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Presentation on theme: "Aviation safety NEED FOR AVIATION SAFETY"— Presentation transcript:

Aviation safety can be defined as prevention of flight failures by regulating , educating and adequate training in the light of investigation and categorization of the previously occurred air accidents. It aims at decreasing the fatality rate due to air accidents and counter the threatening of aviation system due terrorism or violence acts. NEED FOR AVIATION SAFETY Dramatic increase in number of aircrafts over the past decades and the trend continues. In the next 20 years, we are expecting to have increase of aircrafts to counter the future needs. Safety prospective and study from the past experiences necessary for implementation of the technologies and the feasible procedures available.

2 Latent threats to aviation safety
Latent threats can be defined as the factors which being a part od system can be that can pose a risk to complete system or organization. Poor planning or management Lack of adequate technology Flaws in inspections Lack of resources Lack of proper communication Flawed procedures

3 Factors Affecting Air Safety:
Man Environment Machines

4 Common issues caused by man

5 Other Factors that causes the safety Issues:
Foreign object debris Misleading information and lack of information Lightening Fire Bird strike Ground damage Volcanic ash Runway safety terrorism deliberate crew action military action and runway safety.

6 Global aviation safety plan

7 How Global G.A.S.P Works..?? It sets out the worldwide air route security goals including particular points of reference and needs to be tended to by State and provincial avionics wellbeing organizers. Gives a commonplace arranging structure to help States and districts to make upgrades in wellbeing using the four Safety Performance Enablers :collaboration, resources and safety information exchange. Traces execution techniques and best practice direction material to help States

8 Accidents data The three categories had 60 per cent of the accidents in the world. Secondly, runway safety was the main issue as it comprised of 50 per cent of accidents On the other hand in middle east the same was accounted for per cent

9 Runway safety recommendations
Airplane terminals execute RSTs and security administration frameworks (SMS), and make utilization of the Runway Security I-Kit including the Runway Safety Team Handbook Airplane terminals may ask for ICAO runway security go-group visits, which are deliberate multi-disciplinary help visits to airplane terminals, performed by ad-hoc gatherings of specialists, and the main focus was to provide guidance to make runway safety better

10 Initiates by Canadian government
The Aviation Safety Improvement Initiatives are aviation safety partnership between Regulators, manufacturers, operators and professional unions, research organizations, international organizations to further enhance safety. The major Safety initiatives worldwide are: Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST) in the US, International Helicopter Safety Team (IHST), European Strategic Safety Initiative (ESSI) in Europe.

11 Aviation Safety Improvement Initiatives By CANADA:
Aeronautics Act Canadian Aviation Regulations Canada Gazette Canada Transportation Act Access to Information Act Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act Carriage by Air Act Civil Air Navigation Services Commercialization Act Radio communication Act Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada Act Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act

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