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FEA assessment and PSE certification

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1 FEA assessment and PSE certification
Yanling Ma & Sam Gill 18th May 2017 The 3rd STFC FEA Workshop 18th-19th May 2017 at Daresbury Laboratory

2 Outline Background Initiation and launch of the project
Procedures of the project NAFEMS PSE tool Activities planned Status of a pilot scheme My experience and view on the scheme What we are going to do next?

3 Background STFC Strategic goals…
Research Facilities facing extreme working conditions… To understand these complex physics… To facilitate the development of these facilities, FEA is essential More than 60 simulation engineers across STFC and more than 20 from ISIS. I am one of them How well I am able to use the simulation tool properly?...

4 Initiation and launch of the project
Collaborative project initiated at the 2nd STFC FEA workshop in Mar (ISIS and NAFEMS) Announced in July 2016 IDD meeting to start a pilot FEA assessment project using PSE Tool

5 Procedures of project Why… Whom… How… When… TBC
To assess our ability of using simulation tools, hence to help the FEA users to use the tools properly in solving engineering problems How… Online application/test plus face to face interview Whom… Yanling and Sam will be assessed initially by NAFEMS using the so called pilot scheme. Then group assessment to follow. candidates TBC When… TBC in Jul implemented on 19th Jan 2017 Procedures of project The 3rd STFC FEA Workshop 18th-19th May 2017 Daresbury Lab

6 NAFEMS PSE tool Logistics for this stage: Interview requirement: Cost:
3 Competency levels: Advanced, Standard and Entry levels Interview requirement: Candidates applying for Advanced and Standard levels must be assessed by interview. Interview for Entry level isn’t compulsory, but can be done if asked Cost: Two assessors can interview maximum 6 candidates per day. Cost will include the assessors’ travel, accommodations and £ per interviewee Logistics for this stage: Pilot interviews for Yanling and Sam first, then group interview. One application form can cover various physics, e.g., FEA and CFD NAFEMS PSE tool The 3rd STFC FEA Workshop 18th-19th May 2017 Daresbury Lab

7 To look after all aspects of the project including:
Activities planned To look after all aspects of the project including: Specifics for pilot & final scheme such as: Sort out links and documents that is needed for the pilot scheme Where pilot scheme to take place? Accommodation & Interview room booking Yanling & Sam to have meeting and to give feedback following pilot scheme For the group assessment, it may start with Entry level users, then Standard and Advanced level users A pre-audit of the FEA users’ intention as to which level he/she likes to be assessed may be needed Where An update to group leaders might be useful. Prior to group assessment, Yanling and Sam might need to demonstrate to the other users as to how the assessment was done with the PSE tool etc.…

8 Status of the pilot scheme
Pilot scheme done on 19th Jan 2017 Two assessors (Gino and Angus) Face to face interview (60mins planned/actual 90mins for each of us YM and SG assessed and certified at different levels as applied for A certificate is automatically issued

9 My experience and view on the scheme
NAFEMS-an independent professional body conducted my interview at high standard and professional manner Identified my strength and potential area to be certified/improved (CFD etc.) PSE competence tracker is a useful tool (to identify weakness and resources available) to improve FEA background knowledge (Sam to give more details) Personally, expand pilot scheme to our wider group

10 Conclusion about what to do next
We plan to expand the pilot scheme to a wide group that is confirmed by both group leaders and our division head.

11 Thank you & Handover to Sam to discuss his experience
And we both are happy to answer your Qs

12 NAFEMS – PSE Scheme A standard for ensuring engineers are competent at undertaking simulation Non-specific to any package Several technical areas (26) for assessment;

13 Pre-requisites Application form Education and training
Specific evidence of FEA jobs undertaken, including sample reports, and estimation of time in weeks Technical areas to be interviewed on =>15 weeks for standard level, using FEA on different projects. Reasonable % of time spent on FEA Competency Tracker to assess level

14 Level of competency

15 Competency Tracker Covers all technical areas
Provides a resource reference Provides candidates with an idea of required knowledge for competency (except entry)

16 Interview Process Face to face interview ~60 Mins
Based around an entire FEA study from pre-processing through to validation / verification Explanations required, sketch answers FEA theory tested (Shape functions, Gaussian quadrature), In hindsight some revision would have been useful Highlighted the requirement for maintaining knowledge and identified areas of weakness where further training is required.

17 Summary Overall positive experience
Useful for benchmarking engineers capabilities Training required (identifiable through competency tracker) – In-depth theory of FEA Competency tracker a valuable resource on its own (Anonymous login available) NAFEMS is set up for professional analysts, perhaps scope for a more tailored PSE scheme for STFC Preparation required; Framework for training / time for candidates to track competencies. Assessors identified my personal weaknesses and suggested areas for further training or to arrange a mentor.

18 End of Presentation Qs & As Thank you all!

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