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Prof. Omar Al-Jarrah President of JUST

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1 Prof. Omar Al-Jarrah President of JUST
Jordan University of Science and Technology Prof. Omar Al-Jarrah President of JUST Irbid 22110, Jordan  Tel. : (0) Fax : (0)

2 جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا الأردنية
جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا الأردنية Jordan University of Science and Technology

3 Prof. Omar Al-Jarrah President of JUST
2.       R&E infrastructures in Jordan: * JUNet (Jordanian Universities Network) was very active and being the leading NREN in the Arab region: -   Hosted the Regional Operation center for Grid services in the Arab & African regions. -   The first Arab Certificate Authority to provide digital certificates to research and education users. -   Member of the EUMEDGRID computing network -   Ported some applications on the grid network. -   Connected to EUMEDCONNECT projects 1&2 -   Key institution to create and establish ASREN -   In addition to provide services to the universities including license consolidation, internet services, video conferencing, capacity building and more. * Currently: -   JUNet is not connected to any R&E network except the Internet which is not the right connection to be provided to the R&E communities. -   JUNet is only limited to the Public Universities -   Services are limited to volume licensing and Internet consolidation -   Not active in global NREN communities Prof. Omar Al-Jarrah President of JUST Irbid 22110, Jordan  Tel. : (0) Fax : (0)

4 Prof. Omar Al-Jarrah President of JUST
3.       What JUNet should do?   * Connect with Global R&E networks and can make use of the EUMEDCONNECT3 co-funding   * Connect SESAME, King Hussein Cancer Center, Private Universities to its network so that they can access computing and applications services provided by ASREN and other networks: -   SESAME is a key regional research facility and should be accessed from other networks in the region. SESAME can also bring more funded projects. -   King Hussein Cancer center is a key player in the upcoming global project on biotechnology and health and should be connected too. *   Implement eduroam services in the universities: otherwise, Jordanian users cannot use roaming services when they are on travel *   Establish national based education and research services: -   cloud infrastructure, -   national science gateway, and -   community portal based services *   Establish national federation of identity infrastructure: without this, Jordanian users will not get access to most of the services around the world in the very near future. Prof. Omar Al-Jarrah President of JUST Irbid 22110, Jordan  Tel. : (0) Fax : (0)

5 Prof. Omar Al-Jarrah President of JUST
What is expected from the Jordanian Universities Network (JUNet)? Considered as the official National Research and Education Network (NREN) of Jordan, JUNet should work on developing a platform that consists of network and a set of services to strengthen the collaboration and joint research and education activities and to enable sharing resources and exchange of knowledge, experience and best practice between the universities, research centers, hospitals, libraries etc. JUNet should do the dissemination and necessary promotional activities to the research and education communities in order to create awareness on the new trends of conducting global research and education using the advanced e-Infrastructures and technologies and to help them to collaborate with researchers at the global levels. Prof. Omar Al-Jarrah President of JUST Irbid 22110, Jordan  Tel. : (0) Fax : (0)

6 Prof. Omar Al-Jarrah President of JUST
Actions and activities that JUNet can do to achieve these objectives: 1. Complete building the national network and connect private universities, national research centers like Royal Scientific Society, King Hussein Cancer Center, KADDB, SESAME, Public libraries… 2. Connect JUNet to the global research and education networks to enable research and education collaboration, sharing resources and access to data repositories at the global level 3. To conduct national workshops and users meetings to showcase the importance of collaboration and to demonstrate success stories in joint research that depends on e-Infrastructures. This will be an excellent to announce and present new features, services and achievements. International presence is also important 4. To conduct capacity building for the technical staff in the universities on how to use and maintain services provided by JUNet. Another track for capacity building is to help researchers and academics on using these functionalities .and services Prof. Omar Al-Jarrah President of JUST Irbid 22110, Jordan  Tel. : (0) Fax : (0)

7 Prof. Omar Al-Jarrah President of JUST
5. Support the users mobility by: a. Implementing eduroam services in all universities to allow access for researchers from everywhere. b. Implement the national identity federation infrastructure to allow researchers and academics to access services by joining the trusted federation network. c. To provide and implement video dialing services to enable groups collaborations and discussions across the networks. 6. Join the regional Grid Computing Infrastructures to enable using this huge grid computing environment and to establish national certificate authority to allow users to get digital certificates to access these infrastructure services 7. To join and cooperate with regional and global NRENs to share resources and exchange knowledge and best practices. This also important to lobby for funded cooperation projects. Using services and access to data and content of other NRENs is also another highly possible advantage. 8. Establish national based education and research services: a. cloud infrastructure, b. national science gateway, and c. community portal based services Prof. Omar Al-Jarrah President of JUST Irbid 22110, Jordan  Tel. : (0) Fax : (0)

8 Prof. Omar Al-Jarrah President of JUST
9. As a neutral and non for profit, JUNet can play the role of the national Internet eXchange Point (IXP) 10. Extend the services of common software licenses to other software products 11. Promote and enable cooperation on establishing Open Source Support and Implementation Center especially those of common needs. Prof. Omar Al-Jarrah President of JUST Irbid 22110, Jordan  Tel. : (0) Fax : (0)

