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This project is built by a few students from the romanian “Dimitrie Cantemir” Highscool from Iasi, Iasi county and we intend to express ourselves on our.

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Presentation on theme: "This project is built by a few students from the romanian “Dimitrie Cantemir” Highscool from Iasi, Iasi county and we intend to express ourselves on our."— Presentation transcript:

1 This project is built by a few students from the romanian “Dimitrie Cantemir” Highscool from Iasi, Iasi county and we intend to express ourselves on our point of view of the daily pollution in our surroundings.

2 First of all, we know very well that our project may not be reffering to litter or soil garbage in general but it should catch your attention.

3 Living in a modern 21st century, everyone got their daily movement , either they’re going to work or to the university. You may get there by the tram, bus, trolley or subway

4 Well, in our hometown we’re facing real difficulties in encouraging the ecological urban public transport. Both citizens and leaders and deputies from the city hall are supporting the transit with the personal cars, wich are hundreds per hour and pollute a lot and, of course, one person in a single car is the best antonym for “efficiency”.

5 Going back in time, in the early year of 2006, the Iasi’s City Hall decided to disband the whole trolleybuses and their electrical supply system.Since the 80’s the trolleybuses were in service for the Iasi’s citizens, town considered to be the 2nd city in Romania for it’s population, after the capital.

6 (2005 Photo Source: Tiberiu Sufitchi)

7 They may not were looking very good because of the time but the electric system used to have 30 kms and it served almost the entire city.But mostly, the trolleybuses are running exclusively with electric energy from the overhead wires.

8 Photo source: “Prietenii tramvaiului” association

9 The volume of passengers for such a trolleybus is around 50 without feeling suffocated, but these 50 persons preffer to go each with his personal car. Efficiency, huh?

10 In case you haven’t known, there are plenty methods for producing electricity, electricity that is an unlimited resource comparing to petrol and gases that indeed do pollute. Some of the ways for producing ecological electricty are bellow:

11 Water Energy is captured from the movement of the water, either from dams that produce electric energy by the falling of the water, producing significant amount of hydroelectric energy.

12 (Vidraru Dam - Personal Picture)

13 Wind  The windmill produces electric energy by the blowing of the wind, isn’t this cool?

14 Solar Panels And many many others…

15 Back to our town and what disappoints me the most is that we threw these environment-friendly buses and dismantled the electricity wires system for bringing 50 MAZ 103 diesel buses with terrible CO2 emissions.I guess that this is an abuse for the environment and the citizens of this city and also proves that the local authorities have no sense here.

16 Another similar abuse and ignorance to modern means of conveyance happened in the mid 2015, 9 years later, to the best tram segment in the whole city.

17 While all the european cities love the electric tram and focus on it to make it better, the same city hall’s authorities dissolved this portion of tramline, and I’ll give you some reasons why it was the best tramline.

18 (May 2015 – Personal photo)

19 This segment had been along the Bahlui River and it measured about 1,5 kms.Distance that a tram used to travel trough in less than 3 minutes and a bus in 8-10 minutes. It was one of the few tramlines that didn’t meet the auto traffic and it was literally green and very efficient, connecting the west part to the east part of the city really fast.

20 It was all literally green
It was all literally green.These Eco-Friendly trams were also replaced with silly old buses in august 2015.

21 Actual condition of te tramline
Personal Photo – February 2016

22 They also intend to make a new boulevard, boulevard full of polluting cars and the road signs are already mounted for it… Personal photo - February 2016

23 On a different note, in almost 10 years we made an involution in the public transit, supporting the old dirty second-hand buses like these: Photo source: Valentin Balan

24 Thank for your for your time
Thank for your for your time. Keep being friendly to the environment and stay electric and ecologic in your surroundings!

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