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infections of urinoexcretory ways are a cystitis.

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1 infections of urinoexcretory ways are a cystitis.

2 SYI classification syi Overhead part of infections
of urinoexcretory ways Pyelonephritis (sharp, chronic) in the underbody of urinoexcretory ways is a cystitis an urethritis Ancomplications Complications Ancomplications Complications

3 SYI about risk factors, to put question - dysuria, often does need urination, call is needed -
? it is hematurea ? With joint-joined is there pain, temperature of body will be lifted, tremor ? Gestational SYI, БТК, inserted ? The nearest treatment ? Corinf pain ? Is the button pathology (one bud, reflex ) ? As though exit, is bleeding ? Last menstruation day dizuriya, tеz-sеz siyish, impеrаtiv chаkrik, mеlikоvа d.d. 2tаshmi

4 Pyelonephritis - nonspecific infectious kidney disease that affects the renal parenchyma, mainly interstitial tissue, pelvis and calyx. Pyelonephritis can be one-and two-way and secondary, acute (serous or purulent), chronic or recurrent.               Etiology and pathogenesis. Most often caused by intestinal Escherichia pyelonephritis, enteritisofcocci, Proteus, staphylococci, streptococci. U 1 / 3 of patients octring pyelonephritis and 2/3 of patients with chronic pyelonephritis is a mixed flora. During treatment, the microflora and its sensitivity to antibiotics and change that requires repeated urine culture to determine adequate uroantiseptics. It must be remembered as recovery and L-form bacteria in the recurrences of pyelonephritis. If the infection in the kidney supported, the urine culture does not detect them. Development of pyelonephritis is largely dependent on the total with microorganism, reducing immuno-reactivity.

5 SYI about risk factors, to put question - dysuria, often does need urination, call is needed -
? it is hematurea ? With joint-joined is there pain, temperature of body will be lifted, tremor ? Gestational SYI, БТК, inserted ? The nearest treatment ? Corinf pain ? Is the button pathology (one bud, reflex ) ? As though exit, is bleeding ? Last menstruation day dizuriya, tеz-sеz siyish, impеrаtiv chаkrik,

6 Infection enters the kidney, pelvis and calyx hematogenous or lymphatic path of the lower urinary tract on the wall of the ureter, in his ray of lightin the presence of ETU-retrograde. Important in the development of pyelonephritis have stasis of urine, impaired venous and lymphatic drainage of the kidney.               Acute pyelonephritis is interstitial, serous or purulent.               Symptoms within. Disease begins acutely, there are high (up to 40 ° C) temperature, chills, sweat, pain in the lumbar region on the side of the expressions on the kidney-tension abdominal wall, sharp pain in the costovertebral angle, malaise, thirst, dysuria or pollakiuria. Added headache, nausea, vomiting indicate rapidly increasing intoxication. Marked neutrophilic leukocytosis, aneozinophilia, piuria with moderate proteinuria and hematuria. Sometimes, when the deterioration of the leukocytosis followed by leukopenia, which is a bad prognostic sign. Sign of Pasternatskiy usually is positive. With bilateral acute pyelonephritis often show signs of kidney failure. Acute pyelonephritis can paranephritis, necrosis of the renal papillae.

7 pyelonephritis and diagnostic analysis
of patient of examinations General mount – neytrophiles, leucocytosis, Echt quickly. General uranalysis - Piuria, bakteriyauriya, hematurea, oliguria, sometimes cylindruria

8 -The urine analysis across Nechiporenko
-Zemnitskiy test - Bak.Posev of urine from the antibiotikogrammy - General protein, proteinaceous fractions - Lipidic range - Urea - Creatinine - Sugar in blood and in urine - Reberg's test - Ultrasonography of kidneys(destroy not shade of side of urinoexcretory ways or article of contrast of ill-timed payment to urogram pathology). - KT and nuclear magnetic resonance

9 Symptoms within. Unilateral chronic pyelonephritis is characterized by a dull no constant pain in the lumbar region on the side of the affected kidney. Disuria phenomenon, most patients are not available. In exacerbation only 20% of patients the temperature rises. As determined by the prevalence of urinary sediment of lymphocytes over other formed elements of urine. However, as the kidneys of wrinkling pyolonephritic cuttings bladder syndrome decreases. The relative density of urine remains normal. For the diagnosis of significant importance is the discovery of active leukocytes in urine.

10 Diagnosis. Important role in the diagnosis of a history play instructions on recent acute purulent process or the presence of chronic disease (subacute bacterial endocarditis, gynecological diseases et al.). Characterized by a combination of fever with dysuria, pain in the lumbar region, oliguria, piuria, proteinuria, hematuria, high relative density of urine. Keep in mind that pathologic elements in the urine may occur with any acute suppurative disease and that can have piuria origin (prostate, lower urinary tract).

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