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Study Design, Study Participation Retrieve Protocol for Executation

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Presentation on theme: "Study Design, Study Participation Retrieve Protocol for Executation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Study Design, Study Participation Retrieve Protocol for Executation
Jason Rock CTO, GlobalSubmit

2 Contents Study Design Overview Study Activities Experimental Design
Subject Assignment

3 Planned Study RPE: Retrieve Protocol Def
Study characteristics (e.g. objectives, phase) Eligibility Criteria Organize activities Comparison purposes (Epochs) Unique path of activities Workflow Including assigned subjects to treatments

4 Protocol Amendments RPE: Amend Protocol Def Study plans can be updated

5 Study Characteristics

6 Eligibility Criteria RPE: Enter Patient Request
Only eligibility criteria

7 Workflow RPE: Patient Screening Visit Scheduled Protocol is a workflow
Time points are parts of flow Each time points has parts Based on structured programming Sequence (order) Selection (if) Repeat (while)

8 Activities RPE: Patient Screening Visit Scheduled
Workflow parts have many activities Encounters (visits) Observations (lab tests) Procedures Supply Etc

9 Selection Order of “if” statements Complex condition rules
Execute synchronous or a synchronous

10 Experimental Design Arm and Epoch Add as decoration

11 Ia Ib S F Ib Ia Ia Ib S F Ib Ia Time Point Event Epoch Epoch Screen
Epoch Intervention Epoch Intervention Epoch Follow-Up Epoch Ia Ib S F Ib Ia Epoch Screen Epoch Intervention Epoch Follow-Up Ia Ib S F Ib Ia

12 Subject Assignment Parts of the workflow assign subjects
Assignment through randomization or observation

13 Ia 25 Ia 50 Ib 25 S 100 F 100 Ia 25 Ib 50 Ib 25 Time Point Event Epoch
Subject Assignment And Defines Arm Subject Assignment Time Point Event Epoch Screen Epoch Intervention Epoch Intervention Epoch Follow-Up Epoch Ia 25 Arm: S-A-A-F Ia 50 Ib 25 Arm: S-A-B-F S 100 F 100 Ia 25 Arm: S-B-A-F Ib 50 Subjects Ib 25 Arm: S-B-B-F

14 Experimental Units People Animals, virus, etc Products
Parts, specimens Groups


16 Units Assignment Could be site dependent

17 Study Participation A study is performed at sites

18 Research Subjects Subject are enrolled to sites

19 Study States Patient accruing status (registration event)
Data collection status

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