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Visibility Ramu Ramanathan 10/1/2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Visibility Ramu Ramanathan 10/1/2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Visibility Ramu Ramanathan 10/1/2007

2 Agenda Visibility Overview Status Issues
WECC ColumbiaGrid Issues Preliminary Thoughts Regarding Conclusions and Recommendations Next Steps 2

3 Visibility Overview

4 Model Area Model Area 4 Actual WECC System Future Model
WECC Planning Model SE Model Network equivalence WECC substations Not in WECC planning model Future Model Model Area 4

5 WSM Project 5

6 Stage 1 – Operational Network Model
RMRC (WAPA) PNSC (BPA) CMRC (PG&E) WECC Merged Operational Model Network Validation Power Flow Online Display 6

7 Stage 2 – SCADA & SE WECC WON 7 WECC Operational Network Model
State Estimator System WECC SCADA Model SCADA System WECC ICCP Model ICCP System WECC WON 7

8 Stage 3 – WECC Customization
State Estimator Customs Remedial Action Schemes PowerTech Applications TSAT – Transient Stability VSAT – Voltage Stability 8

9 System Model Objective
WSM is the heart for system reliability. It will be used for estimating the system states and evaluating the system reliability. WSM is also going to be used for operation and system planning studies. Model needs to be accurate as much as possible. Most of the variance currently present need to be cleaned up. Proper tools, methodology, process and resources need to be identified to maintain the quality and accuracy of the model. Results will be as good as the model 9

10 WSM Possible Users WSM Provides Common Network Model for
Reliability Entities (RE) Planning Entities (PEs) Reliability Coordinators (RCs) Balancing Authorities (BAs) Planning Authorities Transmission Operators Resource Planners Standards Developers 10

11 Status – WECC Schedule Phase 1 – 1st Qtr 2008 (est 4th Qtr 2008)
Stage 3 Stage 2 Stage 1 Stage 1 Q4 2006 Q1 2007 Q2 Q3 2008 Phase 1 – 1st Qtr 2008 (est 4th Qtr 2008) Phase 2 – est (????) Phase 3 – est (????) 11

12 Status – ColumbiaGrid Activities
Signed - Development and Staffing Reliability Functional Agreement Appointed Norm, Darrell, Ramu to support these activities 12

13 Overview of Agreement - Visibility Enhancements
CG will assist in Western Interconnection-wide and region-wide efforts to enhance the visibility for Reliability Coordinators Transmission Operators/Owners Assist WECC’s in the development, testing, implementation and maintenance of West-wide Model Similar tools Recommend to Reliability Parties regarding workable Visibility tools for their respective Transmission Systems and the Regional Interconnected System. Deliverables Establish presence in certain reliability forums Gain experience and knowledge Develop recommendations regarding future actions of parties, including potential roles for ColumbiaGrid Publish interim recommendation (Date ??/??/??) 13

14 Visibility Enhancements Issues…….
We need to identify approaches for following issues Currently there is a clear plan how WSM is going to be used by WECC but not by members. 3 different bus names (Need cross reference) West Wide Model Operation Planning Utilities need to come up with a method to synchronize their model with West Wide Model on the ongoing basis (Planning and operation) Need to merge the model below 100 KV and validate Additional tools are required to develop a planning model from the network model. Model differences in operation and planning (Multi section lines, transformers, DC lines……….) Currently data maintenance process between planning and operation has lot of gaps. Few members are performing operation studies. Others need to perform operation studies based on current operating conditions to optimize the system and meet system reliability. (Next hour, next day and week) Bus and node orient model issues Need to identify the software licenses provided by AREVA for CG members 14

15 Visibility Enhancements Issues……. (Cont.,)
Equipment Model Issues & variables Modeling methods are not consistence Generators (Hydro, Thermal, Water level, temperature…..) MW limits MVAR limits Transformers (Tap, impedance, model…) Line data Line connected shunts Multi section lines Shunts (Value, Base KV, no of shunts, location) DC Line modeling Load Sub transmission modeling & Equivalent model Data quality need to be validated 15

16 Preliminary Thoughts regarding Conclusions and Recommendations

17 Visibility Enhancements West-wide Model Initial Development
BPA CAISO Validate Merged WSM 100 KV and above Initial WSM WAPA 17

18 Visibility Enhancements West-wide Model Maintenance
Online Model New Model WECC Validate Every 2 weeks Update To Current Model 18

19 Visibility Enhancements West-wide Model - Planning
Dump Process CIM/GE/PTI WSM Add Lower KV model Validate Add Future Equipments Validate Planning Model 19

20 Next Steps Identify how GC members can use the WSM model – Identify gaps Identify the process to cleanup, test and maintain the WSM Establish presence in certain reliability forums GC Gain experience and knowledge Develop recommendations regarding future actions of parties, including potential roles for ColumbiaGrid Publish interim recommendation 20

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