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eServices features are subject to change

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1 eServices features are subject to change
Civil Air Patrol Emergency Services Training Guide With Tips To Navigate The SQTR Process Through eServices   By Major Marc Sobel, IAOD ES Coordinator June 2013 eServices features are subject to change

2 References: CAPR 60-3, CAWG 60-3 Supplement
The following Guide is offered as an aid to navigating our regulations, eServices and the SQTR approval process. This Guide shall not be construed as replacement of, or be another regulation. It does not cover every aspect or fine detail of the process.

3 Training Process To participate in any ES function, all members must be safety current and must have taken aircraft ground handling training within the past 2 years. The GES prerequisite must be completed before working in emergency services. Commander’s approval must be entered showing completion of the Prerequisites. The Commander must then approve the completion of the Familiarization and Preparatory Training before you can work as a trainee on any training or real world mission.

4 Trainee Status Familiarization and preparatory training is the minimum set of tasks that the member must master prior to acting as a supervised trainee on practice or actual missions. These tasks represent those skills that will keep the member safe and allow the member to function under supervision without jeopardizing the mission. This requirement avoids placing personnel not ready to perform certain jobs or those who work for them at risk.

5 They can be ordered at
Task guides Available online on the CAP Members website – under Emergency Services, Operations Support, Education and Training The are broken up into 3 areas: Aircrews Ground Teams Base Operations They can be ordered at

6 Who is a Qualified Evaluator
SET qualified (online class). Current in the specialty to be taught for at least 1 year and in some cases be current in the next level if that level is a requirement to be an Evaluator. Refer to CAWG supplement 60-3 on the CAWG website. Specifically appointed as an “Evaluator”. Squadron Commanders shall submit a request for appointments. Refer to OPM8 Mission Check Pilots are automatically evaluators for MP, MO, MS & TMP.

7 Skills Evaluator Appointment
Save” check box is seen on Commander’s screen

8 Evaluators will have an additional back diamond
on their 101 card indicating an appointment.

9 Qualified Supervisor Trainees can still participate in training or actual missions as allowed on their CAPF 101 if working under qualified supervisors as outlined on the NHQ CAP/DOS website. If the supervisor is not an appointed Evaluator, the trainee WILL NOT receive credit for training towards qualification. Example: The SM who has not held the rating for 1 year yet, is not an appointed evaluator can take UDF trainees on a sortie.

10 Training Tasks & Exercises
Training and SQTR task evaluation may be performed AT ANY TIME. On any mission Or without a mission On the other hand, mission participation must occur on a SAREX (A5 or B5) or a search and rescue, disaster relief, homeland security mission. And if it’s a SAREX, it must have a base, and the trainee must go to the base. The mission does NOT need to be funded, but it does need to be approved in WMIRS.

11 NOTE: It is expected that some of the more complex
Specialties such as Section Chiefs and ICs will Require participation in additional exercises in between the initial and final recorded exercise to learn the job. Only the second exercise shall be signed off indicating competency. For all ratings, Evaluators shall not sign off a second exercise unless the member has demonstrate he/she can perform in the specialty without supervision.

12 Base Staff Exercise Sign-off
Only one exercise sign-off can be done in any single specialty during an operational period (usually a day). Members are expected to participate for the entire operational period. Exception: MRO and MSA may receive sign-offs if the member participates for 4 hours (each). It is possible to receive 2 exercise sign-offs for these 2 specialties in one day.

13 Field Exercise Sign-off
An Exercise sign-off may be done for a complete sortie or operational period not to exceed one sign-off per specialty, per an operational period. Example: A sign-off may be done for a UDF sortie in the morning and a MS sortie in the afternoon. Example: Only one sign-off can be done for 2 MS sorties in one day. Example: On the SAREX weekend, for MS, one sign-off on Saturday and one on Sunday.

14 Recording Your Training
Record your training on eServices through the “My Operations Qualifications” module. Optionally, complete the SQTR worksheet – The worksheet acts as your score card to track your training and it is a way for your evaluator to sign- off your tasks and is can be used to validate completed tasks when a paper record is needed. (Not a replacement for recording training in eServices). For some request, a Certificate may be required. Uploading SQTR Worksheet is no longer required

15 SQTR Worksheet Members should print out their worksheet and bring it to each event when doing training. Evaluators should initial or sign off each task that is completed to their satisfaction. The 2 exercises need to show the mission number as well as the date and evaluator ID number. All other tasks only need to show the date and evaluator ID. Use the worksheet to record data into eServices. Save the worksheet for your records.


