these key valuable business objectives.

16 Our CPM Platform ENGAGE MANAGE CONNECT Business Applications
Product Modeling Device & User Management Insights Orchestrations 3rd PARTY INTEGRATIONS ENGAGE Business Systems Device Services Provisioning Firmware Management Device Operations & Alerts Rules Device to Cloud Security APIs ROLE-BASED PERMISSIONS & ACCESS CONTROL (IAM) MANAGE Devices Users (IdM) Organizations Applications Relationship Map Ecosystems DEVICE AND TLS ENCRYPTION Hardware Connectivity & Storage Messaging MQTT or HTTP APIs Time Series CONNECT

17 How we connect with TI Wi-Fi®
Support for CC3100 and CC3200 Library and Sample apps Code Composer Studio projects Easily start your project from Product Launcher

18 Connect CC3200 to Xively

19 Connecting CC3200 to Xively
Step 1 Install TI Tools Code Composer Studio SimpleLink™ SDK Step 2 Setup Xively Client Download libxivley Build libxively

20 Connecting CC3200 to Xively
Step 3 Create device in Xively

21 Connecting CC3200 to Xively
Step 4 Build sample application 1 2 3


23 Data flow for LaunchPad™ to Cloud
Xively Identity Xively Credentials Xively Timeseries HTTP CC3200 LaunchPad Xively Broker Web App MQTT MQTT

24 Working to enhance security provisions
From hardware to cloud

25 Identity is The Key Identity is key Device identity User identity
Association between entities Entity roles and permissions Key to on boarding is identity IoT deals with 2 identities device and user

26 SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi® CC3200 Security Features
Rich set of security features help customers achieve their security goals in wireless and cloud connected applications. Networking Security Wi-Fi Personal & Enterprise security TLS/SSL Internet Security 8 Sockets, 2 can be secure On-Chip HW Encryption Real-time encryption Fast TLS Connection in 200mSec Secure Device On-chip 128 bit secret key Applications and user data encryption on NVMEM Security

27 Best in Class Security – Chip to Cloud FAST
On-Chip Internet security SSL 3.0 TLS 1.2 X.509 DES3 AES256 MD5 SHA2 RSA ECC On Chip Wi-Fi® security WPA2 Personal WPA2 Enterprise WPS2 802.1x EAP Fast EAP PEAPv0/1 TLS EAP TLS EAP TTLS TLS EAP TTLS MSCHAPv2 Notes for on chip Security WPA2 – WiFi Protected Access 2 is the latest WiFi security standard. It has a personal option for home use and an enterprise option that includes user authentication with a security server. EAP XXXXX are different user authentication methods used by the WPA2 enterprise standard. 802.1x is the IEEE network authentication protocol that is used by WPA2 enterprise WPS2 – Wi-Fi Protected Setup – is the Wi-Fi standard for easy Wi-Fi provisioning using a push button on the access point or a PIN code Notes for Internet Security SSL 3.0 – Secured Socket Layer – is the most used internet application security protocol (e.g. in web HTTPS applications) TLS 1.2 – Transport Layer Security – is a new standard replacing SSL 3.0. It has improved security over SSL3.0. X.509 – ITU-T standard for public key infrastructure and certificate format, being used by SSL3.0 and TLS 1.2 DES3 – Data Inscription Standard 3 – old standard used for data encryption AES256 – Advanced Encryption standard using 256 bity key length. Industry standard encryption at “top secret” level. MD5 – Message Digest 5 – old standard for message hash / digital signature SHA2 – Secure Hash Algorithm – industry standard for message / digital signature RSA – Rivest-Shamir-Adelman – world’s golden cipher for public key cryptography ECC – Elliptic Curve Cryptography – A new public key cryptography scheme that required less computation effort vs RSA HW encryption engines establish TLS/SSL connection in less than 200mSec

28 Getting started

29 Getting started TI & Xively
1 Purchase a TI CC3200 LaunchPad™ development kit and follow its getting started guide Download and install TI’s SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi® SDK and Code Composer Studio Sign up for a free account on Follow Xively’s tutorial and get connected today! 2 3 4

30 Thank you

31 Q & A

32 Kits, software, support and more
TI Software Support and more SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi® SDK Easy to use API Examples for connections to peripherals and sensors Code Composer Studio The fastest, most scalable IoT platform to help companies get connected products to market Wiki E2E™ online support Training TI reference designs online Xively Developer Support CC3200 Integrated Wi-Fi solution with user-dedicated programmable MCU [ADDED] The first step to starting your project is to order an Evaluation Module. Here we have a list of the available evaluation modules for both the CC3100 and CC3200. Click on the links to begin your order, or visit for more information.

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