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Educational Portals Examples and Practices

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Presentation on theme: "Educational Portals Examples and Practices"— Presentation transcript:

1 Educational Portals Examples and Practices
Sofoklis A. Sotiriou and Emmanuel Chaniotakis Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

2 Presentation Overview
Tools and Data Repositories, Educational Portals and Content Aggregators Search Mechanisms Community Support Environments Authoring and Content Enrichment Tools Users support Monitoring and Impact Assessment Conclusions Presentation Overview

3 Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome 15-16 February 2017

4 unification of the existing tools and on-line materials
before Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

5 unification of the existing tools and on-line materials
now Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

6 Organized according to the science curriculum
24 categories with overall 424 terms for several science subjects (mechanics, astronomy, E/M, waves,…) Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

7 Access to Real Data… Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

8 …advanced infrastructures…
Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

9 …and high quality content
Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

10 User Generated Content…
Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

11 …developed according commonly used educational approaches…
Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

12 …Organized in meaningful activities…
Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

13 …Tested in Real Environments
Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

14 Tools and Data Repositories, Educational Portals and Content Aggregators
Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

15 Tools Repository Discovery Space
Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

16 Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome 15-16 February 2017

17 Available Telescopes Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

18 How to make an observation
Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

19 Observations Data Uploaded by Students and available for downloading.
Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

20 Educational Portal Discover the COSMOS
Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

21 629 educational scenarios 92709 educational resources
Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

22 Content Aggregator Open Discovery Space
Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

23 Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome 15-16 February 2017

24 Search Mechanisms Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

25 Search Mechanism: Discover the COSMOS
Searching Educational Content with Key-word Age group Language Classification (Scientific) Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

26 Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome 15-16 February 2017

27 Authoring and Content Enrichment Tools
Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

28 Creating and Uploading Educational Content: The Inspiring Science Education Authoring the ODS portal Creating Educational Scenarios inside an ODS community following IBSE. Scenarios are Open for all visitors to the community (registered or not). Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

29 5 phases of IBSE in educational Scenario
Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

30 Embedding virtual e-science applications
Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

31 Assessing Problem Solving Skills and Knowledge Items
Online assessment Assessing Problem Solving Skills and Knowledge Items Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

32 Community Support Environments
Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

33 The Open Discovery Space Community Support Environment: More than 1200 online communities as of now Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

34 Example of a community: ISE community
Community managers Nr of Members Network of related communities Nr of Resources Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

35 Communities can relate to each other: Network of Related Communities and Exchange of educational practices. Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

36 Users support Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

37 Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome 15-16 February 2017

38 Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome 15-16 February 2017

39 Example: The Inspiring Science Education Academy http://portal
Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

40 Example of Teacher Training Activity: “Building a Cloud Chamber”
Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

41 Monitoring and Impact Assessment
Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

42 Impact of the Community Building & Support Mechanism
10,029 STEM Teachers connected through the ISE Community Portal; 5000 Educational Scenarios created by Teachers using the ISE Authoring Tool; Implemented in 5,091 Schools across Europe; Average time of the Learning Experience was 01:20 hours; 11,062 students participated in focused implementations with demonstrators enriched with PSQs. 7,757 (or 69.6%) of Students answered all Problem Solving Questions (PSQs) of a specific Educational Scenario; Majority of Teachers believe that the ISE Solutions (i.e. IBSE Methodology, e-Learning Tools, Educational Scenarios) have a high or very high Impact on their Teaching Practices and their Professional Development, on the Motivation of their Students and even on the School Curriculum for Science Education; Very low Bounce Rates and high number of Returning Visitors further indicate the suitability and acceptance of the ISE portfolio of educational offers. Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

43 ISE System Components – Sessions 2014 - 2016
July 2014 January 2015 July 2015 January 2016 July 2016 ISE Community Portal (Teachers) Integrated ISE System In each implementation 10 students (on average) were involved. ISE Authoring Tool (Teachers) ISE Delivery Environment (students) Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

44 ISE Community Portal - User Generated Content
Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

45 Community Nodes & Connections 2014 - 2016
Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

46 Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome 15-16 February 2017

47 Community Resources vs Number of Members
1 out of 3 users are becoming content contributors Image Credit: S. Sotiriou, K. Riviou, S. Cherouvis, E. Chelioti, F. Bogner: “Introducing Large Scale Innovation in Schools” J Sci Educ Technol (2016) 25: Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

48 Conclusions Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

49 Educational Portals can host and effectively facilitate the use of different experiments. Through their services, users can upload and download data, share educational content, search and use e-science applications of their interest. Effective search mechanisms allow users to find the resources, lesson plans and e-science applications of their interest efficiently. Educational Portals can host a community support environment for exchange of practices and content between users. A high number of Teachers consider the ODS online communities as a sufficient basis to exchange practices and use the portal’s tools for sharing Open Educational Resources. Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

50 The Concept of Training Academies for Teacher Professional Development has been thoroughly tested and proven to be successful. Portals provide coverage in different languages and provide connection with the social media, thus ensuring their high visibility and outreach potential. Portals can provide authoring tools with a solid metadata scheme in order for teachers to create their own IBSE based educational scenarios. A solid strategy for portal use validation has been operated and proven to be effective. t THANK YOU! Workshop on HIGH SCHOOL COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTS, Centro Fermi Rome February 2017

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