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1 Bob Carty, LCSW, CADC, CCJP
What Is Leadership? Bob Carty, LCSW, CADC, CCJP

2 Leadership Many available definitions
Today, we focus on leadership as a set of qualities, skills and values that influence others into action In addictions counseling, we tend to think of leaders as those who manage large-scale, treatment organizations; but keep in mind that leaders may be counselors, supervisors, trainers, etc.

3 Leadership Qualities Some traits are commonly seen in effective leaders, such as: Integrity Empathy Compassion Vision

4 Leadership Skills Essential skills include: Communication
Problem-solving Consensus-building Time management

5 Leadership Values These are essential priorities that a leader holds dear to provide a positive direction Honesty Inclusion of others Self-awareness Justice

6 Leadership Styles in Management
Often, two types of styles are highlighted – authoritarian and laissez-faire; however these are different ends on a continuum, measuring the issue of control Considering the wide variety of combinations that can occur in one’s qualities, skills, and values, many other styles are possible, such as Coach Program designer/implementer Servant leader

7 More about Servant Leadership
Roots in ancient religious teachings, emphasizing the importance of leaders serving others 1970: Robert Greenleaf developed it as an organizational leadership approach, highlighting Honesty Humility Heart-felt listening Inclusion of others

8 Counselors as Leaders Signs of leadership in counselors
Committed to lifelong learning Mentors other counselors Plans for one’s personal and professional development Offers constructive feedback on service delivery Advocates for clients and our profession Serves as a positive role model

9 Recommended Resources
Quint Studer (2009). Straight A Leadership. John Maxwell (1993). Developing the Leader Within You. For more on servant leadership, visit

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