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Noncommunicable Diseases Surveillance in Egypt

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1 Noncommunicable Diseases Surveillance in Egypt
Dr. Rasha Darwish Medical Epidemiologist Ministry of Health, Egypt 2nd International Seminar on the Public Health Aspects of Noncommunicable Diseases Hotel Aulac, Lausanne, Switzerland 10 – 18 August 2010

2 Outline Background Introduction Current situation of NCDs in Egypt
Methodology and Results Suggested Strategies of NCDs in Egypt Opportunities Challenges Conclusion

3 Background Egypt is located in the northeast corner of the African continent, has population about 80 million, total area approximately one million square kilometers, divided into29 governorates, has 450 governmental hospitals, and 5000 PHC units

4 Introduction NCDs are already of major importance in developed countries and are rapidly becoming a major public health threat in the developing world There is emerging evidence that diabetes mellitus, obesity, hypertension and hyperlipidemia contribute to national morbidity & mortality in Egypt as it represents about 26% of all deaths related to chronic diseases

5 Current situation of NCDs surveillance in Egypt
MOH has moved towards implementing NCDs risk factors surveillance system STEP wise approach to surveillance of NCDs risk factors was conducted in 2005, dealing with prevalence of chronic diseases such as; diabetes mellitus, hypertension and hyperlipidemia and their behavioral risk factors as; smoking habits, eating fruits and vegetables, oil consumption, physical activities, obesity and drinking alcohol.

6 Methodology of STEP wise survey 2005 , Egypt
The community based survey, included 10,000 participants representing the Egyptian population of the age group ≥ 15 : ≤ 65 years selected proportionate to gender according to the last Egyptian census All participants answered a verbal questionnaire after tacking consent Physical measurements (weight, height, waist circumference) were taken Measurement of blood pressure Blood samples were taken from 40% of the sample selected randomly for measuring fasting blood glucose, fasting cholesterol level, triglyceride (TG), and high density lipoprotein (HDL) using Refletron lab machine

7 Prevalence of diabetes mellitus in Egypt as a result of STEP wise survey 2005
The prevalence was 15.8 % with higher elevation in females than in males Cut off point was plasma venous value ≥ 126 mg/dl ( ≥ 7.0 mmol/L)

8 Prevalence of mild hypertension in Egypt as a result of STEP wise survey 2005
The prevalence of mild hypertension ( SBP ≥ 140 and / or DBP ≥ 90 mmhg ) was 26.7 % with irrelevant differences between males and females

9 Prevalence of sever hypertension in Egypt as a result of STEP wise survey 2005
The prevalence of sever hypertension ( SBP ≥ 170 and / or DBP ≥ 100 mmhg ) was 6.9 % with irrelevant differences between males and females

10 Prevalence of high serum cholesterol level in Egypt as a result of STEP wise survey 2005
The prevalence of high serum cholesterol ( ≥ 5.2 mmol/L or ≥ 200 mg/dl ) was 19.4 % being higher in females ( 23.1 %) than males ( 15.7 % )

11 Prevalence of overweight and obesity in Egypt as a result of STEP wise survey 2005
Overweight was higher in males (38.2 %) while obesity was more in female (39%) * Overweight / BMI = 25.0 – 29.9 * Obesity / BMI = 30 +

12 Prevalence of behavioral risk factors
Smoking: among males was % while in females 0.7 Drink alcohol: among males 3.8 % while in females 0.5 Who ate healthy food: 21.1 % with equal distribution between males and females

13 Suggested strategies of NCDs in Egypt
Build up organization structure for NCDs in MOH : General Directorate National Committee Focal point in each governorate Building capacity /Training Expanded survey for NCDs Standard national guidelines for NCDs prevention and control

14 Suggested strategies of NCDs in Egypt, con’t
Raising awareness: medical staff, public and campaigns Implementation of NCDs activities Monitoring and evaluation for NCDs parameters Surveillance Epidemiological researches for NCDs

15 Opportunities Ministerial commitment Transparency

16 Challenges Financial issue Integration and coordination
Need for international experts

17 Conclusion NCDs is a new era and priority in Egypt, which need integration and teamwork.

18 Thank you

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