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Firms, Location and Distance

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1 Firms, Location and Distance
Chapter 6

2 Distance in economics The relevance of transportation costs (Table 6.1) CIF (cost, insurance, freight) FOB (free on board) Empirical evidence (Hummels, 1999) Shipping costs are higher in countries located further away from major markets, and landlocked countries. Transport costs have not declined uniformly over time (costs of distant travel have declined relative to proximate travel). Also see Box 6.1.


4 Figure 6.1 Ad valorem trade costs by exporting country, 2008 (%)
Source: based on data for 134 countries from Sourcin and Pomfret (2012).

5 Figure 6.2 Container port traffic; mn TEU (20-foot equivalent units), 2000-2010
Source: world bank development indicators online


7 Figure 6.3 Developments in world air transport freight; mn ton-km, 1975-2010
Source: world bank development indicators online

8 Figure 6.4 Home firm decision tree
Firm in Home serve foreign markets / source from abroad? no yes, source from abroad yes, serve foreign market Stay domestic Export or local production? Import or local production? export import local production local production Export Multinational activity: horizontal Multinational activity: vertical Import Figure 6.4

9 Simplifying assumptions
Firms can locate production in two (identical) countries. Production uses only one input. MCs in terms of labor are constant. There are firm-specific fixed costs (F); related to knowledge capital. These costs are only imposed once. Setting up a plant gives rise to plant-specific fixed costs (P). Transportation costs (in terms of labor) are t per unit exported. Markets are segmented (i.e., no risk of arbitrage). Headquarters also use resources, which are covered by firm-specific fixed costs (F).

10 Figure 6.5 Profits in the Home and Foreign market: national exporting firm

11 Figure 6.6 Going multinational: the horizontal case

12 Figure 6.7 Going multinational: the vertical case

13 Hybrid cases Combination of market seeking (horizontal) and efficiency and/or natural resource seeking (vertical) multinational activity. Export platform multinational activity Strategic asset seeking multinational activity

14 The Gravity Model of International Trade
Link between distance and trade Introduces a spatial or geographical element. If the two countries are large and are close to each other then bilateral trade (between them) will be large. Is geography destiny? The role of infrastructure and technology. No center of production remains a center forever.

15 Liability of foreignness and multiple types of distance
Geographic distance Cultural distance (also see box 6.3) Economic distance Institutional/legal distance

16 Figure 6.8 Geographic distance and foreign sales of US multinationals

17 Figure 6.9 Cultural distance and foreign sales of US multinationals

18 Figure 6.10 Institutional quality and foreign sales of US multinationals

19 Figure 6.11 Liability of foreignness for a horizontal multinational

20 supporting industries
Figure 6.12 Porter’s diamond model Firm strategy, structure, and rivalry Demand conditions Factor conditions Figure 6.12 Related and supporting industries

21 Dunning’s Ownership-Location-Internalization (OLI) Model
Dunning’s observation (in the 1950s) that the US subsidiaries in the UK had higher productivity relative to UK competitors. Was the higher productivity due to higher efficiency by US managers regardless of location (ownership-specific effect) or due to superior resources of the US economy (importance of location). But why do firms exploit their ownership-specific effect internally (internalization aspect, keeping foreign activities in house) instead of keeping these activities at arm’s length?

22 Outsourcing 3 main advantages of sub-contracting
Forgoing the plant specific fixed costs. Cutting storage costs. Access to experience and knowledge of the foreign firm. Main disadvantage Increased economic uncertainty due to dependence on the foreign partner and political and economic conditions in the partner’s country

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