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Ethics in Research Mario Malički University of Split

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1 Ethics in Research Mario Malički University of Split
School of Medicine Department of Medical Humanities Ethics in Research Mario Malički 1

2 >700 000 citations per year in MEDLINE
Scientific Journals – 1665. Journal des Sçavans (Paris) Philosophical Transactions (London) 1860. Slovinski prvenci o naravi i zdravlju (Hrvatska, Beč) 1869. Nature 1879. Index Medicus 1890. Science 1994. World Wide Web 1997. PubMed (PubMed Central 2000) 2000. Croatian Medical Journal 2003. PLOS > citations per year in MEDLINE

3 Integrity of research authorship information references reporting
storing and retrieving replicating peer review Giuseppe Arcimboldo

4 Integrity of Authorship
PubMed (Authorship – MeSH): The profession of writing. Also the identity of the writer as the creator of a literary production.

5 Number of authors Tesla N. On light and other high frequency phenomena. Malički M, Jerončić A, Marušić M, Marušić A. Why do you think you should be the author on this manuscript? 2900 A. Initial sequencing and analysis of the human genome. 5154 Aad, G. et al. (ATLAS Collaboration, CMS Collaboration) Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, (2015) 1920 – 1; WoS % more, 2011 – 89.1% (Md=5)

6 Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies 11 new loci for anthropometric traits and provides insights into genetic architecture. 321 autor

7 Name of the author 1908. Student. The probable error of a mean. (c-518) 1948. Alpher RA, Bethe H, Gamow G. The Origin of Chemical Elements. (c-102) 1978. Hoover WG, Posch HA, Bestiale Stronzo (engl. total asshole) Diffusion in a periodic Lorentz gas. (c-102) 1978. Matzinger P, Galadriel Mirkwood. In a fully H-2 incompatible chimera T cells of donor origin can respond to minor histocompatibility antigens in association with either donor or host H-2 type (c-17) 1982. Bruce Le Catt. Censored Vision. 2001. AK Geim, HAMS ter Tisha, Detection of earth rotation with a diamagnetically levitating gyroscope. (c-10) 2012. Ocorrafoo Cobange (John Bohannon) 157 (61%) OA William Sealy Gosset, biometrika Geim – 2010 Nobelova iz fizike, graphem. Poslao na 255 casopisa. Uz to, zbog toga sto se cesto navode samo inicijali imena, i zbog velikog broja zn. u svijetu, cesto je nemoguce i znati radi li se o istom Mariu Maličkom (tata kemičar, tako da tko zna, mozda imam brata blizanca) u danasnjem modernom svijetu se i zna, malo je stariji od mene, volio bi da nije u kemiji pa da odradimo rad skupa i onda negdje pise, malicki m, malicki m, i nebude pogreska u zapisu.

8 Najbolji znanstvenici MEF-a 2014
Prestige CV h-index grants rewards tenure Najbolji znanstvenici MEF-a 2014

9 Sharing achievements Increase in the number of equal contribution/shared first authorship anesthesiology, intensive care, pharmacology % % NEJM: <1% vs. 8.6% ; JAMA: 0%; vs. 7.5% Annals: 0% vs. 3.8% Lancet: <1% vs. 3.6% BMJ: 0% vs. 1.0%

10 Misuse of authorship Gift authorship Author cartel Ghost authorship
Coercion authorship Ghost writing Byline manipulation Duplicate publication Dvostruko autorstvo Poklonjeno autorstvo – ne mora uvijek druga osoba niti znati da ju je neko dopisao na radu

11 2011 Systematic review of authorship
Ana Marušić, Lana Bošnjak, Ana Jerončić 118 studies: 63 cross-sectional, 32 descriptive, 5 qualitat., 2 RCT 54 dealt with perception of authorship – no consensus 54 dealt with byline order: mostly depends on the amount of work: economics, math, management, physics– alphabetical WoS % % biomedicine – first author – most work, mentor - last 16 studies of authorship misuse: 23% (95% CI 18% do 28%) scientist aware or experienced misuse in the West, 55% (95% CI 45% do 64%) East 5-30% editors 2010 – 600 dr. sc-a kemije u USA, pokzalo da oni koji su diplomirali u i 60 su bili voljni prije pokloniti autorstvo, naspram mladjih znanstvenika

12 Authorship criteria (ICMJE) - 4
1987 International Committee of Medical Journal Editors Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND 3) Final approval of the version to be published; AND 4) Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. (2013) ICMJE (PLOS, Science, Nature)

13 1-63% authors would not be authors under the ICMJE criteria
Byline changes – up to 44% differences from abstract to full publication Contributionship Listing of all performed work by the authors, e.g.: Conceived and designed the experiments: CMS WAF. Performed the experiments: CMS WZ. Analyzed the data: CMS. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: CMS. Wrote the paper: CMS SE WAF.

14 Integrity of Information
Research misconduct means fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research, or in reporting research results. Fabrication – make something up Falsification – manipulate data Plagiarism - appropriation of another person's ideas, processes, results, or words without giving appropriate credit

15 FFF Fabrication or falsification - 1.7% (95% CI 1.2% do 2.4%) of researchers 30% (95% CI 17% do 46%) – know someone who did it Only 0.02% of all papers RETRACTED Errata (honest mistakes) – 4% of all publications, in 24% of those results/conclusions end up different

16 Integrity of References
journals journals journals journals Thomson Reuters punished them by denying them the Impact Factor Incorrect citations 20 %, wrong style (misspells 38%) Versions and updates of articles not seen by researchers (including when studies are retracted) – retracted or duplicate publications have same citation rate – before and after notices are published

17 Integrity of Reporting
Systematic review 2013: comparing trial publications to protocols 40-62% of studies had at least one primary outcome that was changed, introduced, or omitted studies that report positive or significant results are more likely to be published on average, only 50% of clinical trials that are started are published in the scientific literature

18 FDA (2015) – of 57 studies for which the FDA found evidence of incorrect blinding, manipulation of data, or not applying inclusion or exclusion criteria – only 3 studies mentioned those problems it in the published article

19 Integrity of storing and retrieving studies
Many databases, different coverage (MEDLINE; EMBASE; DOAJ; WOS) and the problem of grey literature No ideal de-duplication software Database (indexing) errors – 23% of duplicates wrongly indexed, improper MeSH terms assigned including study types

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