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Arguing for and against

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Presentation on theme: "Arguing for and against"— Presentation transcript:

1 Arguing for and against
You’re not 100% on one side! You see some weakness on both sides! You’re allowed to have preference! You need to take sides! You need to analyse! You need to reassess! You need to redefine! 50% vs 50% 60% vs 40% 30% vs 70%

2 Let’s read the following dialogues and see how the second speaker agrees or disagrees with the first. Agree only when law is concerned Agree, but not everyone! Agree they should do their work, but it’s their right To demonstrate redefining the topic!

3 Read this and see how Julie succeeds in changing her Grandad’s statement.
People were a lot happier when I was young. Unemployment, Lack of food,No social security Lock-out, leaving school early, hard life for girls, Large families, Old people only remember the good things. People seemed a lot happier because I was young.

4 Look at this topic: ‘Down with exams
Look at this topic: ‘Down with exams!’ Let’s read a letter and see how someone tried to redefine this topic. Reference: Letter to the editor reasons Disagreement: Exam is useful For administration Exam maintains Academic discipline Redefine (should be improved, Not abolished It’s one thing to say It’s another to argue… If you ask me In my opinion In my experience… Personal experience Conclusion (redefinition) Partial agreement (other side’s points)

5 What about this? Violence is a part of modern society Statement
Partial agreement: Experts have no Personal Experience And are mistaken In their conclusion Statement Of problem New reason: Football provides An excuse for Violence but Does not Cause It. Redefinition: People who Blame Football for Violence Are confusing Cause & effect personal Experience: Things have changed a Lot in 30 yrs Conclusion Violence is a part of modern society

6 For Against reassessing analytical STANDPOINT JUSTIFICATION convinced
TOPIC (Define) PROBLEM(discuss) For Against STANDPOINT JUSTIFICATION reassessing analytical Topic/situation Different people’s opinion topic Statement/ definition convinced

7 Suggestions/alternatives
analytical TOPIC Display weakness Problem after implementation DIFFERENT PEOPLE’S OPINION: Analyse criticize Suggestions/alternatives

8 reassessing TOPIC/SITUATION Statement of problem
Evaluate (partially agrees) Justification, supposition Facts New suggestions STATEMENT/DEFINITION Statement. Redefinition Partial agreement Personal experience/ example New reasons Conclusion- redefined statement again

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