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CPR/First Aid Kylie Huddleston, Savana Sexton, Blake Jablonski, Cody Stattner, Matthew Reynolds.

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Presentation on theme: "CPR/First Aid Kylie Huddleston, Savana Sexton, Blake Jablonski, Cody Stattner, Matthew Reynolds."— Presentation transcript:

1 CPR/First Aid Kylie Huddleston, Savana Sexton, Blake Jablonski, Cody Stattner, Matthew Reynolds

2 Assessing the Scene You may have to give CPR in a dangerous place, so make sure the scene is safe. DANGER: move only if they are in danger or you need to move to provide first aid. HELP: who can help you phone for help WHO: who is injured, how many are injured WHERE: where are you, be able to tell dispatch where you are

3 Chain of Survival Call 911 Early CPR Rapid AED Effective Advance Care
Coordinated Care Afterward

4 Finding the Problems Verbalize that the scene is safe.
Verbalize putting on gloves. Check for response-tap and shout. Tell someone to phone 911 and to get and AED. Check for no breathing or only gasping. Look for obvious signs of injury. Verbalize checking for medical jewelry.

5 Removing Gloves Remove gloves by gripping one glove on the outside near the cuff and peel it off, inside out. Cup the inside out glove with gloved hand. Use 2 fingers of the bare hand near the cuff to peel the 2nd glove off, with 1st glove inside. Verbalize the need to dispose of gloves properly.

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