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Presentation on theme: "DUKE OF EDINBURGH EXPEDITION PREPARATION EVENING"— Presentation transcript:


2 INTRODUCTION Miss Janse Van Rensburg Duke of Edinburgh Co-ordinator Miss Pearce Administrator for Duke of Edinburgh

3 Bronze Award (14+ years old)
Volunteering Physical Skills Expedition 3 months Plan, train for and complete a 2 day, 1 night expedition All participants must undertake a further 3 months in the Volunteering, Physical or Skills section.

4 EXPEDITION Aim To inspire young people to develop initiative and a sense of adventure and discovery, by planning, training for and completing an adventurous journey as part of a team.

5 All meetings will take place from 3:15 till approximately 4:30/5:00.
Meeting dates for events are as follows: If all pre-requisites met, meetings prior to the practice expedition will be: 13th April : Parents meeting (6pm start) 18th April : First Aid (group 1) / Tents (group 2) 22nd April : First Aid (group 2) / Tents (group 1) 25th April : Cooking 29th April : Maps 1 4th May : Maps 2 6th May : Maps 3 9th May : Tents 13th May : Equipment Practice Expedition: 14th and 15th May 2016 (£45) Meetings prior to the assessment expedition (if all requirements met): 6th June : Maps 1 10th June : Maps 2 13th June : Maps 3 20th June : Assessor meeting 27th June : Assessor meeting 1st July : Assessor meeting Assessment Expedition: 2nd and 3rd July 2016 (£45) 11th July : Presentation and hand back equipment Dates

LOCATION BOIDERHURST SCOUT CAMPSITE Off BOXHILL ROAD BOXHILL VILLAGE HEADLEY KT20 7PL Click on the map to get directions to the site. Arrive at Boiderhurst for 10am Students to be collected from 4pm.

Off BOXHILL ROAD BOXHILL VILLAGE HEADLEY KT20 7PL Distance from school 15.6miles Time to drive 45mins-1hour

8 Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme - Bronze Practice Expedition
Boidierhurst Campsite Boxhill Road Headley KT20 7PL Itinerary for the visit (These are all approximate times until nearer the time.) Saturday 14th May Sunday 15th May 10.00 10.15 17.00 20.00 22.00 Arrive at Boiderhurst Campsite. (parents to drop students/ or students get a lift with a friend) Expedition check of rations, kit etc. Prepare for walking and groups start first day’s walk with teachers. Groups begin returning to campsite from walk. Students erect tents and prepare evening meal. De-brief Prepare for the following day Go to sleep 0700 07.45 09.00 16.00 (estimation only) Pupils get up and start to prepare Take down tents and pack for walking. Prepare routes, checking food for walk. Clear campsite, checking site left in good order. Begin walk. Groups start to return from walk. Debrief with Miss J.v.R Parents collect pupils from the campsite.


10 Packed lunches for Saturday and Sunday
Below is a list of equipment you should take on the Bronze Practice Expedition. (Necessities are in bold.) . _ Rucksack litre with frame (max.). ._ Tent (3 man – 2/3 per group depending on group size) . _ Sleeping bag, sealed in strong bin liner. . _ Karrimat/Roll mat . _ Personal First aid kit: (triangular bandage/tape/safety pins/personal medicine/antiseptic). . _ Water bottles-Plastic (2x1litre). . _ Spare plastic bags. .-_ Strong Rubbish Bags x5 . _ Spoon, Knife & Fork. . _ Plastic Mug. . _ Plastic Bowl/Plates. . _ Wash-up kit (sponge) . _ Whistle. . _ Torch, including spare bulb and batteries. . _ Emergency rations (200g, must be shown at the end of an expedition). . _ Wash kit/towel/toilet paper- try to get biodegradable /wet wipes. . _ Trousers (lightweight, quick drying - no jeans or heavy jogging bottoms etc.) . _ long sleeve t-shirts/ t-shirts for layering . _ Jumpers (wool – 2 thin better than 1 thick)/fleeces – not thick hoodies . _ Underclothes (up to you)! . _ Socks – very good quality sports socks, 1 or 2 fresh pairs per day. . _ Spare clothes, sealed in plastic Personal emergency clothing should be sealed in a plastic bag and ONLY used for emergencies while walking. They can however be used in camp but they MUST not get wet and they must be resealed in the plastic bag while walking. . _ Strong shoes and spare laces . _ Gloves . _ Hat . _ Waterproof jacket and trousers ._ Compass ( 2 in each group) ._ Permanent marker ( 2 in each group) NB: Do not be fooled by a sunny start, it can often get cold at night and pupils need to make sure they are warm enough. Obviously if it is sunny an addition would be suntan lotion. Food Packed lunches for Saturday and Sunday Breakfast for Sunday – you must have a hot drink and some carbs too Evening meal for Saturday – must include carbs and cannot be instant noodles/pot noodles etc WATER/SQUASH Snacks / treats Rations Remember you have the 15% Cotswolds Discount card but there are many other online shops/ shops that sell these goods. Tesco direct does lots of good stuff, so do general outdoor shops.

11 Places to shop Cotswolds- you get 15% off but not always the cheapest
Blacks- they sometimes offer discounts if you say your doing your DofE. (Kingston and Richmond) Millets – slightly cheaper outdoor store (Kingston and Richmond) Sports Direct- good for discounted shoes, socks water bottles (Kingston) TESCO! Rucksack for £14 Many others too

12 Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme - Bronze Assessement Expedition
Bentley Copse Scout Camp Site Hound House Road Shere Guildford Surrey GU5 9JH Itinerary for the visit (These are all approximate times until nearer the time.) Saturday 2nd July Sunday 3rd July 07: 10.00 17.00 20.00 22.00 Students take train from Richmond Station via Clapham Junction with members of staff. Students arrive at Godalming train station to meet Assessors Student train times: (TBC) Expedition check of rations, kit etc. Prepare for walking and groups start first day’s walk. Groups begin returning to campsite from walk. Students erect tents and prepare evening meal. De-brief Prepare for the following day  Go to sleep 0700 07.45 09.00 15.58, 16.58… (train leaves every hour) Pupils get up and start to prepare Take down tents and pack for walking. Prepare routes, checking food for walk. Clear campsite, checking site left in good order. Begin walk. Groups start to return from walk. Debrief with Miss J.v.R and Mr Moody Students take train back to Richmond from Godalming with teachers


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