9 Prof. Omar Al-Jarrah President of JUST
JORDAN UNIVERSITY NETWORK JuNet is the official National Research and Education Network in Jordan. It links the public universities with high-speed connectivity via a 1 Gbps backbone using its own optical dark fiber, with a Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) at the core of its network for Flexibility, Scalability, Security and Management. It provides network services and the Internet and facilitates communications, collaboration, experimentation, and learning to all public universities. JuNET is meant to provide students, faculty members, and researchers to use a highspeed network to increase productivity and foster a culture of innovation. The network is currently used for Internet with 1.7 Gb capacity, which is mainly congested and does not provide a dedicated access to scientific, research, and educational resources and facilities. Prof. Omar Al-Jarrah President of JUST Irbid 22110, Jordan  Tel. : (0) Fax : (0)

10 Prof. Omar Al-Jarrah President of JUST
A. Organizational and governance structure As a legal and independent organization, JuNET is officially registered at Ministry of Trade and Industry in Jordan. It is owned by Public Universities as shareholders and their presidents represent JuNET General Assembly (GA). The GA elects the Board of Directors (BoD), formed by 3 university presidents for duration of 3 years. The BoD decides on a Chair and a Vice Chair and appoints the Executive Director. JUNet has a technical advisory committee comprised from the ICT Directors of the public Universities. 4 For an NREN to operate properly and to fulfill its mission, a governance structure should be in place. This structure should cover the main elements of the functions performed by NRENs which include 1) Finance 2) Operations 3) Technology 4) Services and 5) Outreach, Visibility, and Communications. More elements may be considered according to the specifics of each NREN. Prof. Omar Al-Jarrah President of JUST Irbid 22110, Jordan  Tel. : (0) Fax : (0)

11 Prof. Omar Al-Jarrah President of JUST
B. Connection policy towards public and private institutions JUNet was founded and created by the Public Universities as instructed by the Ministerial Cabinet in The GA and BoD have decided that the membership is limited only to Public Universities and that only public universities are eligible for getting services from JUNet. At that time, the services included connectivity to Internet and GEANT access, licenses, access to EUMEDGRID, digital certificate services, capacity building, and video conferencing. Today, JuNET services are limited to Internet access and Microsoft licensing. Later in 2012, JuNET BoD decided to provide services to Private Universities including access to Internet and Microsoft Licensing. The offerings of JUNet were not attractive for the private universities in terms of cost and services; especially that JUNet does not offer access to global research and education networks nor access to research and education resources and services. Prof. Omar Al-Jarrah President of JUST Irbid 22110, Jordan  Tel. : (0) Fax : (0)

12 Prof. Omar Al-Jarrah President of JUST
C. JuNet funding sources and role of ministry The initial investment for establishing the network including cables, equipment, design, leasing optical fiber, training and commissioning was made by the Ministry of ICT in 2003 under the social and economic reform program. The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research implemented a video conferencing system including a state of the art video conferencing room in each university and upgraded some network equipment for some universities. The Ministry paid the annual subscription for the connectivity of JUNet to the EUMEDCONNECT Project for 18 months. The payment was made under the Higher Education Development Project with the World Bank. JUNet charges the Universities with annual member subscription fees as well as connectivity and licensing service costs, a total of which represent a sustainable source of funding. Prof. Omar Al-Jarrah President of JUST Irbid 22110, Jordan  Tel. : (0) Fax : (0)

13 Prof. Omar Al-Jarrah President of JUST
D. JuNet international connection and relations with ASREN JUNet was the leading NREN in the Arab Region with a wide range of services. JUNet was among the Arab Mediterranean NRENs connected to the GEANT network under the EUMEDCONENCT project. JUNet was an active member in the EUMEDGRID and EUMEDGRID-Support Projects Together with TAGConsult GmbH and the Moroccan NREN (MARWAN), JUNet established and founded the Arab States Research and Education Network (ASREN). Currently, JUNet is not connected directly to any regional or global Research and Education Network, which adds more limitation to the developments of research in Jordan. It is very crucial that JUNet relinks to the regional and global RENs. ASREN offers high quality link to connect JUNet to the regional and global RENs through its main PoP in London at prices lower than what JUNet pays to the Internet access. More opportunities are now open through the EUMEDCONENCT3 Program so that JUNet can benefit from EC co-financing up to60% . Prof. Omar Al-Jarrah President of JUST Irbid 22110, Jordan  Tel. : (0) Fax : (0)

14 Prof. Omar Al-Jarrah President of JUST
E. Options for co-financing international R&E connectivity in the future Being connected to the global R&E networks under the EUMEDCONENCT Program, JUNet participated in other EC funded projects like the EUMEDGRID, LinSCEEM and EPIKH. JUNet depended on government cofunding for the R&E international connectivity until JUNet has been disconnected since 2010 due to lack of funding. In contrast, the international links of Arab Mediterranean NRENs in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt and Palestine, have been mainly funded by the government, namely the Ministries of ICT and Higher Education. International connectivity to the global REN is considered a national high priority and asset. Prof. Omar Al-Jarrah President of JUST Irbid 22110, Jordan  Tel. : (0) Fax : (0)

15 Prof. Omar Al-Jarrah President of JUST
F. Participating in EUMEDCONNECT3 and longer term EC support Linking JuNET to research and education networks is seen critical at this stage to provide young researchers with a vast accessibility options to scientific resources and facilities available at the research and education networks elsewhere. Prof. Omar Al-Jarrah President of JUST Irbid 22110, Jordan  Tel. : (0) Fax : (0)

16 Jordan University of Science and Technology
Prof. Omar Al-Jarrah President of JUST Irbid 22110, Jordan  Tel. : (0) Fax : (0)

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