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The EEG features and their evolution change with age

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1 The EEG features and their evolution change with age
The EEG features and their evolution change with age. In early or middle infancy when infantile spasms begin, the EEG shows very high-amplitude (more than 400 mV) slow waves mixed with sharp theta waves. In late infancy, the EEG shows extreme spindles and a tendency toward bilaterally synchronous discharges of high-amplitude sharp and slow waves. The very high voltage of hypsarrhythmic patterns and the very low frequency of sharp-wave discharges seem to be typical in the most severe cases of lissencephaly or agyria.21 Source: Generalized Nonepileptiform Activity, Atlas of Pediatric EEG Citation: Laoprasert P. Atlas of Pediatric EEG; 2011 Available at: Accessed: October 04, 2017 Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved

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