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Repeat Course Policy Committee Members:

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1 Repeat Course Policy Committee Members:
Sheila Jones, Valerie Butterfield, Ann Isackson, Robin VanRooyen, Ashley Campanali, Katie Daniels, Katie Hughes

2 Highlighted Table Top Feedback
What is a failing grade? What happens if a student withdraws? Course formats that are an exception to this should be mentioned within the policy. Departments should determine course formats that may be repeated multiple times for credit. Mixed feedback on limiting repeat attempts for students. Mixed feedback on including financial aid as part of the policy statement. Additional benchmarking requested.

3 Policy Benchmarking Reviewed policies and catalogs of 27 Michigan community colleges. Reviewed policies and catalogs of 6 of GRCC’s transfer partners: Grand Valley State University Ferris State University Western Michigan University Michigan State University Davenport Central Michigan University

4 Policy Benchmarking Does the school have a policy that addresses repeat coursework? Recent or Best attempt for GPA calculation? Does the institution have a cap on the number of times a student may attempt a course? Does the institution allow for an exception to the repeat cap? Are federal financial aid regulations mentioned within the policy? Do all attempts of the repeated course remain on the academic transcript? How is the repeat course designated? Community College Benchmarking 23* 16 use the best attempt. 10 allow up to 3 repeats. 12 schools allow a student to appeal the limit. 15 schools do not specify financial aid regulations within the policy 14 policies state the repeated course remains on the transcript. 4 policies mentioned repeat designation (R) Four year transfer partners 6 5 out of 6 use the most recent attempt. 3 out of 6 allow up to 3 attempts of a course 4 out of 6 allow a student to appeal the limit. 4 schools do not mention or specify financial aid regulations. Yes (all 6) NA *Of the 23 community colleges benchmarked, 3 of these include their repeat course policy within their grading policy. The majority of policies benchmarked were found within the school’s academic catalog.

5 3 or more repeats Out of 883 courses offered in the academic year, 188 of those courses had students enrolled that attempted the course 3 or more times. Math 107, EN 101, and PS 110 were the courses found to have the highest frequency of repeats.

6 Committee Recommendation
There is a need for GRCC to have a policy that addresses how repeating a course affects a student’s academic record and identifies a limit on how many times a student may repeat a course without academic or advising permission to support student success. However, due to the tie in that a repeat coursework policy statement has to the grading scale the committee feels that this statement belongs under the existing grading policy. Our committee will further examine this option and develop a proposal of policy language to be considered as an addition to the grading policy.

7 Feedback If you have any additional feedback on this proposal please Valerie Butterfield by Friday, February 24th.

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