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Architecture & Construction Manufacturing Transportation Peggy Torrens, KSDE

2 Currently Available Pathways
Architecture & Construction (2 Pathways) Transition Completed Manufacturing (2 Pathways) Transition by March 15, 2011 Transportation (1 Pathway) Transition by March 15, 2012

3 Collaboration Required
Only ONE application per pathway – per school Several VE2 Programs now fall into one Pathway (Carpentry, HVAC, Cabinetmaking) (Mechanical Drafting, Welding, Machine Tool) (Auto Repair, Small Engines, Auto Body) Be sure all instructors are involved in the pathway design and application process Look for courses that cross-over to other pathways/clusters

4 Course Sequence Selection
Look at your current courses Look at courses offered in each pathway Select the Pathway(s) that most closely matches what you currently offer OR what you want to offer based on local needs Select the courses you want to offer from the approved courses for the Pathway Sequence must include one Introductory, one Technical, and one Application level course Pathway must have a minimum of 3 credits at the high school level This is your opportunity to take a close look at what you currently teach and determine its relevancy to today’s job market. Talk to your Advisory Committee members to understand the local, regional, state and global job opportunities. Look at the job outlook charts on the KSDE website. Look at ALL the pathways available – you may fit into more than one pathway. Encourage you not to offer course just because the teacher is comfortable and doesn’t feel competent in teaching particular competencies. That is when we offer the help you need with professional development.

5 Course Specifics Examine the Core Competencies provided for each course Do you need to add extra competencies? Some courses are available in multiple pathways and clusters Check for required courses and/or those that have pre-requisites

6 Other Requirements Advisory Committee Articulation Agreement
Program of Study Mapped Courses Teacher Licensure/Certification Advisory Committee – 3 B&I members who make their living doing these occupations. Can also include a post-secondary rep and a current student. These people are the ONLY voting members. Articulation Agreement – may have more than one for your pathway. If you offer both Construction and Custom Cabinetmaking it may require 2 agreements. Must submit a minimum of one with your application. Program of Study – Blank form is found in the Articulation Agreement handbook. Mapped Courses – Both your current AND new courses need to be mapped. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to make sure you provide your district with the list of new courses so they can be mapped.

7 Assessments Required by the Carl D. Perkins IV Legislation
Must be Valid and reliable 3rd party, industry-recognized, if available End-of-cluster/pathway Must cover the content taught Will use results for State reporting Assessment(s) used are a local decision

8 Pathway Maintenance Completed annually using the Automated System
Add/Deletes (courses and Pathways) Changes to Advisory Committee Membership Dates & Discussion Items From Meetings Updated Articulation Agreements Change of Lead Instructor Changes to Program of Study Selection/Changes of Third-Party Assessments

9 Web Resources Career Cluster Guidance Handbook: Pathway Double-Up Policy: Advisory Committee handbook:

10 More Information??? Consult documents on KSDE website
Sign up for Trade & Industry Instructor Listserv Contact Peggy Torrens – KSDE Phone:


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