17 Uploading to eServices

18 Uploading – Pilot Information

19 Trainee – Trainer Responsibilities
Trainees rely on mentors, commanders and evaluators to provide training. There is a duty to make sure the members that are doing the training are qualified. We need to be extra careful to make sure we have only qualified “Evaluators” conducting training. If not, training completed will be disqualified Evaluators will have a Black Diamond on their 101 card next to each ratings they are qualified to train.

20 California Supplement 60-3
We have raised the bar in the training process. The CAWG supplement provides additional requirements that defines training in certain areas to be done by a Evaluator that also holds a rating at a higher level. Example - MS is trained by a MO or MP. There is no requirement the Evaluator hold the higher rating greater than 1 year. However Evaluators still need to hold the rating they are evaluating for greater than 1 year

21 For This Rating The Evaluator Must Be Air Operations Branch Director Ground Branch Director Operations Section Chief or Incident Commander may sign the AOBD or GBD SQTR tasks or participation Communications Unit Leader Communications Unit Leader, Operations Section Chief, Logistics Section Chief, or Incident Commander may sign the CUL SQTR tasks or participation Flight Line Marshaller Flight Line Supervisor Ground Team Member-3 Ground Team Member -1 or -2 Ground Team Leader

22 For This Rating The Evaluator Must Be Ground Team Leader Ground Team Leader, Ground Branch Director, Operations Section Chief, or Incident Commander Incident Commander -1 Only another Incident Commander -1 may sign IC-1 SQTR tasks or participation Incident Commander -3 Incident Commander -2 Operations Section Chief Planning Section Chief Logistics Section Chief Finance Administration Section Chief Only an Incident Commander -2 or Incident Commander -1 may sign the OSC, PSC, LSC, FASC, IC-3 or IC-2 SQTR tasks or participation

23 Mission Radio Operator *
For This Rating The Evaluator Must Be Mission Radio Operator * Communications Unit Leader, Incident Commander, Operations Section Chief. Mission Staff Assistant * Incident Commander, Operations Section Chief, Finance Administration Section Chief, Logistics Section Chief, Planning Section Chief, Air Operations Branch director , Ground Branch Director. Urban DF Team Member Designated Senior Member UDF or Ground Team Leader . *expanded list Remember, the Evaluator must hold the rating being trained.

24 Initial Specialty Ratings
Training to qualify in a specialty is expected to be completed within 2 years from the time the member is authorized to begin familiarization and preparatory training as entered in eServices. Members not completing training requirements within two years should expect to re-demonstrate expired portions of their training. All tasks on the SQTR must be completed and validated.

25 Renewing Current Ratings
Be evaluated on a SAREX or a qualified Mission with an assigned mission number. Demonstrate proficiency in the specialty. The Evaluator will have you demonstrate or review tasks on the task list. You will need to update all expired, uncompleted and flagged tasks. Pilots ratings require a check ride that may, or may not be completed on an assigned mission number.

26 Renewing an Expired Rating
This is essentially the same requirement for renewing a current rating. In both cases a member must be evaluated by a qualified evaluator. Expired ratings are treated like an initial rating, requiring Unit, Group and Wing approval. Individual tasks expire in 2 or 3 years.

27 Renewing Multiple Ratings
When renewing some specialties, associated ratings will be renewed at the same time automatically. You should check to see they have been updated too. Example: Renew GTL and get credit for GTM and UDF Example: Renew MO and get credit for MS Example: Renew AOBD and get credit for MSA Refer to the Sortie Equivalency chart for all specialties.

28 Status Your specialty will display one of the following:
No status – Status box with date is absent. Training - When you have Commanders Approval for Familiarization and Preparatory Training. Pending – Specialty is pending approval or validation. Active - The specialty is current and you are qualified. Expired – Your rating or task is expired. Not approved – Your request was not approved.

29 Status - Fine Print If you are not approved, your training status is reinstated. To resubmit for approval, press resubmit, assuming all tasks are complete and have been validated.

