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How to write a dissertation

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Presentation on theme: "How to write a dissertation"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to write a dissertation
Thora Tenbrink with special thanks to Sabine Timpf (Zürich)

2 How to write a dissertation in six easy steps
Take 400 sheets of paper, 1 ruler, and some pencils MIX thoroughly Type manuscript Run the spell checker Bind Defend

3 What a dissertation is NOT
A guided implementation of your supervisor’s ideas Another person’s dissertation A software engineered solution for a government agency Something that can be bought A colourful collection of all really good ideas that you ever had

4 Eight ways how not to finish the dissertation
1. Not wanting it 2. Not understanding the nature of a dissertation 3. Underestimating what is required 4. Overestimating what is required 5. Having a supervisor who does not know what is required 6. Losing contact with your supervisor 7. Not having a thesis (position/argument) to maintain 8. Taking a job before completing 9. Having other priorities (generally – not exceptionally)

5 What is required? part 1 You need to make a contribution to the field of study: - Read before deciding on your own contribution - Be informed; don’t rely on others to inform you - but ask others when you think you’ve found the gap that you can fill! - Discussion and interaction is a crucial way of staying informed You have to do research: - based on the literature yet autonomously - don’t wait for your supervisor to show you each single step to take - but don’t hesitate to ask experts before re-inventing the wheel or before starting something really complex and time-consuming that you’ve thought of!

6 What is required? part 2 You have to be able to present and defend your work: - Practice! Any thematically related workshop is a good test-bed and catalyst - Publish! There’s nothing like deadlines – and you get feedback on your writing Plus some specific requirements... - Read your university’s specification! (Promotionsordnung) - Talk to your supervisor – and to others

7 What to do when? part 1 1. Get started – make a decision: You will make it! 2. Create a schedule Give yourself realistic deadlines! Allow more time for getting started with writing than for finishing final chapters Tell others about the deadlines! But don’t boast – stay realistic 3. Read! Get informed – broaden your knowledge make notes – attach keywords to everything you read put all your ideas down somewhere: Create a mess! but in a searchable format 4. Find the gap – your own contribution! an implementation? empirical work? a cognitive model? discuss your ideas with your supervisor & with others

8 What do do when? part 2 5. Find a general structure
start with the abstract and the table of contents start with the header of each section sort your mess: put each of your ideas in the section where it belongs – plus a scrap section 6. Start with your favourite section the one you know most about – need not be Chapter 1! the others might fall into place more easily afterwards you need to have a clear idea of what goes on in earlier chapters 7. Work on your own contribution parallel to writing the State of the Art stay open for new ideas while doing more reading for the SoA section make messy notes!

9 What to do when? part 3 8. Send the first readable draft of each section to others but don’t wait for comments before moving on! not only your supervisor but also peers can give valuable comments 9. Present any presentable results to an audience Find a support group at your institution Workshops, (joint) papers, colloquia 10. Focus! Narrow down your scope Don’t get distracted by so many interesting aspects Integrate whatever is really relevant – but stay aware of your own central idea

10 What to do when? part 4 11. Stick to the schedule
but adjust it in a suitable way according to your experience (plus constraints) Let the readers of your sections know in advance when to expect the next one! 12. Take some time off for finalization If you have a good reason, you will be allowed to postpone other work This also gives you a clear deadline 13. Finish ahead of time you’ll always need extra time for “miscellaneous” extra time can always be filled with writing journal papers out of your thesis

11 A possible structure 0. Abstract 1. Introduction 2. State of the Art
3. Method(s) 4. Your contribution, problem solution 5. Results 6. Critical discussion 7. Summary, conclusions and future work References, appendices

12 Psychological Aspects
Your enthusiasm will be exhausted after a while You will feel isolated You will feel bored with the topic or even hate it You will feel frustrated because you’ll have to stick to your topic You will have writer’s block You will feel as though you still know nothing of value You will be more interested and involved in your work the more you become independent of your supervisor => only remedy: communicate with peers, establish a support group

13 How to manage your supervisor
Supervisors expect their students to be independent to produce legible written work to be the driving force in sustaining the relationship hold their attention and consensus address their needs; educate them about your progress argue your case value their comments

14 What you should have at the end
a thesis of quality completed on time papers published and presented at international conferences paper published in an academic journal met other professionals in your field and argued your thesis a sense of worth and a feeling of stimulating experience

15 Conclusions You alone are the expert in your thesis and special topic - even your supervisor will not be able to follow in the details towards the end of your research Your supervisor will give you directions, keep you on track Don’t be afraid that someone else is doing your research (this is really unlikely to occur) Thus, discuss and share your ideas with peers, establish a support group Believe in yourself (essential in an academic community) - defend your ideas but stay open for suggestions


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