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School of Social and Health Sciences

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1 School of Social and Health Sciences
Andrea Cameron

2 Context More students enrolling for PG study:-
to enhance employability for differentiation within a dense graduate market to increase access to, or advance, professional careers (Hoffman & Julie, 2012; Masterman & Shuyska, 2012) to increase earning power and social mobility (BIS, 2015; Hoffman & Julie, 2012). Many will enrol (some part-time) following a period of employment Six months after graduation 76.6% of graduates in work, 11.6% in further study. Three years on, 87.9% of graduates in work, 6% in further study (HESA, 2015).

3 Objectives track Abertay sport degree graduates from a 15 year historic period, collect data beyond first destination employment and gain an insight into the career trajectories of Abertay Sport degree graduates explore graduates’ preparedness for the workplace and use this data to inform curriculum development utilise demographic data to contextualise the career destination findings.

4 Results 923 graduates 452 valid e-mail addresses
135 survey respondents Departmental records for 360.

5 Results

6 Results

7 Results 37% of those for whom there was student record data had a PG qualification (14% of UK sport graduates have a PG qualification (HESA, 2015)) Significantly higher proportions of the Abertay sport graduates completed postgraduate qualifications (χ2 =54.2, p<0.01). HEFCE (2016) report that 18.6% of all graduates progress to teaching, however, substantively more (27%) of the Abertay sport graduates had made this career choice.

8 Results Trends: - Those who were more distant from the point of graduation and who had stayed in sports jobs were more likely to be moving into management. However, less evidence of those in teaching moving into promoted posts within the sampled timeframe. Recent graduates more likely to pursue PG studies (though not always immediately on completion of UG degree). Destinations:- School teaching (n=70); PhD (n=11); MSc (n=52) MSc – n=18 (Health-related (n=7, Physiotherapy); n= 7 Sports Management; n= 7 Performance Coaching

9 Results – Learning Gain
FE enrolments significantly less likely to have a PG qualification (27% for those from FE versus 41%, χ2 = 6.35, p<0.05). (N.B. FE enrolments significantly more likely to exit with an unclassified degree (χ2 = 84.7, p<0.01)). No significant differences in enrolling for PG study for ‘first in family’ (42% for those with parents with prior experience of HE versus 29%, χ2 = 1.27, p>0.05). Those from SIMD20/40 homes were as likely to complete postgraduate study as other graduates (35% versus 38% for other SIMD categories, χ2 = 0.75, p>0.05).

10 Results

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