30 Status Date Box The first date is the date you either started training or the date you rating was completed. Note, this is not the date you were approved or validated. The expiration date is the end date of your training period or when your rating expires

31 Mouse/Cursor Over Features
Mouse over entry line to see entry options including pop up calendar . Mouse over task description to see full description. Mouse over “Active” to see who, when submitted, if “pending” it will show where it is in the approval process. Mouse over “Status” to see further information.

32 SQTR Data Entry Only IDs of Valid, Appointed Evaluators will be accepted. Members are responsible for making their own data entries. Evaluators should update members records. Training tasks do not need to have mission numbers noted.

33 Exercise Participation must show a mission number.
When all task are completed the system will consider your training completed, submit rating for approval and show the status as “pending”. Enter each Tasks as soon as they are completed. Do not wait until all tasks are done. Your Evaluator will be sent a notification that the task is pending validation. Evaluators should be diligent in validating tasks that have been submitted for validation

34 No task information entered,
data entry allowed. No entry allowed, may be generated by completing an online class. Data entry allowed. Check the box, changes to Blue, mouse over field to edit data. When submitted, box changes to Yellow and is pending validation. Task has been approved, see new date and ID number.

35 Click the copy icon at the top right corner
to copy task information to all other selected tasks Flagged as tasks needing to be completed One task is complete – Green. The other task is not active, training. Only one task was required so the prerequisite has a Green check.

36 Ratings That Predate eServices
During the renewal process, these members will need to update all flagged tasks. Check the white box to make data entry.

37 Members can see there task completion history, click on the blue line
Members can see there task completion history, click on the blue line. This toggles to show history or not.

38 SQTR Bottom Line Submit – Submits changes to the system. This is not reversible. Delete – Removes data entries and return the task to a no data state. This is not reversible. Clear Selected – Returns data to previous state. Print SQTR Worksheet – Print Worksheet.

39 See more detail by using the link “View Qualifications” just under the members ID#, will bring this popup. Shows history, and status and allows for removing processes.

40 Validating Tasks All tasks require validation.
Validations should be made by the Skills Evaluator that is listed on that task. If a Skills Evaluator makes a data entry for the member the task will be validated automatically. Members that validate ES tasks shall validate a request when the validator has “direct personal knowledge” (example: did the training) or sees a signed document demonstrating the task was completed. A phone call or consult is also acceptable. The Evaluator will receive an reminder to validate the task. The Unit and designated members with restricted permissions can also validate tasks but must have “direct personal knowledge”. Do not mix up “Validations” with “Approvals”, they are different.

41 Approval Process Initial and expired specialty ratings require Unit, Group and Wing approvals. Renewals of current ratings only require Unit approval. The requirements to gain approval are not different but there may be unique issues about the members training and abilities that may cause any level to deny a request. Additional scrutiny will be applied to higher ratings whereby an interview and additional training may be required.

42 Approval Details An "approval" shall be granted for ES tasks or ratings requests when all regulations, requirements and policies have been met. Regulations do allow for discretion so approvals are not automatically granted. Additional considerations/red flags. Several/all tasks completed in one day or on one mission will generate greater scrutiny All training conducted with one evaluator Incomplete or missing information

43 Getting Approved Approvals don’t happen overnight. Do not rely on obtaining an approval for that mission in a few days. Your unit will do the first level approval and then the Group will review it. Wing will be the last stop. Wing staff will make every effort to review all requests within 14 days from receiving it.

44 Approval Completed Once approved, your specialty rating will show as “active” and will be listed on the 101 card. The SQTR will no longer show familiarization and preparatory task or commanders approval fields. Ready for renewal All tasks that need to be renewed will be flagged & Grey and previous data is no longer shown.

45 Keeping Current Members should periodically review their ratings.
Most rating expire in 3 years. During your second year, update your ratings. Don’t wait to the last minute as you may miss an opportunity to renew a rating. Ratings can be renewed at any time. Lets avoid being expired.

46 Exceptions The Wing Commander or designee may make exceptions in some cases where the regulations allow. If you need additional consideration please contact your Commander before submitting a specialty rating for approval. Documentation will be necessary.

47 Pilot Specialty Rating
Pilots have a specific requirements to operate aircraft. There is a separate section in eServices to become authorized. When a Mission Pilot is renewed, the associated MO or MS ratings will renew automatically. This presentation did not include the pilot process.

48 Questions?

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