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Coevolution and coadaptation of Social systems and Ecosystems

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1 Coevolution and coadaptation of Social systems and Ecosystems
鄭先祐 (Ayo) 教授 國立臺南大學 (環境與生態學院) 生態科學與技術學系 (環境生態碩士班 + 生態旅遊碩士班)

2 Coevolution and coadaptation of Social systems and Ecosystems
基本學理與名詞 Coadaptation of people and mosquitoes From traditional to modern agriculture Human Ecology Ayo 2016

3 基本學理與名詞 Social system and Ecosystem : Structure and function (services) Self-organization : system + emerging properties 時間與空間的變動 (succession + biogeography) Coevolution (changing together) Coadaptation (fitting together) Human Ecology Ayo 2016

4 Population regulation by food supply
Human Ecology Ayo 2016

5 The sigmoid curve for population growth and regulation
Human Ecology Ayo 2016

6 Human use of renewable resources and return to the ecosystem as waste
Human Ecology Ayo 2016

7 Energy flow in ecosystems
Human Ecology Ayo 2016

8 Energy flow from one step of a food chain to another
Human Ecology Ayo 2016

9 Energy flow and materials cycle
Human Ecology Ayo 2016

10 Energy input-output of planet Earth
Human Ecology Ayo 2016

11 Ecosystem services as material cycling in the ecosystem
生產者 Human Ecology Ayo 2016

12 The relation between ecosystem services and intensity of use
Human Ecology Ayo 2016

13 Disappearance of an ecosystem service due to overexploitation
Human Ecology Ayo 2016

14 The complex system cycle
成長 平衡 重組 崩潰 Ecosystems and social systems change in two ways: Progressive change due to internal self-organizing assembly processes. (biological community assembly and cultural evolution) Sudden change from one stability domain to another because of external disturbance (to switch). Human Ecology Ayo 2016

15 coadaptation Human Ecology Ayo 2016

16 Coadaptation of people and mosquitoes (01)
Approximately 100 years ago, the French moved large numbers of people in colonial Vietnam from the lowlands to the mountains. They wanted more people in the mountains to cut forests,. Unfortunately, many lowland people died of malaria when they were forced to live in the mountains. This was surprising, because malaria had not been a serious problem in Vietnam. coadaptation Human Ecology Ayo 2016

17 Coadaptation of people and mosquitoes (02)
The species of mosquito that breed in the vast rice fields of the lowlands do not transmit malaria. Although the mountains have malaria-transmitting mosquito species, the disease was never a serious problem for the mountain people, who live there for many generations. Why did lowland people get malaria when mountain people did not? coadaptation Human Ecology Ayo 2016

18 Traditional house design of mountain and lowland in Vietnam
coadaptation Human Ecology Ayo 2016

19 From traditional to modern agriculture
Traditional agriculture Most people were small-scale subsistence farmers; most of the agricultural production was for home consumption. Most families had a variety of farm animals and cultivated many different crops. (polyculture) Human Ecology Ayo 2016

20 Modern agriculture Agriculture changed in Europe when the Industrial Revolution made it possible to use machines instead of human and animal labour for work. Farm sized increased dramatically because mechanized agriculture is more efficient on a larger scale (economy of scale). From polyculture to monoculture. Human Ecology Ayo 2016

21 慣行農業 市場經濟 Human Ecology Ayo 2016

22 Modern agricultural ecosystem
生態體系 社會體系 Human Ecology Ayo 2016

23 Ayo NUTN website:
問題與討論 Ayo NUTN website: Marten. G. G Human Ecology: Basic concepts for sustainable development. Earthscan pub. Ltd.

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