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Changing The Subject of a Formula

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1 Changing The Subject of a Formula
Practice Test on Topic 17 Changing the Subject of a Formula Test on Topic 17 Changing The Subject of a Formula 1. Change the subject of the following formula to the desired variable. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) P D R A F m = 2L + 2W a – b a – 2b 2  rh 4x + c to W. to a. to b. to r to c. to x to y 2. (a) B = 2g2 change the subject of the formula to g 2. (b) V = c  2d 2 change the subject of the formula to d. 3. The Volume of a sphere of radius r and height h is given by the formula 4 3  r 2 h V = (a) If the radius is 3 inches and the height is 10 inches what is he volume of the sphere? (b) If the volume of the sphere is 32 in3 and its height is 100 in what is the radius of the cone? 4. The formula for converting a temperature in Fahrenheit F into Centigrade C is C = (a) If the temperature is 23oF what will it be in Centigrade? (b) If the temperature is 250C what will it be in Fahrenheit? Page | 1

2 Changing The Subject of a Formula Solutions
Practice Test on Topic 17 Changing the Subject of a Formula Changing The Subject of a Formula Solutions 1. Change the subject of the following formula to the desired variable. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) P D R A F m = 2L + 2W a – b a – 2b 2  rh 4x + c to W. to a. to b. to r to c. to x to y Solution (a): P = 2L + 2W P – 2L = = W = 2W W Subtract 2L to both sides Divide both sides by 2 Switch the order Solution (b): D = a – b D+b a = a D+b Add b to both sides Switch the order Solution (c): R = a – 2b R – a = – b Subtract a to both sides – R+a = b Multiply both sides by – 1 b = a – R Switch the order 2  rh Solution (d): A = C 2h A = A C 2h Divide both sides by 2πh Switch the order Solution (e): F = 4x + c F – 4x = c Subtract 4x to both sides c = F – 4x Switch the order Page | 2

3 y B V2 Solution (f): F = 4x + c F – c F  c 4 x m = 4x x F  c 4
Practice Test on Topic 17 Changing the Subject of a Formula Solution (f): F = 4x + c F – c F  c 4 x m = 4x x F  c 4 Subtract c to both sides Divide both sides by 4 Switch the order Solution (g): mx = y Multiply both sides by x y m = mx Switch the order Solution (h): mx = y Multiply both sides by x y m x = Divide both sides by m 2. (a) B = 2g2 change the subject of the formula to g B 2 g = g2 g B 2 2. (b) V = c  2d 2 change the subject of the formula to d. V2 V2 – c V 2  c 2 d = c + 2d2 2d2 d2 d V 2  c 2 Page | 3

4 Practice Test on Topic 17 Changing the Subject of a Formula
3. The Volume of a sphere of radius r and height h is given by the formula 4 3  r 2 h V = (a) If the radius is 3 inches and the height is 10 inches what is he volume of the sphere? (c) If the volume of the sphere is 32 in3 and its height is 100 in what is the radius of the cone? 4 3  r 2 h 4 3 Solution (a): V = = (3.14) (3) 2 (10) = 376.8 in3 The sphere would have a volume of in3 Solution (b): To solve his problem we change the subject of the formula to r and then we can use this new formula to solve the given problem. 4 3  r 2 h V = 4 r 2 h 3V = Multiply both sides by 3 3V 4h = r2 r Divide both sides by Take the square root of both sides Switch the order 3V 4h r We can now solve the problem 3V 4h 3(32) 4(3.14)(100) 96 1256 r = = = = inches So the radius of the sphere will be inches Page | 4

5 + 32 C = (c) If the temperature is 23oF what will it be in Centigrade?
Practice Test on Topic 17 Changing the Subject of a Formula 4. The formula for converting a temperature in Fahrenheit F into Centigrade C is C = (c) If the temperature is 23oF what will it be in Centigrade? (d) If the temperature is 250C what will it be in Fahrenheit? Solution (a): C = C = – 5o The temperature will be – 5o Centigrade. Solution (b): To solve his problem we change the subject of the formula to F and then we can use this new formula to solve the given problem. C = 9C = 5(F – 32) Multiply both sides by 9 C = F – 32 Divide both sides by 5 = F Add 32 to both sides F = + 32 Switch the order We can now solve the problem F = + 32 The temperature will be 77o Fahrenheit. Page | 5

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