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San Elijo Middle School

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1 San Elijo Middle School
Back-to-School Night San Elijo Middle School

2 Karen Warner Twenty-seven years of experience in SMUSD
Started at Richland Elementary 20 years as co-chair of the history department, 13 here and 7 at Woodland Park Middle School School Geography Bee Coordinator for 13 years 2013 Teacher of the Year for SEMS

3 Married for almost 11 years to
Ray Warner former Stained Glass instructor at Palomar College Native Californian, Live in Encinitas Lived in Canada for 6 years Hobbies: surfing, glass work, woodworking, bee keeping, & fishing!

4 You can see me on Inside Sportfishing from Guadalupe Island too
I really love fishing! You can see me on Inside Sportfishing from Guadalupe Island too

5 Grade Categories Grades are weighted and follow: Homework 20%
Community Service 10% Academic Conversations 10% Quizzes 15% Tests & Projects 45% These are the percentages for all 6th grade history classes

6 Syllabus Highlights We will be studying ancient civilizations in 6th grade that will include: early human development, Mesopotamia-Egypt-Kush, India, China, Hebrews, Greece and Rome. Academic Conversations: students will be learning how to have meaningful and effective conversations that fosters critical thinking and content understanding. Quizzes are used to check for understanding of key concepts and vocabulary Projects & Tests are announced ahead of time. *Please check the web site for all assignments.

7 Community service History Department and the State of California’s framework encourages students to build their citizenship skills by getting involved in their community. Suggested activities might include the following: 6th Grade – on campus activities or involvement in the local area. Other activities are listed on the department’s web page such as: beach/community clean-up days, volunteering at a church, synagogue, mosque, or charitable organization, helping an elderly person, helping students at an elementary school, and other situations that are approved by the parents and the teacher. Attending a school board meeting, or a city council meeting, or participating in a political campaign is acceptable with parental supervision.

8 Community Service Time must be verified by parent/guardian signature on the green activity sheet in the BINDER . Graded activity = 10%. We encourage parents/guardians to submit suggestions to help build future responsible citizens. Community Service credit will not be given for babysitting, working at a family business, or anything where the students is paid or other forms of remuneration are given in kind. 3 hours should be completed by the end of each semester

9 Thank you for coming to “Back to School Night.”
My address is (It is the best way to reach me)

10 San Elijo Middle School
Back-to-School Night San Elijo Middle School

11 Karen Warner Twenty-seven years of experience in SMUSD
Started at Richland Elementary 20 years as co-chair of the history department, 13 here and 7 at Woodland Park Middle School School Geography Bee Coordinator for 13 years 2013 Teacher of the Year for SEMS

12 Married for almost 11 years to
Ray Warner former Stained Glass instructor at Palomar College Native Californian, Live in Encinitas Lived in Canada for 6 years Hobbies: surfing, glass work, woodworking, bee keeping, & fishing!

13 Expo Expo- a variety of subjects taught throughout the year. (Students who take band do not take Expo). -Sign up & log-in info is on my web page. Students must use the link code so that the at home practice appears in my class roster from Students should not look at their hands while typing to increase speed and fluency. Students are expected to practice for 20 minutes on non-expo days. 60 minutes per week please. Planner Checks: keep it simple: every class, every day. If the student has no homework, they must write down what they did in class.

14 We are very excited to introduce this exciting program that focuses on self-development, so that students can learn more deeply and optimally. Students learn how to cultivate a growth mindset. They learn that they can they can grow and develop their brains and their intelligence. Helpful study tips are built into the program

15 Thank you Thank you for coming to “Back to School Night.”
My address is (It is the best way to reach me)

16 We’ve got talent!

17 A-More Art fusing Before fusing After fusing

18 Grading We established the following “Standards of Excellence” procedures in accordance with DO guidance: LETTER GRADE Minus (-) Solid Plus (+) DO Policy A B C 70 – 72 D 60 – 62 F NA 0 – 59 59 and below NB: Numbers shown are percentages. We support a rounding-up process, i.e., 89.51% may be rounded up to 90%

19 Homework: Middle school students should expect homework to be assigned on a regular basis, averaging from one - two hours total for all subjects. History homework will generally be as follows: 6th Grade – assignments focus on projects, vocabulary needed for meaningful understanding and discussion of the text, requirement to study for quizzes and tests.

20 Our Web Site Everything you need, or at least lots of good stuff!

21 Physical Education Physical Education will take place two or three days a week alternating the third day with Expo or Band. It is important that athletic shoes be worn for PE for effectiveness and safety. Shorts or well fitting pants should be worn on PE days. No skirts please. Please follow all other rules of school dress as well. Grades are based upon attendance, proper attire, effort during all warm-ups and activities, skill tests and sportsmanship. The PE grade is broken down into 2 sections: *Participation 50% *Skill 50% * If your child needs to be excused from PE please send a note. If the length of time is greater than two PE days, please send a doctor’s note.

22 Late Work Policy Late work is not accepted. This is a school wide policy. Math students have a slight modification of this policy. Late work is not accepted at the high school. Our goal is to continue developing good work ethics and building student responsibility. Excused absences are covered by District policy of one extra day per day absent.

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