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Annual General Meeting

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1 Annual General Meeting
May 2017

2 Agenda Ratification of the previous AGM
Receive Trustees Report & Strategic Priorities Update Receive 2015/16 Accounts Appointments of the Auditors Review and Approve list of affiliations Discussion and Debate on the 2016/17 Financial Year Discussion and Debate on the 2017/18 Financial Year Open questions to the Trustees by the members

3 Ratification of the previous AGM
It took place on 5th May 2016 We need to confirm it took place. VOTE

4 Receive Trustees Report & Strategic Priorities Update
What we’re doing well at: 71% of you think LSESU has improved student life at LSE 46% of you have a positive view of the union and 37% are proud to be part of LSESU 80% of you recognised Nona Buckley-Irvine as last year’s General Secretary 60% of you have been part of a club or society 80% of you think believe it's important to take part in the democratic process Respondents were happy with the inclusivity of the union, the space and facilities in SAW and the opportunities to be involved in sports and societies The majority of you think we’re student-led and student-focused

5 Receive Trustees Report & Strategic Priorities Update
What we need to improve You want us to provide more activity at a department level You want to have more influence over your course, department, the School and LSESU You said you wanted more pop and indie music played at Saucy You said you want to be more informed and involved with what the union does. This was further shown by only 30% of you consider yourselves ‘involved’ with the union, so we need to do more work ensuring people feel they are an active part of what we do. You said you wanted us to campaign more on exam re-sits and earlier time tables, which we have worked hard to achieve this year. You also said you want our work and services to be of better quality. This is something we have listened to and is reflected in our new five year strategy.

6 Receive Trustees Report & Strategic Priorities Update
Highlights this year: Exam Resits Black History Month TEF and NSS Sexual harassment Well-being and Exam stress Social Mobility BME Attainment Gap Tour

7 Receive Trustees Report & Strategic Priorities Update
We are in the first year of our strategic plan The new plan address all the changes that are happening at LSE: Four Themes – Together with students we will: Push the advancement of education, ensuring that it is accessible, holistic and reflective of the diversity of the community at LSE. Develop a supportive environment, which enables students to succeed. Be Union which listen and acts, ensuring that we are a positive agent for change in our School and communities Develop a strong sense of community, beyond the classroom which are filled with opportunities which are fun and enjoyable Our mission Working together and for with our members, we will make their time at LSE and empowering and enjoyable experience. Our vision Our vision is to create a community at LSE which is at the heart of student life. What are our values We are supportive We are ambitious We are member-led We are challenging

8 Receive 2015/16 Accounts VOTE
The Union has a mixture of restricted and unrestricted funds. Restricted funds can only be used for purpose they were given e.g. club and society memberships can only be used by those societies. Our Financial Accounts include all of these figures, and we need to approve what happened in 2015/16. The financial year to 31 July 2016 saw a surplus on unrestricted funds of £73k. This mainly resulted from having paid pension contributions (covering 3 years) in ‘14/15 totalling £197k. The lump sum nature of this payment has required the Union to build up its reserves in ‘15/16 and ‘16/17 through planned surpluses. The reason for the lump sum payment was to achieve an overall discount on these payments of £18k. The Union’s unrestricted reserves were £145k before a pension deficit of £1,075k , with an additional £383k held by the Union for restricted activities. There is a plan to build up unrestricted reserves towards a sustainable level (£200k, with additional amounts set aside to fund the future replacement of gym equipment). These Accounts have been approved by our Auditors, the Trustee Board and have been seen by the School’s Finance Committee. VOTE

9 Appointment of the Auditors
Currently Crowe Clarke Whitehill. Proposal to continue. CCW are a mid-tier firm but are charity specialists ranked #1 in Charity Finance Audit Survey for charity expertise and market share and =2 for overall service. VOTE

10 Review and Approve List of Organisation Affiliations
3 Cosas Abortion Rights Advice UK British Universities & Colleges Sport (BUCS) Defend the Right to Protest Campaign Equal Access Campaign Love Music Hate Racism Meat Free Mondays National Union of Students (NUS) Student Action for Refugees UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) Workers’ Rights Consortium People & Planet VOTE They come as a package, so the vote is either yes to all or no to all

11 Discussion and Debate on the 2015/16 Financial Year
Annual expenditure of £6.6m 26% of this is on staffing costs, 21% on rent & service charges (grant funded) £1.1m on student engagement £1.6m on clubs and societies £0.8m on student activities £0.3m on student support and welfare £0.4m contribution from commercial services, which was reinvested in student services.

12 Discussion and Debate on the 2017/18 Financial Year
We want to give you opportunity to shape budget discussions before they have begun: 1. Are there areas you think we should increase funding for? 2. Are there areas you think we should decrease funding for? 3. Are there areas you think we should stop?

13 Open questions to the Trustees by the members

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